Chapter 3

Once upon a time

A few mistakes ago

I was in your sights

You got me alone

You found me - Taylor swift ( I knew u were trouble when you walked in )

" Lily , Mr.maxin called you to his office " Jane told me , Jane is in the same grade as me but she used to be in another classroom but since people who attended got less after 2 weeks from the start of the year , the school made only two classrooms for grade 10 .

What would this piece of garbage want from me now?

I entered the office

How can he call this his office

He shared it with our Spanish teacher

Mr. Maxin was our history and geography teacher

" Hello , Mr.."

I was surprised

Nick was standing in the the office when I entered

For those two weeks ,I didn't see him , I was worried that he might have died , I asked Ms. Shora , My English teacher that also teaches grade 11th about Nick larsen and she told me she asked his friends and they said that he was recovering at his house

I controlled myself from shouting at him

He was surprised to see me too

" Lily you came " Mr . Maxin told me

" Is there something wrong Mr.maxin ?"

" Yeah,  I found out that you aren't quite  focused during classes lily , and you don't interact "

The audacity of this man

" Really ? Lily is a very good student with me. Also, she is part of the honoured students " My Spanish said that to Maxin , I'm not calling him Mr. Anymore,  he doesn't deserve the title after flirting with 16 and 17 year old girls

" I don't why , maybe because she doesn't care because history and geography are just extracurricular for her now "

" Mr.Maxin i think you are heavily mistaken , I always focuses in class but you are too busy to notice "

"Busy doing what except teaching?! "

He shouted at me

How can he raise his voice

" I'm not sure but maybe busy telling inappropriate jokes to female students and calling them pretty women and asking for their numbers and telling them about how you are a good man who is also single,  and if a male student asks about the lesson you shout at him and curse him to seem cooler in front of the female students , Also sticking to me whenever i acted different from the rest of the class , saying that I'm pretty and cute and my husband will be happy , also mentioning that if you were my husband you will be a happy man " After he said that he was shocked .I actually said what he on daily basis does in the classroom

" But in the end I'm not sure because like how you said I don't focus in class , maybe that was the lesson all along but I'm just not focusing or interacting well "

" Lily!! You are the rudest student I have ever interacted with , go to the principal office right now " He shouted at me

" Oh sorry Mr.Maxin was I rude , I don't think I was  " I turned to look at Nick

" Was I rude ? " I asked him

" No , Not at all " he said that

" Lily , you don't understand the power i hold with your grades "

" Oh , Mr maxin is quite forgetful , I'm science and mathematics major and your subjects are only extracurricular for me , I could switch and start taking French and Dutch instead "

" Leave Now! "

" Thank you Mr.maxin for your patience with me " I left the office

" This son of a bitc"

" Cursing "

" Nick! You surprised me , what do you want ? "

" How about you have lunch in the cafeteria with me today ? " He asked me as he blocked my way by standing in front of me

His large body made it impossible for me to make him move or get past him

" I don't eat with people I don't know "

" We know each other "

Does he have an answer for everything

" Nick , I have class now so get out of the way "

" Tell me you will eat with me first "

" Move!"

" Tell me "

" okay,  I will go with you "

I just need to have a lunch

" the way is yours my lady "

I pushed him and left to my classroom

I had calculus class

" I have a unique question for you today , who would like to solve It "

The whole class chanted Steven and Tiana

They were the smartest

They both went up to the board

" Actually,  it won't be exciting if you two did it , Tiana go back in , Lily Mason , you come "


" What lily ? " " She isn't that smart " " She can't go against Steven " " how can Mr David replace Tiana with her "

Voices filled the classroom

Steven looked annoyed by them

But how am I supposed to feel then?

