Chapter 162 Wrath of the God

Translator: PapaSmurf0700

In the midst of Upper Yard's Ordeal of String, Luffy's thunderous shout echoed as he unleashed his Gomu Gomu no Gatling. His arms, sheathed in black haki, whipped through the air like relentless machine gun fire, shredding the delicate, transparent String Cloud barrier that had been the last defense of this trial.

Lying defeated in front of him was Shura, the priest in charge and the strongest of the four. Yet, even his prowess and his Heat Javelin—a spear that ignites anything it touches—were no match for Luffy, who had previously conquered Crocodile. The strings and traps that Shura had meticulously laid out were mere child's play to Luffy's overwhelming power.

The battle might have ended quicker had Luffy not, in his typical, thoughtless rush, blundered straight into Shura's rope trap at the start. This unexpected move left Shura momentarily taken aback, as it was perhaps the first time an enemy had so willingly ensnared themselves. But despite the initial stumble, Luffy's strength and mastery over haki ensured a swift resolution.

With Shura defeated, Luffy's gaze shifted to the large bird perched nearby. Named Fuza, this massive creature boasted vibrant purple feathers, with a striking collar of red around its neck and a stark white head. Its beady yellow eyes, sharp beak, and the contrasting light and dark purple hues of its tail made it an imposing figure. Fuza, Shura's loyal pet, stood tall, its formidable claws tipped with black, ready to defend its fallen master or perhaps to gauge the intent of the victor.

The three-legged bird, Fuza, perched uneasily as it eyed Luffy. This bird, known for its steadfast loyalty to Shura, was not easily swayed to acknowledge a new master. At first, it mistook Luffy's keen gaze for an attempt to claim it as his own, and it staunchly refused to budge.

However, Fuza had completely misread the situation. It only realized Luffy's true intentions when it saw him drooling—not out of a desire to tame, but to taste. This revelation struck Fuza with a sudden urgency.

Panic set in, and the bird knew it had to escape. "Run!" seemed to echo in its mind as it flapped its mighty wings, launching into the sky in a desperate bid for freedom. Fuza could almost hear the sizzle of a fire starting below, as Luffy fumbled with a pile of firewood, his culinary intentions clear.

"Meat! Don't run!!" Luffy cried out, his disappointment palpable as he saw his potential meal taking flight. Without hesitation, he unleashed his Gomu Gomu no Pistol, his arm shooting out with incredible speed to snag the fleeing bird.

But Fuza was not to be caught so easily. With a powerful flap of its wings, the bird not only evaded capture but inadvertently hoisted Luffy into the air. Suddenly finding himself soaring through the sky, Luffy adapted instantly, swinging from his stretched-out arm with wild abandon, his joyful yells mimicking the calls of Tarzan: "Aah-eeh-ah-eeh-aaaaaah-eeh-ah-eeh-aaaaah! "

The three-legged bird was not just flying haphazardly; it had a clear plan in mind during its frantic escape. Knowing that its master was defeated, it headed straight for its master's master, seeking refuge and possibly assistance.

Thus, despite being the last one to finish his battle, Luffy was paradoxically the first to arrive at the shrine, riding atop the determined bird. Just as they reached the shrine, a bolt of lightning struck down from the sky, targeting Fuza, the bird. With a crackle, the electricity coursed through Fuza's body, sending it crashing to the ground in an instant.

At the entrance of the shrine, a voice echoed with authority, "Who gave you the courage to step into my shrine?" It was Enel, the self-proclaimed god. He watched as Luffy, who had skillfully dismounted just a second before the lightning strike, approached.

Luffy looked down at the charred remains of the bird, a mix of sadness and frustration in his eyes. "How can you eat this!!" he lamented, turning his gaze toward Enel, recognizing that the devastating thunder was his doing. "Hey! You burned my food, and you will pay me back!"

Enel couldn't help but laugh heartily at Luffy's bold claim—a rarity since he ascended to godhood. The absurdity of the demand amused him greatly. Even as he prepared to chastise what he considered his new priest, Enel found the situation unusually entertaining. "Yeah ha ha ha! Then, let me punish you a little," he declared, raising a finger from which a million volts began to spark.

Vari — 1 million volts!

Electricity crackled ominously as Enel directed a thunderous attack towards Luffy. The two thin rays of lightning, fast and furious, surged towards him. But to Luffy, such an attack was lethargically slow. Effortlessly, he dodged by simply tilting his head, allowing the bolts to pass harmlessly by and obliterate a large tree behind him. Wood splinters flew through the air, smoke and dust billowing up from the sudden destruction.

As the large tree fell, the resulting gusts of wind puffed up Luffy's vest, yet he remained unshaken on his feet. Enel, watching this display from a distance, chuckled with a mix of appreciation and amusement. "Yeah hahaha! So, is this what they call Observation Haki in the blue sea? It seems it's not so different from Mantra after all."

Enel, who had been keeping an eye on the newcomers from the blue sea through his extensive network of Mantra, wasn't particularly surprised by Luffy's skills. As a self-proclaimed god, Enel always maintained an air of invincibility, yet secretly, he relished the opportunity to test his might against formidable opponents. This not only satisfied his ego but also reinforced his divine status among his followers.

Just as the smoke from the scorched earth began to settle, three new figures emerged—Bai Ye, Zoro, and Sanji had finally caught up. Zoro, spotting Luffy first, shouted, "Hey, Luffy!"

Luffy, turning around, greeted them with a wide grin, "Zoro, guys! You made it." Then, remembering his earlier predicament, he yelled towards Sanji, "Sanji, check if that bird can still be grilled, will ya? I'm starving!"

Sanji approached the downed Fuza bird and after a brief inspection, reassured Luffy, "It looks salvageable. Want me to fire it up now?"

Luffy's face lit up at the prospect of food, "Awesome! Start it up, I'm ready to eat."

As Sanji hefted the bird onto his shoulder, a single tear dropped unnoticed from Fuza's eye, symbolizing its silent suffering.

Meanwhile, Bai Ye turned his attention to Luffy, offering his assistance, "Need a hand, Luffy? That guy isn't as weak as he looks."

Luffy responded with his typical bravado, flashing a toothy smile, "Nah, I've got this. Nami's shocks have trained me well for this kind of thing."

In that instant, Enel decided to escalate the confrontation, unleashing a massive thunderbolt straight at Luffy—Vari, 10 million volts! The ground where Luffy had stood moments before now sported a gaping crater, the air sizzling from the intense heat of the lightning.

But Luffy was nowhere near the strike. Enel, his expression blank, observed Luffy easily sidestepping the attack. "It appears I've been too lenient," Enel remarked dryly. He glanced over at Sanji, who was starting a fire for the barbecue, and at Zoro, who had already laid down to rest, and Bai Ye, who was meditating quietly.

His gaze returned to Luffy, "Well then, let's see how you handle the God's wrath!" he declared, channeling an even more powerful strike—Vari, MAX 200 million volts!

The air crackled ominously as Enel prepared to unleash his most formidable lightning strike yet, determined to demonstrate the true extent of his divine powers.