Chapter 183 Nico Robin meets Admiral

Translator: PapaSmurf0700

Bai Ye was convinced that the author of the "Straw Hat Special" must have been a street novelist from his former world, given the dramatic flair added to every true event. While there were kernels of truth, the publication was bloated with sensational fabrications.

The newspaper portrayed Bai Ye and Luffy as if they were perpetually either falling madly in love or at each other's throats—a notion that Bai Ye found utterly preposterous. It even delved into Zoro's life, it depicted him as a lothario involved in forbidden romances with numerous women—from a naval swordswoman to the beautiful sisters from Cocoyasi Village—and even claimed he was a favorite pet of an elderly lady. But the most ludicrous claim was the supposed tragic love story turned sour between Bai Ye and Alvida.

What irked Bai Ye the most was the lack of accountability; there was no complaints department he could call to vent his frustrations. So, in true Straw Hat fashion, Bai Ye found solace in using Luffy's naïve inquiries as a pretext to release some pent-up frustration through a friendly scuffle.

The finale of the newspaper included a cryptic message that seemed to echo from a disgruntled father to his rebellious son: "Go ahead and turn the world upside down." This line, hidden amidst the wild tales, brought a smirk to Bai Ye's face. Glancing at Luffy, who was already bouncing back thanks to some of Chopper's quick-fix pills, Bai Ye couldn't help but chuckle at the ridiculousness of it all.


In the days that followed, life aboard the Golden Merry settled into a monotonous rhythm. Despite the age being hailed as the era of the great pirates, few were as audacious as Luffy, boldly setting sail across the Grand Line with dreams of grandeur. The seas were teeming with those claiming the pirate title, yet many were mere opportunists stirring the waters for easy loot. Unlike the constant voyagers like Luffy's crew, most pirates kept to their preferred waters, content with the occasional plunder. To them, tales of the legendary One Piece were nothing more than fanciful myths: "One Piece? Pure nonsense."

Thus, encounters with fellow seafaring adventurers were scarce, rendering many of Luffy's days aboard the Golden Merry dull and uneventful. This lack of action often left Luffy restless and fidgety, much to the amusement or annoyance of his crew. However, the monotony was soon to be broken. Within a fortnight, the horizon promised new adventures as the outline of the next island began to emerge, stirring a wave of excitement among the crew.


Luffy, perched at the prow of the ship like a figurehead, threw his arms wide and called out to his comrades with undeniable excitement, "Crew, we've anchored and landed!!" The island they had arrived at this time was small and seemingly untouched by human hands.

After a quick chat among themselves, the Straw Hats decided their first order of business would be to scout the island for fresh ingredients. The plan was simple: gather what they could and celebrate with a beach barbecue.

However, the ingredient hunt soon turned into a humorous episode.

Nami, hands on her hips, scolded Zoro: "Zoro, you dummy, didn't I explicitly say no rats and frogs for our meal?"

Zoro, unfazed, retorted with a shrug, "What does it matter? It all ends up the same in the stomach."


...And with that, Zoro found himself promptly and quite effectively corrected.


Under Sanji's expert culinary guidance, the beach barbecue was a feast for the senses, filling the air with irresistible aromas and the sound of crackling flames. The crew gathered around, clinking their glasses in unison, their voices mingling with the sea breeze: "Cheers!!" It was clear to Bai Ye now why pirates relished these gatherings—it was their way of celebrating life amidst the endless voyage.

Luffy, never one to shy away from expressing his joy, was particularly enthusiastic, his voice rising over the sound of the waves. "Wow! It's delicious!" he exclaimed, his mouth barely empty before filling it again.

Usopp, watching Luffy's insatiable eating, couldn't help but remark, "Really, Luffy, you are too greedy. You've already had a ton of snacks, and you're still stuffing your face?"

Luffy, with a grin stretching from ear to ear, boasted, "I'm still far from full~"

Usopp rolled his eyes. "I'm not praising you, you idiot."

Luffy laughed it off. "Hahaha, is that so?"

