Chapter 150 Angel on Beautiful Beach

Translator: PapaSmurf0700

When Bai Ye first discovered "One Piece," two landscapes left a profound impression on him: the enchanting Fish-Man Island, submerged 10,000 meters beneath the sea, and Angel Island, soaring 10,000 meters above the sea. Now, he was standing before a vista of ethereal white beauty. Nearby, a scenery that mirrored a sunlit beach unfolded, while in the distance, houses shrouded in clouds and mist seemed to float. A path appeared to lead straight into the sky, captivating even Bai Ye with its allure.

Robin approached him, her voice carrying a note of surprise, "It's a beautiful view, isn't it?" Her words hinted at deeper thoughts, "I didn't expect such a reaction from you. I thought you knew 'everything'?"

Bai Ye responded with a gentle smile, "I know many things, but I'm not all-knowing." He then turned to her, suggesting, "Let's leave the ship for a while and explore Angel Island. A change of scenery might be good for you, especially since you spend so much time reading."

With that, Bai Ye leaped from the Golden Merry, eager to immerse himself in the new environment. Robin watched his departing figure thoughtfully, murmuring to herself, "How much do you really know, Bai Ye?"

Meanwhile, Chopper, already exploring below, called up to her excitedly, "Hey, Robin! Come down, it's really beautiful here!"

Snapped out of her contemplation by Chopper's voice, Robin nodded and replied, "Okay, I'm coming right now." No matter the mysteries surrounding Bai Ye, she felt certain of one thing—their bond as true friends within the Straw Hat crew.


On Angel Island's soft, cloud-like beach, Luffy was running wild, his excitement echoing loudly. "Wow haha! This place is awesome! I smell adventure everywhere!!" Behind him, Nami, now dressed in a light bikini, walked barefoot on the fluffy surface, stretching luxuriously. "The navy can't chase us here; what a perfect chance to relax," she mused, wondering about the last time she had sunbathed on a beach.

Despite the enchanting environment, Sanji was still fixated on Nami, admiring her from afar. "Wow! Nami-san's figure is truly breathtaking!" he exclaimed, momentarily distracted from the exotic fish ingredients he had just discovered.

Unbothered by Sanji's gaze, Nami hastened towards a nearby pavilion that caught her eye. Intrigued by the two chairs that seemed crafted from clouds, she exclaimed, "These beach chairs are made of clouds?" Curiosity piqued, she quickly tested one, sinking into its softness with a satisfied sigh, "Ah~ This is surprisingly comfortable."

Robin, holding Chopper, joined her and tried the other chair. She noticed something different, though. "This feels different from the clouds we stepped on earlier, more like delicate fabric," she observed, her voice thoughtful. "Could there be a technology here that processes clouds?"

While Nami and Robin relaxed in their cloud-made chairs, Luffy was engaged in a battle of his own with an enormous fruit that resembled a coconut. It was so large that he had to wrap both arms around it to hold it. Unsure of what it was exactly, Luffy decided that the best way to solve this mystery was by taking a big bite.

With great enthusiasm, Luffy stuffed half of the fruit into his mouth and bit down hard. There was a loud crack, and he quickly pulled the fruit away from his mouth, his eyes wide with shock. A moment later, tears welled up as he discovered that the fruit had broken one of his front teeth. "What is this?!" he exclaimed, holding the fruit out incredulously.

Looking for a solution, Luffy turned to Sanji and asked, "Sanji, can you open this fruit?" Sanji, observing the situation, suggested, "If you can't bite through it, maybe try something sharper like a knife or sword. Ask Mosshead to cut it for you."

Zoro, overhearing the conversation, retorted sharply, "Idiot cook, my swords aren't for cutting food."

Luffy, disappointed by Zoro's refusal, playfully rebuked, "How stingy, Zoro, Three-Sword Style!" Usopp, standing nearby, was momentarily confused before realizing Luffy's misinterpretation. "Three-sword style is not a curse word, Luffy," Usopp corrected him.

Unfazed, Luffy tried again, this time increasing the ante: "Four Swords!!" Usopp looked bewildered, his face marked with question marks, while Zoro's frustration grew. A dark line appeared on Zoro's forehead as he threatened, "Bastard, believe it or not, I'll hack you to death!"

At that moment, Bai Ye suggested, "Since this fruit is from Sky Island, why not ask the locals about it?" He pointed towards a nearby cloud-covered hillside where a figure could be seen.

Everyone turned to look in the direction Bai Ye indicated, and at that moment, melodious music began to drift towards them from the figure. Nami remarked, "It seems to be a girl."

Robin observed and added, "She has wings; she must be a resident of this island."

Just then, Sanji couldn't contain his excitement and exclaimed loudly, "Wow ah ah ah!!" Known for his keen interest in beautiful women, he continued, "What a beautiful angel this is!"

As they all watched, the figure turned to face them. She was a stunning blonde dressed in a miniskirt, with a small animal perched on her shoulder. Her ethereal appearance was enhanced by the pair of wings on her back and the harp-like instrument she held, giving her an almost celestial presence.

Captivated by her appearance, Sanji was visibly overwhelmed with admiration. At that moment, the girl noticed Luffy and the others, and her gaze met theirs.

As the blonde approached the group, she greeted them with a cheerful "Heso!" The Straw Hats looked puzzled, with question marks practically floating above their heads. "Huh?" they collectively wondered.

Usopp, always quick to comment, whispered, "I'm sure the people of Sky Island speak a different language!" Merry, perched on his shoulder, rolled her eyes at his remark. Tugging at Usopp's hair, she reminded him, "We've met Sky Islanders before, Usopp. Why would you think they speak differently?"

Bai Ye stepped in to clarify, nodding towards the blonde and explaining to the crew, "It seems 'Heso' is just how people here say hello, like a welcome." The woman's smile widened as she confirmed, "Yes, that's how we greet each other here. Nice to meet you all. My name is Conis. You seem to be from the Blue Sea."

Before Bai Ye could respond further, Sanji, completely enchanted by Conis, appeared with a bouquet of flowers, the origin of which no one could ascertain. As he swooned over her, he gushed with all the charm he could muster, "Ah~ Miss Conis! Your sight burns my heart! Your smile has healed my heart! I am willing to be your eternal guardian knight, as long as—"

His declaration was abruptly cut short by a swift smack! Sanji hit the ground with a thud, courtesy of Nami's iron fist. Conis, taken aback, looked over at Nami, who was casually flexing her wrist. Nami offered her a reassuring smile and said, "Please don't mind him; we really are all good people."