Chapter 187 Battle Against the Ice Admiral 3

Translator: PapaSmurf0700

"But it's still not enough," Aokiji said slowly, his voice carrying a lightness that belied the intensity of the battle he had just engaged in with the Straw Hats. Despite being hit by a powerful combined attack and having his subsequent counterattacks neatly handled by the crew, Aokiji, one of the navy's strongest forces, spoke with calm assurance. This wasn't arrogance but a deep-seated confidence in his own overwhelming power.

Although the Straw Hats had surpassed his expectations, their growing strength evident in their unwavering resolve, Aokiji remained undeterred. He believed that with a serious effort, he could decisively end the confrontation. Yet, there was one aspect that made him cautious—Bai Ye.

Aokiji's gaze fixed on Bai Ye as he asked slowly, "So, are you planning to use that power? The one that nearly ended Stainless's career?" This was the crux of Aokiji's hesitation. The aftermath of the Alabasta incident had not only dented the navy's reputation but had also exposed vulnerabilities in their combat capabilities.

The training of an admiral candidate required vast resources, significant time, and a touch of fortune—a process complicated further when one of their promising candidates was nearly defeated by an emerging pirate. This incident escalated Bai Ye's profile within naval intelligence, marking him as a significant threat.

Despite the slim chance of a repeat scenario, the navy wasn't willing to gamble. Losing another admiral could force a drastic recruitment drive across the world's seas—an option the navy hoped to avoid. Thus, under orders from Fleet Admiral Sengoku, Aokiji's primary mission was to assess and, if possible, capture Bai Ye and his crewmates alive, prioritizing strategic caution over immediate confrontation.

Bai Ye, holding back the full force of his capabilities, calmly addressed Aokiji. "Don't worry, General Aokiji," he said with a reassuring smile, "I have no intention of repeating that intense experience." His eyes swept over his crewmates, and his smile widened as he responded to Aokiji's earlier comment about their strength. "And you're mistaken about something—you said we're not strong enough. In my opinion, just the four of us are more than sufficient!"

"Do you really think you're the only one playing for time?" Bai Ye challenged, his tone light but his words carrying weight. This question seemed to startle Aokiji, whose sharp eyes suddenly widened as he took in a crucial detail he had previously overlooked.

Turning his attention back to the crew, Aokiji noticed the rest of the Straw Hats adopting a stance of deep concentration. They stood in a horse stance, eyes closed, clearly gathering their strength. Even without using haki, Aokiji could sense they were primed like a drawn bow, ready to release their full power in a moment's notice.

It was as though they were peerless swords, long sheathed, now vibrating with the anticipation of an imminent strike. "What a heck? How did I not see this coming?" Aokiji muttered to himself, his expression turning grim as he realized his oversight.

Meanwhile, Bai Ye's demeanor suggested he was the orchestrator of this impending storm. Looking almost mischievous, he stared back at Aokiji. "Too bad... It's too late for you," he declared. "Welcome to the Qimen Bureau."

If anyone could view the scene from above, they would see a vast formation enveloping the group, a strategic placement so massive and intricate it could only mean one thing: the Straw Hats were not just prepared, but had been steps ahead, setting the stage for a showdown that Aokiji was only now beginning to comprehend.

After surviving a significant challenge and mastering the profound principles of the Heaven and Earth hexagrams, Bai Ye was ready to showcase just a hint of his formidable "Qimen Bureau"—a unique strategic formation. This formation had already begun to subtly influence Aokiji's perception without him realizing it.

Now, with the formation fully activated, Bai Ye could directly impact the battlefield's dynamics. Sanji, poised to strike on Aokiji's right side, ignited his leg with his signature move, Diable Jambe - Première Hachis. Under normal circumstances, the distance between them would make it impossible for Sanji's attack to reach. But with Bai Ye's intervention, this was about to change.

Raising his right hand towards Sanji, Bai Ye invoked another powerful technique. "Thunder Trigram - Blessing!" he announced. In an instant, electrical energy surged along Sanji's already flaming leg, enhancing both its power and speed dramatically.

This augmentation allowed Sanji's kick to generate a slicing wave of energy, much like the navy's own Tempest Kick, but far more fierce and swift. The slicing wave surged towards Aokiji with intensified ferocity.

Aokiji, ever calm, sighed at the unexpected development and raised his hand to conjure an ice shield in defense. However, Bai Ye was not done yet. With a sly chuckle, he activated another tactic. "It's not over yet. Fire Trigram - Attachment," he declared.

As his words echoed, flames burst forth, enveloping Aokiji's ice shield. The flames not only consumed the shield but also threatened to spread towards Aokiji himself, putting the admiral in an unprecedented predicament.

In the very next moment, there was a loud crash! The sound of ice shattering echoed through the air as Sanji's powerful kicks connected. Another crash followed, and this time, Aokiji himself was directly impacted. He looked down at the large hole in his waist, a clear sign he'd been hit effectively.

"Aha, is this the Qimen Bureau?" Aokiji mused, inspecting the damage with more attention than usual. "Impressive, Straw Hats."

Though he wasn't seriously injured, the exchange of blows made Aokiji more cautious. Bai Ye's abilities and the strategic use of his Qimen Bureau had clearly advanced, posing a real threat.

Just as Aokiji was reflecting on the power of Bai Ye's formations, Zoro and Luffy launched their attacks. Zoro unleashed his Three Swords Style - Three Thousand Worlds, his blades slicing through the air. Concurrently, Bai Ye amplified the attack with a Fire Trigram - Blessing, sending three fiery slashes hurtling towards Aokiji.

Luffy wasn't far behind, powering up his Gomu Gomu no Jet Bazooka. With Bai Ye's Mountain Hexagram - Blessing boosting him, Luffy's strength surged dramatically. This power increase, coupled with the precise coordination developed through many training sessions with Bai Ye, meant Luffy executed his attack with flawless balance and devastating force.

Aokiji, faced with the coordinated assault, summoned more of his chilling power and stepped forward, his foot creating a massive block of ice as a shield.

However, Bai Ye was ready with another tactic. "Marsh Trigram - Attachment!" he declared, as his next move began to unfold.