Just as the Straw Hats were enjoying their laid-back meal, an unfamiliar voice drifted over, "Ah la la, this smells pretty good." Turning toward the source, they saw a man setting down his bicycle at the edge of the beach, making his way toward them. Luffy's natural hospitality kicked in, and he was about to welcome the newcomer.

However, a sudden crash interrupted the moment. The sound of Robin's cup hitting the stone snapped everyone's attention back. For the first time, Robin's face was etched with terror. Had Bai Ye not reacted swiftly, catching her before she could fall, she might have collapsed right there on the sand.

As Robin staggered, Luffy's concern was immediate. "Hey, Robin, what's wrong with you?" he asked, his voice laced with worry. Zoro, quick to pick up on the tension, narrowed his eyes and suspected the newcomer. "Is it this man?" he questioned, his hand instinctively resting on the hilt of his sword as he eyed the approaching figure.

The stranger, a tall man with a distinctive lean build and a deeply tanned complexion, continued his approach. His black curly hair, cut to chin-length and fanning at the tips, added a unique flair to his appearance. He was dressed sharply in a white vest buttoned over a long-sleeved navy-blue shirt, complete with white trousers and black dress shoes, topped off with a matching suit jacket. A striking yellow tie, segmented by black lines, and a sleep mask pushed up onto his forehead completed his ensemble.

Robin, supported by Bai Ye, caught her breath and met his reassuring smile. "We've got this," Bai Ye whispered, his voice a mixture of reassurance and readiness. To Robin, his words were more than comfort—they were a promise of protection.

Sanji, Usopp, Nami, Chopper, and Merry quickly gathered around Robin, forming a protective circle, their expressions turning serious and their bodies tensed, ready for conflict.

The man halted just three meters away, his hands raised in a gesture of peace as he noticed the crew's defensive stance. "Ah la la, little brothers, don't look so murderous," he chuckled, trying to diffuse the tension with a light-hearted tone. "While I do have some orders about you, I'm just here for a walk at the moment."

Luffy, sensing the gravity of the situation beneath the man's casual demeanor, adjusted his straw hat over his eyes and asked in a steady tone, "Who are you?"

Seeing Luffy's determined stance, Aokiji paused for a moment, slightly taken aback, and then he chuckled warmly: "You have a pretty good attitude, Straw Hat Boy." He began to introduce himself, "As for who I am..."

Before Aokiji could continue, Robin, from behind her crewmates, spoke up with a heavy note of caution in her voice: "He's from the Navy." She paused, her face tensed with nervous sweat as she added, "And known as one of the strongest combat powers of the world government, Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Aokiji!"

Luffy, turning his gaze towards Robin, asked confusedly, "Admiral? Him?" His voice carried a hint of disbelief, knowing the weight such a title held.

Zoro, hearing Robin's clarification, felt a surge of fighting spirit spark within him. "A guy on the same level as Hawkeye?" he mused aloud, recalling the formidable opponents they had learned about from Bai Ye.

Sanji, with a cigarette dangling from his lips, exhaled a cloud of smoke and remarked somewhat resignedly, "Are we going to fight again?" The weariness in his voice was palpable.

Nami and Usopp exchanged glances, both reflecting a mix of resignation and apprehension. After their recent trials in Alabasta, the prospect of facing such a powerful figure from the Navy was daunting. Usopp, with a tone of exasperation, lamented, "Why would a guy of this power level come here? Shouldn't he be chasing those big pirates who have bounties over a billion?"

Despite his complaints, Usopp was already preparing for battle, pulling out his guns and positioning himself strategically. Nami too readied her Clima-Tact, electricity crackling around her as she powered up.

Merry and Chopper stood together, bracing themselves. Chopper clutched a Rumble Ball, ready to transform if needed, while Merry rolled up her sleeves, her stance aggressive and ready.

Amidst the crew's preparation, Aokiji's gaze drifted past them, landing on a familiar face at the back. With a soft, almost nostalgic tone, he remarked, "Ah la la, you have grown into a beautiful woman... Nico Robin."