Chapter 138 Pirates of the new era

Translator: PapaSmurf0700

As the Bellamy Pirates swaggered into the tavern, their presence dominated the atmosphere. "Hey, hey, really, there is no place to sit!" one complained loudly, surveying the crowded space. Another chimed in with a sneer, "This store is really dirty and smelly," while a third pirate disparaged the establishment's offerings, "Besides, they only have the cheapest booze."

Without warning, their irritation turned violent. Bang, Bang! They slashed at two unsuspecting customers, toppling them to clear space, and then boldly claimed their seats. Sarquiss, stepping over one of the fallen men, flashed an arrogant smile and issued a chilling warning: "If you don't want to die, just give up your seat." In an instant, the less brave patrons scrambled out of the tavern, leaving only a few curious onlookers who stayed to see what Bellamy would do next.

At the bar, Bellamy's female crewmate observed him with an amused expression and remarked, "Bellamy is just too curious." Sarquiss nodded in agreement, "Exactly, Bellamy wants to see if that kid has the qualifications to become a pirate of the new era."

Meanwhile, the beleaguered bar owner, resigned to the pirates' antics, placed two cups in front of Luffy and Bellamy. Powerless to stop their behavior, he simply went with the flow. Bellamy, indifferent to the disruption his crew caused, raised his glass towards Luffy and proposed a toast, "Let's drink."

Luffy, ever enthusiastic and oblivious to the tension, accepted cheerfully, "Oh! Thanks!" He lifted his drink with a grin, "It turns out that you are quite a nice person." Then, with his typical gusto, he gulped down the drink.

Suddenly, Bellamy, with a manic grin stretching across his face, instantly opened his palm and lunged at Luffy, aiming to slam his head onto the bar with brute force. Sarquiss, watching the scene unfold, couldn't help but chuckle at his captain's rash actions, "As expected of Bellamy, there must be something wrong with his brain!"

The tavern shook with the impact as Bellamy's hand crashed down, but, to the shock of everyone present, he hit nothing but the hard wood of the bar. Luffy was not where Bellamy had expected him to be.

The patrons of the tavern gasped, their eyes wide with disbelief. Sarquiss's smirk faded into a look of utter astonishment. In that critical moment, when Bellamy was about to make contact, Luffy had vanished—only to reappear a short distance away, completely unharmed, drink still firmly in hand.

"It was almost wasted," Luffy commented coolly, looking down at his drink, appreciative that not a single drop had spilled. He casually took another gulp, the sound of the liquid filling the tense silence that had enveloped the room.

Setting his cup down on the table with a satisfied sigh, Luffy remarked cheerily, "Mmm! This drink was really delicious!" His tone then shifted as he tipped his straw hat back slightly, fixing a steady gaze on a flustered Bellamy. "Since you've made your move, you should be ready for what comes next."

His simple declaration sent a chill through the other customers, their anxiety palpable as the atmosphere grew thick with anticipation.

Bellamy, his pride wounded and his face a mix of surprise and humiliation, retorted, "Little devil, you are very good. Then next..." He stripped off his coat, revealing his muscular build, a predatory grin forming as he licked his lips, "Let's keep testing you, stupid brat."

"Test?" Luffy echoed, his tone still calm, unfazed by the challenge.

"That's right, it's a test!" Bellamy confirmed, his eyes locked on Luffy.

As Luffy demonstrated his quick reflexes, Bellamy couldn't help but see him in a new light, intrigued enough to pitch him an idea that resonated with his own beliefs about the new age of piracy. With a grin, Bellamy began to express his disdain for the old pirate ways, "Those guys from the old days, shouting all day about going to sea for freedom and dreams."

Pausing to emphasize his disgust, he sneered, "In the face of the illusory One Piece, it is really... It's disgusting!!" His contempt was palpable as he delivered these words with scorn.

In a show of brute strength, Bellamy kicked what remained of the already damaged bar into further disarray. He strode over to the wine cabinet, seizing the most expensive bottle he could find. Uncorking it with a swift motion, he took several greedy swigs, then callously wiped his mouth before hurling the bottle to the floor, where it shattered into countless pieces.

Bellamy's demeanor was that of a zealot as he addressed Luffy, the young pirate who stood before him, "Listen, Straw Hat Boy!! The era when pirates dreamed of treasure hunting has ended!!" He scorned the legendary tales that motivated so many, "The land of gold, the capital of emeralds, great secret treasure, One Piece. Only fools believe in such stories."

He grabbed another bottle of fine wine, but this time he didn't drink. Instead, he held it aloft as a prop to emphasize his point, "Pirates turn a blind eye to the wealth that they can grasp right now, spending their whole lives chasing unproven legends." With a dramatic smash, he destroyed the second bottle, letting the valuable liquid spill out as he continued, "Those strong guys have absolute strength and could dominate the sea but are played to death by such legends. And they are still happy chasing those clouds. It's simply the biggest irony for a lost dog, hahahaha!"

As Bellamy spoke, his face twisted with disdain and mockery. He then extended his right hand towards Luffy, proposing, "So, do you want to join us? Straw Hat Boy! Do you want to become a pirate of the new era?!" His voice carried a mix of challenge and invitation, waiting to see if Luffy would be swayed by his vision of "real" piracy stripped of dreams and ideals.

Luffy stood silently, his face a mask of quiet disgust as Bellamy's words echoed around him. He felt no urge to respond with violence despite the provocation. Zoro, ever watchful, leaned slightly towards Luffy and asked quietly, "Do you want to fight, Luffy?"

Nami, standing just behind, wore a look of displeasure. Bellamy's rant had effectively insulted their entire crew. She spoke up, cutting through the tension, "We don't have time to waste here, Luffy. We need to find clues about Sky Island."

Taking in the counsel of his friends, Luffy adjusted his straw hat, casting a shadow over his eyes, and decided, "Well, right now it isn't time to fight. Let's go, friends." Turning on their heels, Luffy and his crew made to leave the tavern.

However, their departure was met with raucous laughter. It erupted loudly, filling the tavern. Both the Bellamy Pirates and the other patrons, who had been silent a moment before, now howled with laughter. Some were laughing so hard they toppled off their chairs, others wiped tears from their eyes, amused beyond measure.

"Did you hear that? These guys want to go to Sky Island!!" one pirate gasped between laughs.

"That's right, hahahaha, please forgive me, I haven't heard such a funny joke for a long time," another added, nearly choking on his mirth.

Surrounded by mocking laughter, Nami's frustration peaked. She thrust her wrist forward, showing off the Log Pose that was clearly directing them upwards. "What's so ridiculous? The Log Pose is clearly pointing to the sky!" she snapped.

But her defense only served to fuel the laughter further, making it louder and more mocking.