Chapter 164 Gear Three, Ringing the Golden Bell

Translator: PapaSmurf0700

Enel towered above as a colossal thunder giant, his voice booming through the air with the authority of a deity. "This is my strongest form," he declared, filled with a god's pride, even in the face of likely defeat. "If you think you can take my God's Island, come and try to defeat me!"

Luffy, dwarfed by the gigantic figure of Enel but undeterred, shouted back, "I don't want to take anything away! I just want to fulfill Uncle Cricket's wish and help the white-bearded old man and the masked guy get back to their island!"

Enel, inflamed by Luffy's defiance and the shaking of the very island under his rage, bellowed, "Belongs to them?! As a god, my will is absolute!" With that, he drew back his right fist, crackling with gathered thunder, and smashed it toward the tiny figure of Luffy below.

Boom! The ground where Luffy had stood moments before was now a massive crater, but Luffy was not there. From above, his voice rang out, clear and challenging, "Since you're so stubborn, then—"

In a flash, Luffy had activated Gear Second, propelling himself into the air with explosive speed to evade Enel's cataclysmic strike. Hovering in mid-air, he faced the immense figure of Enel and called out, "I wish I could grow bigger too!!"

Once, Bai Ye gave Luffy some advice. Though Luffy couldn't recall exactly when, the words stuck with him: "Luffy, remember, land one punch, avoid a hundred." Over time, Luffy thought he grasped what Bai Ye was trying to say. In his own way, he interpreted it as, "If your one punch is as powerful as a hundred punches, then that's all you'll need to knock out your opponent!"

High above, Luffy took a deep breath, his cheeks puffing out dramatically. In a swift motion, he bit into his right wrist and announced, "Gear Third!" He then funneled the air he'd just inhaled directly into his bones, causing his right fist to balloon into a massive size before everyone's eyes.

This was Luffy's interpretation of "Hundred Fist." If Bai Ye had witnessed Luffy's creative misunderstanding of his advice, no doubt he'd have a long discussion with him later.

As Enel's giant left fist came sweeping towards him, Luffy remained composed. Having mastered the basics of Moonwalk—a technique Bai Ye had taught Sanji but had also let Luffy in on—Luffy was well-prepared. With Gear Second still active, he tapped into his ability to effectively 'walk' on air. With a powerful push from his feet, he dodged Enel's thunderous blow effortlessly.

In moments, Luffy ascended above Enel's towering form. In the original tale, it took Luffy two years of training to extend his haki across his entire arm, but now, his training still fresh, he managed to envelop only half of his enlarged fist. Yet, the blackened haki covered his fist sufficiently, not looking out of place in its enormity.

Reaching the peak of his ascent, Luffy flipped mid-air, positioning himself head-downward, directly above Enel. As he descended rapidly, he called out his attack, "Gomu Gomu no Elephant Gun!" Accelerating with both gravity and his formidable strength, Luffy's fist hurtled towards Enel.

Unable to dodge and having lost the quick agility his thunder form usually provided, Enel could do nothing but watch as the colossal fist grew ever larger in his field of view, impending impact inevitable.

As Luffy's giant fist collided with Enel, a massive shockwave burst forth, rippling through the entire island and sending wildlife scrambling in terror. The impact signified the fall of a god who had once reigned supreme over this land.

Enel, diminished and battered, plummeted from the sky, blood spewing from his mouth—a clear sign of severe internal injuries. In a desperate reflex, he tried to electrify himself back to health, but before he could act, a solid foot planted firmly on his chest halted any further movement.

Wyper, standing above Enel, removed his mask, his eyes burning with an intense loathing that once would have been inconsequential to Enel but now held him in a fearful paralysis. Enel, stripped of his devil fruit powers by the seastone in Wyper's equipment, was defenseless and weak.

Wyper, his voice steady and cold, delivered his final verdict. "Upper Yard, it doesn't belong to you anymore!" He then activated the Reject Dial, unleashing a devastating blast directly at Enel.

The force was overwhelming, signaling the definitive end of Enel's tyrannical rule. As Wyper walked away, Bai Ye approached the fallen 'god', his tone a mixture of pity and disdain. "It's really a pitiful person."

Without another word, Bai Ye placed his hand on Enel's head, intent on claiming his powers. "Leave the fruit of thunder and the law of thunder to me with confidence," he muttered, though Enel was beyond hearing, his reign and life abruptly concluded.


Luffy, with a big chunk of roasted bird in his hand, suddenly looked up at Bai Ye with curiosity glowing in his eyes. "Hey, Bai Ye! Where is the golden bell?" His question stemmed from a recent realization that neither Enel's servants nor his priests seemed aware of the Shandorian Golden Belfry Bell's existence. It wasn't a matter of secrecy; they genuinely didn't know.

Bai Ye, having the advantage of knowing the original story, responded with a knowing smile. "While you were all busy fighting, I used my observation haki and detected the golden bell." He then pointed upwards, towards the towering vines stretching into the sky. "It's right up there."

Luffy's face lit up with excitement, and he slapped his palm enthusiastically. "I knew asking you was the right call, hahaha. Let's go ring it to fulfill Uncle Cricket's promise and tell everyone—"

He paused to place his straw hat back on his head, his smile broadening. "All fighting is over! Let's have a banquet!!"

"Then, let's all go together," Bai Ye suggested, turning to include the excited Shandians and his companions Zoro and Sanji in the plan. With a wave of his hands, he invoked a spell: Wind Trigram - Feather Wind.

Together, they soared towards the location of the Shandorian Golden Belfry Bell. Before long, the sonorous peal of the bell resonated, its deep and melodious ring spreading far and wide across Skypiea and even reaching down to Jaya Island in the blue sea below.