No matter how hard i try I'm always 4th or 8th or 6th I'm never even part of the top 3

I hate it more than anyone

But if I didn't go up now against Steven

I will look like I'm a coward and I'm not

I went up and tried to solve the question

Me and Steven kept joking during the competition

" Mr she is looking at my answer "

" Mr he is talking and making me not focus "

We were friends and we understood our relationship

But some students didn't understand and Voices filled the room again

I hate it

But I don't regret joking with Steven

I'm not made for this stuff

I hate going up against people in front of more people

" Mr David,  can I just go back in ? " I whispered

" Giving up , I know that standing in front of the board and competing isn't your stuff but u know that giving up isn't your stuff too" He whispered

Mr David was right

I hated giving up

loser and a coward

I can't be called that

" Lily , don't listen to them just solve It " Steven told me as he went back to solving the question

" What is Lily doing? Is she cheating !"

What is wrong with these students

I will just show them

I solved the question then I wrote a proof of why did it like that

Steven finished 10 seconds before me

So he was the winner

" Finished "

" Lily, you wrote a proof ? Steven didn't,  this gave you extra points since you get points on the proof in the final year exam "

Mr David Said that

" Clap your hands for Lily "

My friends kept clapping and cheering me

Jane , Hannah and Eve

" No but Steven finished first he won"

I didn't feel like it was a fair win , he finished first

" Clap for Steven "

Steven even after we went to sit , he looked disappointed

I don't understand why he looks sad ?

I was never able to understand people's emotions

" Steven , is there something wrong ? " I asked him

" No , nothing "  He replied and went back to focusing

I'm sure that there is something going on but I'm unable to do anything

The class finished and the lunch break came

I went down with Hannah to get some snacks for me and her and Eve too

" I want two cup cakes " I told Hannah

" You are very picky " Hannah replied

" Thank you for the compliment "

Before finishing my sentence I felt someone's body's heat behind me

Turning to look who

I was face to face with Nick Larsen

We were almost kissing

" Hi , Lily "

" How can you sneak behind me like that without noticing? "

" Are you going to have lunch with me? "

" I'm not having lunch today , let's go hannah "

" What ? Why ? "

" Diet , ever heard of it "

" Yes , and you don't need it "

Ahh , he isn't planning to leave Me alone

" Nick baby can you leave me alone " I told him in a sweet voice

" ...…."

Why is he suddenly quiet ?

"I like it when you call me baby but sadly I can't leave you "

" I should have left you to die " I said that

" I told you , but I'm alive and well now , you can't regret it " He said that

" Thank you for telling me this info after two weeks Nick larsen , After I was awake countless nights thinking that I killed you "

I shouted at him , he froze and looked at me and smiled "

You cared about me ? " Is he on drugs ??

" I cared about how I might have killed a soul because I listened to a dumbass like you "

" You thought about me every night "

" Nick I want to have a smell of what you are smelling " just said that as I tried to walk away

" come here , don't run away after I discovered that you thought about me every night "

" Let's go eat in the cafe near the school then , it have really good food " he suggested

This boy really doesn't give up

" Do you want to have lunch with me that much?" I asked him

" Yeah" He said immediately

" Then…" I opened up the water bottle I was holding and drank some of it

" See you " I was trying to escape his grab

" What was that ? " He asked confused , How can he grab my hand so well but also not hurt it a little bit?

" For  lunch , I'm on a diet so I only drink water. Let me go already"

I wasn't on a diet but I used this word countless times on guys who tried to make a move on me and it always worked

Why is he an odd case !!!

" Do you think I will let you go this easily "

Nick pinned me against the wall… the hallway , it was break so nobody was there

" Nick , you're not my type "

" you aren't mine either "

I slightly respected this man after admitting that we are very not each other types

I can't be with someone like him

Not anything I wanted

And he can't be with me.

" Then why are we wasting each other's time ?"

