Chapter 115 Follow-up 2

Author: Xiao Yifeng

Translator: PapaSmurf0700

Usopp's encounter with his adversary was particularly noteworthy. He faced Miss Merry Christmas, a user of the Mole-Mole Fruit, capable of transforming into a mole. Her primary strategy involved burrowing underground and launching surprise attacks, making it a challenging fight for Usopp.

Initially, Usopp's battle resembled a game of whack-a-mole. Despite his efforts, he struggled to inflict significant damage and even sustained injuries from her unexpected underground strikes.

However, the way Usopp ultimately overcame his foe was quite ingenious, something Bai Ye found quite admirable. Usopp realized that the key to victory was a more robust offense. Abandoning his initial sniping strategy, Usopp decided to unleash the full power of his Desert Eagle, targeting one of her underground holes.

He began by using a water element bullet to flush Miss Merry Christmas out of hiding. Following that, a well-aimed thunder element bullet swiftly brought her down. While Usopp's tactical approach was impressive, Bai Ye felt a tinge of disappointment. He had hoped this battle would trigger Usopp's awakening of Haki, but it seemed either the opponent was too weak, or the Desert Eagle Bai Ye gifted him was overly potent.

Reflecting on this, Bai Ye contemplated intensifying Usopp's training. Usopp, armed with his two guns, was indeed formidable. Yet, Bai Ye eagerly anticipated the emergence of Sogeking, Usopp's alter ego.

Nami's battle experience in Alabasta was notably less complicated compared to Usopp's. Her opponent, despite being a devil fruit user, lacked any significant long-range attack capabilities. This made the fight somewhat unchallenging for Nami, who, as a skilled weather mage, easily overcame her adversary with her superior elemental control.

Interestingly, Nami displayed an increased sensitivity to the elements present in the atmosphere. This newfound sensitivity hinted at the possible awakening of her Observation Haki, or a similar ability. Her adept use of the thunder element through her weather stick during their casino encounter was a clear demonstration of this evolving skill. Bai Ye, intrigued by these developments, eagerly anticipated how far Nami's abilities would progress.

In contrast to the others, Chopper didn't engage in battle as he was tasked with caring for the cocoon. Nevertheless, each member of the Straw Hats, including Bai Ye, gained from their experiences in Alabasta. Surviving the heart demon calamity, for instance, not only advanced Bai Ye's mental cultivation but also eased future cultivation bottlenecks. He estimated that in his current state, he could confront Stainless without resorting to desperate measures like drug-induced power-ups.

Reflecting on his last encounter with Stainless, Bai Ye felt a twinge of regret over his lack of precision, which resulted in Stainless's survival. However, he recognized the silver lining: a lack of fatalities meant the Navy wouldn't escalate the situation. In an era dominated by pirates, news of new pirates seriously injuring a Vice-Admiral could have significant global repercussions.

For the time being, Bai Ye planned for the Straw Hats to rest in Alabasta, considering it the safest option. Their recent actions, especially Bai Ye's confrontation with Stainless, were sure to draw attention from high-ranking naval officials. An encounter with one of the Navy's three Admirals at this juncture would be less than ideal.

With the Alabasta royal family's support, the Straw Hats had the perfect cover. Bai Ye even orchestrated a ruse to spread the word that the Straw Hats had left Alabasta, buying them more time. He contemplated reaching out to Ripper, a Navy captain who had previously cooperated with the Straw Hats, for insights into the Navy Headquarters' stance on their recent activities.

Unbeknownst to Bai Ye, Ripper was at that very moment making his way to the Admiral's office.


As Ripper gently knocked on the door, he stepped into the room where Fleet Admiral Sengoku was present. Standing respectfully in front of the high-ranking official, Ripper held a sense of urgency in his posture. He addressed Sengoku with a serious tone. "Marshal," he began, "I believe it's crucial for you to review this report. It concerns both Crocodile and the Straw Hat Pirates."


On the deck of The Red Force ship, Lucky Roux, munching on a gigantic chicken leg, held up a brand-new newspaper. His voice boomed across the ship, aimed at a man with red hair, "Hey! Captain, looks like Luffy's crew's stirring up a storm in the news again." This mention of Luffy piqued the interest of several crew members, who quickly gathered around to hear more. The red-haired captain reached for the newspaper, and as he scanned the front page, a bold headline captured everyone's attention: "Warlord of the Sea's Throne Usurpation Foiled! East Blue's Rookie Pirates Show Him Who's Boss!"


In Dressrosa, within an opulent room, a man with flamboyant style sat with a relaxed demeanor. His blond hair framed his face, adorned with thin, curved sunglasses sporting purple lenses. His attire was as flashy as his personality: a pink feather coat, stylish cropped pants, and pointed shoes. This man, known as Doflamingo, lounged on the main seat, his legs crossed, as he perused the newspaper with a mocking smile.

"Heh, Crocodile, trying to usurp a throne? How ambitious," he mused, his voice dripping with sarcasm. Doflamingo's chuckle, a distinct "Fufufu," filled the room. "I had thoughts of partnering with you, Crocodile. Such a shame it all went downhill," he continued, his laugh growing in intensity.

His attention then shifted to another image in the newspaper, showing a young boy wearing a straw hat, his laughter almost palpable. "Monkey D Luffy?" Doflamingo whispered. "Quite the remarkable endeavor, fufufu! The seas are getting more intriguing by the day!"

As he pondered the implications, Doflamingo's laughter grew louder, his amusement evident. "This is bound to cause some headaches among the old geezers, fufufu!" His laughter echoed, a mix of delight and a touch of madness. Doflamingo's anticipation was palpable; he relished the thought of the chaos unfolding and the role he might play in further stirring the turbulent waters of the world. "The stage is set for an even more thrilling game, fufufu!"


In the grandiose Mary Geoise, perched atop the Red Line, sits the epitome of power and prestige in the current world. This sacred place houses the Five Elders, the World Government's most powerful figures, and is also home to the world's nobility, though Bai Ye regards it with less reverence, likening it to a sty with pigs.

Within a hall, embodying the essence of supreme authority, five individuals are engaged in a serious discussion. One of them, an elderly man clad in a black suit, his white hair curled and a fluffy beard adorning his face, sports a flat cap and a noticeable scar on his left cheek. He breaks the silence with a question, "Is Cobra exerting pressure on the World Government?"

Another elder, dressed in a dark blue suit, with long, straight white hair and a distinguished three-strand beard, responds affirmatively, "Indeed, Cobra has been unusually assertive this time, but it's not an overwhelming issue for us. The Nefertari family, one of the original twenty royal families, has ruled Alabasta effectively for generations. They aren't significant enough to warrant our direct intervention."

He continues, contemplating the broader implications: 'Furthermore, the demands Cobra has presented are not especially burdensome for us to consider".