Chapter 174 Sky Poneglyph

Translator: PapaSmurf0700

Luffy stretched his arms wide, his face alight with enthusiasm as he proclaimed to the sky, "I'm going to Fairy Vearth!" The excitement in his voice was palpable.

However, Bai Ye wasn't sharing in the excitement; his expression clouded with concern. He hesitated before pointing out the practical issues, "But we can't use the ark right now, so it's impossible to head there at the moment."

Luffy's face scrunched in confusion, his mind visibly wrestling with Bai Ye's logic: "Um..."

Observing Luffy's struggle, Bai Ye gently suggested, "Why don't we head back to the blue sea to find a shipbuilder? A professional might make sense of these plans."

At this, Luffy's face lit up as if a light bulb had gone off in his head. He slapped his palm with a loud 'boom' and exclaimed, "That's right! Let's head to the blue sea and find a shipbuilder to join our crew!"

In the midst of the excitement, Usopp smacked Luffy on the head, his irritation clear. "You took all this time just to get that? You idiot!" His complaint echoed around them, adding a touch of humor to the resolution of their discussion.

As they stood amid the remnants of their discussion, Merry, embodying the spirit of their ship, spoke up with an insight that only someone of her unique perspective could offer: "Just any ordinary shipbuilder won't suffice for this task."

Her words carried the weight of someone who understood the complexity of the ark intimately.

Robin, nodding in agreement, added her thoughts: "Indeed, the craftsmanship here is so intricate that only a top-level craftsman could truly comprehend its depths."

Sanji, emerging from inside the ark, chimed in with additional technical insight: "And they'd need a solid understanding of machinery as well." He had noticed the extensive use of automated systems within the ark, which made clear that this was no simple sailing vessel.

Luffy, processing the conversation in his unique way, jumped to a conclusion: "Then, we need a robot to be our shipwright!" His suggestion was met with instant reactions.

"Idiot?" Nami retorted almost instinctively, skepticism written all over her face. "Where are you going to find a robot shipbuilder?"

Bai Ye couldn't help but wear a knowing smile, musing silently about the broader possibilities the universe might hold.

It was Bai Ye who finally steered the group back on track: "Okay, it's almost time. Next, let's head to the last location we need to visit." With a wave of his hand, he magically secured the ark within his internal space, a place only he could manage.

After discovering that nearly all of Shandora's gold had been used in the ark's construction, Nami and Luffy had become particularly attached to it, viewing it as a trophy of their adventures. They had pressed Bai Ye to keep it safe, firmly believing in their claim over it as part of their collected treasures.

The destination Bai Ye hinted at was hardly a surprise for anyone familiar with their quest—it was the location of the Shandorian Golden Belfry Bell. With a sense of accomplishment, the group, having ensured the sky soldiers' safe exit from the ancient ruins, ascended the massive vine leading to their final landmark.

As they approached, Merry couldn't contain his awe, exclaiming, "Wow! Is this the golden bell of Shandora? It's truly magnificent."

Chopper, joining in the wonder, looked up and mused aloud, "Did that beautiful sound we heard earlier come from this bell?"

Nami's reaction was different but just as intense; her eyes turned into symbols of money as she stared at the bell. "So much gold!" she gasped, her excitement palpable.

Meanwhile, Bai Ye and Robin exchanged knowing looks and nodded in agreement, silently affirming their thoughts. Robin then stepped forward and clasped her hands in front of her chest, calling out, "Diez Fleur!" Instantly, several of her arms sprouted from the ground and began to delicately peel away the vines shrouding the bell.

As the vines fell away, they revealed not just the bell but a massive stone slab carved with ancient text—the poneglyph, a relic the Shandia tribe had guarded through the ages.

Robin approached the poneglyph, her heart racing with scholarly fervor. "Sure enough," she whispered, her voice a mix of reverence and excitement. The clues had all pointed here, and her deductions had been correct. If the entirety of the ruins had turned up empty, then this sacred and historically rich text had to reside near something equally significant—the golden bell.

Indeed, both Noland and Wyper had revered this bell, considering it the heart of their cultural heritage. To them, and now to everyone present, it was clear this was not just a site of historical wealth but a beacon protecting a legacy that spanned generations.

As Robin carefully deciphered the poneglyph's ancient inscriptions, a shade of disappointment crossed her features. Under her breath, she voiced her thoughts with a touch of dejection, "Ancient weapon Poseidon, where is the King of the Sea?" It was clear that what she had discovered was not the revelation she had hoped for.

Yet, as her gaze wandered along the lines of etched text, something else caught her attention—a separate line that seemed almost an afterthought next to the main body of historical script. Curiosity piqued, she read it aloud, "I made it here. I will guide this text to the end of the earth." The name signed below sent a jolt through her: "Gol D. Roger!"

Robin's voice carried a mix of excitement and bewilderment as she pronounced the famed pirate's name. It wasn't merely the fact that Roger had visited Sky Island and left his mark here that shocked her; such a feat was certainly possible for a man of his legendary stature. What truly astounded her was the medium of his message—the script was in the same ancient language as the poneglyph itself.

"Why would he write in this ancient text?" she wondered aloud. The implications of Roger's ability to understand and use such script ran deep, stirring a whirlpool of theories in Robin's mind, each quickly forming and then dismissing as she tried to grasp the full extent of what this meant.

While Robin was still processing her shock, Luffy bounded over to her, his face lit up with excitement. "Roger! Is it really Pirate King Roger?" he blurted out. For Luffy, whose heart is set on becoming the next Pirate King, any mention of Roger sparked intense curiosity and excitement.

Robin, still overwhelmed, didn't manage to respond immediately to Luffy's question. Luckily, Bai Ye stepped in smoothly, affirming Luffy's guess, "Yes, that's Gol D. Roger, the Pirate King himself."

Luffy's eyes shimmered with awe. "Amazing!" he exclaimed, unable to hide his enthusiasm.

Just then, Nami interjected with a puzzled look. "But what does 'the end of the world' mean?" she asked, turning the group's attention to a different mystery.

Before Bai Ye could offer his thoughts, Robin cut in, her voice clear and certain, "It's Laugh Tale! That's where One Piece is located." Even if the intricacies of Roger's knowledge of ancient texts eluded her, Robin felt sure about the destination Roger referred to.

Luffy's excitement soared at the mention of Laugh Tale. "Laugh Tale!" he echoed with a wide grin. Becoming the Pirate King meant reaching Laugh Tale, and Luffy was all the more eager for the adventure.

Bai Ye nodded in agreement with Robin's deduction, his approval evident. He knew well that Laugh Tale wasn't just a place with a whimsical name; it was christened by the only man to have conquered the Grand Line—Gol D. Roger himself. Kozuki Oden's logs had detailed the Roger Pirates' momentous landing on this final island, marking the day Roger named it Laugh Tale—a name that promised laughter and legends at the world's edge.