Chapter 109 Royal Tomb

Author: Xiao Yifeng

Translator: PapaSmurf0700

Shortly after departing from the restaurant, Luffy encountered Vivi, who was riding her trusty companion Karoo. "Hey Luffy!" Vivi called out to him.

Luffy, taken aback by their sudden appearance, exclaimed in surprise, "Vivi! Karoo!"

Vivi wasted no time, urging Luffy, "Luffy, come up, I know where Crocodile is now!"

Luffy, realizing the urgency of the situation, responded with enthusiasm, "Oh!! Then I'm counting on you, Vivi!!"


In Alabasta's royal tomb lies a Poneglyph, a large, enigmatic stone tablet inscribed with ancient script that reveals historical secrets. These Poneglyphs are found scattered across the world's islands. The one in Alabasta holds the location of the ancient weapon Pluton, a piece of knowledge that Crocodile had discovered just a few days ago. He had planned to visit the tomb after fully launching Operation Utopia, but Vivi and the Straw Hats' interference halted his final plan before it could even begin.

Yet, for Crocodile, the setbacks were inconsequential. Disregarding everything that had happened before, he made his way to the royal tomb. "Nico Robin, you know there's no use in stalling," Crocodile stated, standing in the underground tomb. He smoked his cigar, his expression calm like still water, betraying no emotion. But beneath this calmness, Robin could sense the intense anger brewing within him.

"Don't make me completely impatient, Nico Robin," he warned. Nearby, Mr. 2 lay on the ground, his condition uncertain, having been drained by Crocodile and looking utterly depleted.

Robin, however, was not afraid, even in the face of death. She knew the danger of revealing the truth about Pluton to Crocodile and that her life was likely to end once she had served her purpose.

Since the age of eight, when she lost her hometown and relatives, Robin had lived a life marked by loss and survival. Saul, her friend who had protected her with his life, had left her with words of encouragement: "Robin, remember, in this sea, there is absolutely no one who will be alone forever! Go to sea, Robin. Perhaps now you are alone, but on the wide open sea, one day you will meet companions who are willing to protect you!" These were the words Saul imparted to Robin in his final moments, a message of hope that stayed with her.

As Robin reflected on her life's journey, she whispered to herself, "I'm sorry, Saul. I seem to be disappointing you, I... haven't found companions yet." In that moment, two images flashed through her mind: one was a person wearing a straw hat, and the other, someone donned in a long Daoist robe. However, she quickly dismissed these thoughts and redirected her focus to the historical text in front of her.

For Robin, a scholar at heart, deciphering ancient texts was a deep source of satisfaction. Sadly, she realized this might be her last opportunity to engage in such work. After years of living in hiding, she had grown weary of the constant fear and evasion.

Aware of Crocodile's ominous presence behind her, Robin steeled herself to make a difficult decision. She began to read aloud, "In the 239th year of the calendar, PapaSmurf conquered Alabasta... In 260, Son Goku ruled the Fourth Dynasty... In 306, Bulma built the Mythical Cathedral... 325 years..."

Crocodile, growing increasingly impatient, interrupted her sharply, "Enough! Nico Robin, as I said, don't challenge my patience." His voice, tinged with anger, echoed through the tomb. He clenched his right hand, adorned with four rings, as if holding back his fury. "I don't care about the history of this country, I just want to know the location of the ancient weapon Pluton hidden in this country! It will be enough to translate this for me!"

But before he could finish, Robin faced him calmly and said, "No record about this. In the historical text, only the history of this country is recorded. There is no mention of Pluton here." Her words were firm and resolute, defying Crocodile's demands and expectations. Despite the danger she faced, Robin's composure remained unshaken.

Upon hearing Robin's response, Crocodile was momentarily speechless. He stared intently at Robin, searching her eyes for any hint of deception, but she met his gaze unflinchingly, showing no sign of fear. Suddenly, Crocodile erupted into laughter. "Hehe...hehe...hahahaha!" His laughter echoed, filled with irony and disbelief.

For years, Crocodile had waited for the secret of Pluton, forsaking the improvement of his own strength for this singular goal. Yet, here he was, faced with an answer that rendered his efforts seemingly futile. For a brief moment, Crocodile felt as if he had been playing the fool.

After a pause, he spoke again, his voice low and deliberate, "Is that so? That's a pity." In an instant, Crocodile transformed into quicksand, swiftly moving towards Robin. Her pupils contracted in alarm as he closed in on her.

With a sudden movement, Crocodile's hands tightened around Robin's neck. "Unfortunately, I'm going to kill you now, Nico Robin," he declared, his grip growing stronger. "Remember our agreement? I will bring you to the Poneglyph, and you will tell me the location of Pluton." Robin struggled against his grasp, gasping for air.

In a critical moment, Robin swiftly pulled out a transparent test tube and attempted to smash it on Crocodile's head. She had filled the test tube with water well in advance, knowing that water was Crocodile's Achilles' heel. It could solidify his sand-based body, making him vulnerable to physical attacks.

However, as she moved to strike, her expression turned to one of shock. The test tube, poised to hit Crocodile, was suddenly caught by an arm of quicksand that had extended from behind him. With a crushing grip, the test tube was shattered, its contents spilling uselessly onto the ground.

Crocodile's laughter, both suppressed and menacing, filled the air. "Ha ha ha ha ha ha! What did I do to make you misunderstand me so much?" His calm tone belied the ferocity in his expression, a mix of rage and a sense of being insulted.

Suddenly, Robin was flung into the air by Crocodile's force, landing hard on the Poneglyph. "Just relying on that little bit of water, do you think you can kill me?! Who do you think I am!!" Crocodile exclaimed. A massive arm of quicksand formed and gripped Robin tightly.

As Crocodile loomed over the struggling Robin, he declared, "I'm Sir Crocodile!!" His face twisted into an increasingly frightening visage. "Now, die for me!! Nico Robin!" The quicksand tightened its grip, and Robin felt the air being squeezed from her lungs.

As Robin was caught in the vice-like grip of Crocodile's quicksand, a thought crossed her mind, 'Am I going to die?' This somber reflection was followed by a tinge of regret for not having the chance to delve deeper into more ancient texts, her lifelong passion.

Suddenly, a loud noise erupted from above, breaking the tense atmosphere in the ancient tomb. A massive hole appeared in the ceiling, letting a stream of bright sunlight pour in. Robin, whose consciousness was fading, managed to look up and saw a figure silhouetted against the light. It was a person wearing a straw hat, casting a shadow over the scene.

With a solid thump, Luffy made a dramatic entrance, landing firmly near Robin and Crocodile. He was holding onto his straw hat with one hand, while the air around him seemed to ripple with the force of his arrival.

Luffy's gaze fell upon Robin and Crocodile, and a slight smile formed at the corners of his mouth. In a calm yet determined voice, he announced, "Finally, I found you!".