Chapter 99 Cocoon

Author: Xiao Yifeng

Translator: PapaSmurf0700

"Three Swords Style · Tiger Hunting!!!" and "Black Leg Style - Shoulder Meat Shoot!!!" echoed through the air. As Smoker and Hina launched their attack, these two counterattacks emerged from behind Ace. Turning around, Ace saw two figures joining the fray. One wielded three swords, and the other had distinctive curly eyebrows. Ace immediately recognized them as Zoro and Sanji, friends of Luffy. He was puzzled by their sudden appearance, especially noting that their injuries seemed even more severe than Luffy's.

Before Ace could ponder further, Zoro and Sanji charged past him towards Smoker. Zoro, with his Tiger Hunting technique, unleashed a thunderous slash towards Hina. CLANG! Hina managed to defend herself with her devil fruit powers, barely blocking Zoro's attack, but the force still sent her reeling backward. Meanwhile, Sanji's right leg, coated in Armament Haki, struck Smoker's arm, which had transformed into smoke. The hit caused Smoker real pain, forcing him to retract the smoke. Recognizing his attackers, Smoker grimly muttered, "Black Leg Sanji. Pirate Hunter Zoro."

Smoker's face darkened with concern. He hadn't anticipated that Zoro and Sanji would have mastered Armament Haki. He even considered that, after resolving the current situation, he too would need to train in Armament Haki.

Zoro and Sanji, their clothes tattered and bodies scarred, prepared for another move. Zoro, tying his bandana, his eyes icy and determined, began, "You are absolutely not allowed..."

Sanji, lighting a cigarette and raising his flame-engulfed right leg, finished Zoro's sentence: " attack my comrades!!!" Their voices were not loud, but they carried an intensity that made even Smoker and Ace feel a sudden chill.

It was as if Zoro and Sanji, standing there wounded and defiant, were fueled by a deep-seated rage, their determination burning like a fierce flame. Their presence and resolve added a palpable tension to the already charged atmosphere.

A short while earlier, after Luffy had successfully broken through the swamp, Zoro and Sanji also attempted to do the same. Sanji had even instructed Nami to sail away as soon as they reached the port. They were aware that Bai Ye was prepared to sacrifice himself, a notion completely unacceptable to them. When Luffy charged out, they felt compelled to follow suit, refusing to be left behind.

However, when Zoro and Sanji emerged from the swamp, what greeted them was the sound of Luffy's heart-wrenching cries. In Luffy's arms was Bai Ye, who appeared to have lost all signs of life. This sight was more than enough to fuel their anger.

Without hesitation, Zoro and Sanji leaped into action, charging towards Smoker and Hina. In the ensuing battle, Sanji unleashed his Armament Haki, and even activated his Diable Jambe technique. The combination of these abilities proved to be a formidable challenge for Smoker. His ten-hand attacks repeatedly failed against Sanji, leaving Smoker frustrated and at a disadvantage.

The confrontation between Hina and Zoro presented a different dynamic. Although Zoro was adept with Armament Haki, Hina's Bind-Bind Fruit powers posed a significant challenge. She had the ability to create numerous black bars at will, effectively thwarting Zoro's attacks. Despite her defensive position, Zoro found it difficult to inflict any damage on her.

Realizing a change in strategy was needed, Zoro tightened his bandana once more and declared, "Right here, get ready for a second round." With renewed determination, Zoro brandished his swords, ready to engage in the battle with the intent to overcome any obstacle and emerge victorious.

On the sidelines of the intense battle, Ace observed the confrontation between the four but chose not to get involved. He was preoccupied with a more pressing issue. His attention was drawn to Luffy, who remained on his knees, silently clutching Bai Ye. The tears on Luffy's face flowed continuously, yet no sound emerged from his open mouth. Such silent weeping was heartbreakingly poignant.

Ace, though empathetic, couldn't bear to see Luffy consumed by his sorrow. "That's not okay!" he declared. In a swift motion, Ace grabbed Luffy by the collar and delivered a punch to his left cheek. BONK!! The force of the punch, met by Luffy's rubber-like properties, caused Luffy's head to bounce back. But Luffy continued to cry in silence, seemingly oblivious to Ace's attempt to rouse him.

Determined to break through to his brother, Ace roared and punched Luffy again, this time on the right cheek. "Are you kidding me! Look clearly, I am your brother, Ace, Luffy!!" he shouted.

At the mention of his name, Luffy finally showed a reaction. "Ace?" he uttered, a glimmer of recognition flickering in his eyes. As he looked up, seeing the familiar smile and freckles on the face before him, Luffy's pupils widened in surprise and realization. When he fully recognized Ace, whose face now bore an expression of deep concern, Luffy's tears started to flow anew, a mix of sorrow and relief washing over him.

In a sudden burst of emotion, Luffy leaped forward and tightly embraced Ace's head. "Ace!!" he cried out. In that moment, Luffy wasn't the notorious pirate with a 60 million bounty, nor was he the aspiring Pirate King. He was simply a person grieving the loss of a dear friend, the younger brother of the man he was holding onto.

Luffy's voice broke as he repeated, "Bai Ye... Bai Ye... Bai Ye is dead!" His tears streamed down his face, soaking Ace's head. Meanwhile, Ace, finally breaking free from Luffy's tight grasp, didn't seem bothered by the tears at all. Instead, he looked at Luffy with a sense of relief. "I'm really scared to death by you, Luffy," he said.

Luffy, trying to control his sobs but still clinging to Ace, shared his grief. "Bai... Bai Ye, he died to save me!!" Ace's expression turned somber as well, but he quickly composed himself and spoke to Luffy with seriousness, "This is the ocean, Luffy! When you choose freedom, when you choose to become a pirate, you are destined to face such things."

There was a deep earnestness in Ace's voice, yet his expression seemed to indicate that he was also speaking to himself. "We are pirates, absolute bad guys! If you really want to become the Pirate King, you have to be ready for things like this!" He then firmly pulled Luffy off his neck, held his shoulders, and looked him in the eyes. "Be stronger, Luffy! Be strong enough to protect your friends!! Never let Bai Ye's sacrifice be in vain!!" Ace's words were both an encouragement and a challenge, urging Luffy to rise above his grief and grow stronger from it.

In a moment of sudden realization, Ace pointed towards where Bai Ye had been lying, but what followed was a gasp of shock. "What!!" Ace exclaimed, staring at the ground in disbelief. Instead of Bai Ye's body, there lay a large white cocoon.

Luffy, equally startled, echoed Ace's surprise with a terrified "What!!" He hastily picked up the cocoon, inspecting it with growing anxiety. Confused and frantic, Luffy threw the cocoon aside, desperately searching the area. "Where's Bai Ye? How could he disappear??? He was right here a second ago!!" Luffy's voice trembled with worry and confusion.

Ace, observing Luffy's actions, couldn't help but interject with a mix of frustration and concern, "It's obviously the big cocoon just now! You idiot!!" Accompanying his words was a 'love tap' from the older brother – a firm SMACK on Luffy's head.

Ace then approached the cocoon and placed a hand on it. He sensed a faint, yet still present, breath of life inside and turned to Luffy with a relieved smile. "Obviously, Bai Ye is not dead," he announced.

Attracted by the commotion, Zoro and Sanji, who were engaged in battle, turned around in surprise and joined them. They looked at the large cocoon with astonishment. "Is this Bai Ye?" they asked, equally puzzled by the unexpected turn of events.