" Because I'm having fun " He whispered that in my left ear next to his right hand that was pinning me to the wall

" Do you wanna kiss Nick ?" I asked him that as i looked into his deep blue eyes

I can see him being surprised then looking at my lips , my chance

I pushed him away

He was pushed easily since he lost focus thinking about other stuff

" Bye , Nick I hope we won't meet again "

" You will come back to me lily "

" In your dreams " I said that as I walked away from him

" No , Today " He said that as he laughed

What does he mean? Why would I come back today

I went back to class

For sure hannah kept nagging about Nick

She wanted to know everything happened but I didn't want to share

It wasn't even a thing

I closed the conversation

I had Spanish

The teacher entered,  i wanted to see the clock

Where is my phone ?

Did I drop it somewhere?

No ?

I'm not that careless?

Where did I drop it ?


Nick larseeeeeeen!!!!!!

" Teacher can I go to the bathroom very quickly "

" Yeah sure "

I will kill him

That what he meant , when did he slip his hand in my pocket

the class he is having is English

Ms.shora , good she will understand

" Yes , lily do you want something ?"

Nick was sitting proudly in the 5th seat next to the windows

I'm losing my temper by looking at his annoying handsome face that looked like he came out of a mafia romance novel

" Can I enter? " I asked Ms. Shora

" Sure "

" Please excuse my rude behaviour for just a second " I told Ms.shora before walking up to Nick

" Hi , Lily why did you come back ? " Nick asked me as he smirked , I hate him

" My phone "  He gave it to me

For my good luck the student in front of him was drinking water

I pulled the open bottle from him and splashed it on Nick

" I came because I missed you Baby Nick for sure "

He was soaked wet with water

The whole class was surprised but they didn't laugh or say a word everyone was so tense

" Lily , How can you do this in a class ? Apologies right now " Ms Shora told me

" Ms.shora it's okay for me , I like anything my lily do "

Ahhhhh , he is giving me anger issues

" His….Lily " Ms shora said

" No No , He is saying nonsense , Don't believe this idiot "I made Nick stand up to

So i can point at him

Nick came near me and smiled and opened up his phone

My number was saved on his phone as " My lily"

The whole class was confused

Ms. Shora was confused

And I have a thrombin headache

" So you and Nick Larsen are dating?"

" No "

" But you two"


" He is holding your"

" No"

" But he"

" No, I don't even know this person "

" You are denying our lov" Nick was going to say something but I really had enough

" YOU SHUT UP AND SIT " I shouted at him

"Yes , My lady " He sat

" I'm sorry for the trouble Ms.Shora " I left the classroom with everyone looking at me with confused eyes and Nick was looking at me dripping water and wet shirt with a sweet smile on his face

I'm tired I want to sleeeeeep

I finished the rest of my classes

I went back home

Note : I took the main

Without the need of entering the house , I heard my mom and my sister shouting at eachother

I used to be scared of loud noises

I hate them now

But I'm not scared anymore , when you live in shouting and fighting on daily basis , you start not caring

" I'm here " I said that as I entered

" Sunny you are the one at fault !"

My mom shouted at Sunny , who was crying and screaming at my mom " You assholes made me like that !"

" You keep blaming me and your father for no reason , you need to grow up !"

" Mom I'm here " I tried to tell them

" Why can't you be like lily , she is younger than you all but mature and understands everybody "  I really hated getting involved in this fights but mom always loved comparing me to my sisters

I'm usually the less smarter and less hard working and less pretty , less everything

But I was always the more mature and mentally and physically stable one

My parents always praised me for being physically and mentally better

" You mean The emotionless brat , lily , she doesn't have feelings,  the day her finger got cut off,  she didn't even drop a single tear and she kept laughing " Sunny shouted at Mom

Sunny was right , I have no emotions

Living with overly emotional and mentally unstable sisters…..I needed to be without emotions so I could make a balance in this family

" Yeah you are right , she is emotionless but being emotionless is better than being overly emotional "

I'm used to being called emotionless , They just Diss me now in my face

" Mom , I will go to my room "

" Go to hell " Mom shouted at me

" Okay " I replied and entered my room

They kept shouting at eachother for 2 more hours

I went to sleep and the next day came with new problems

Untold thing : Lily is afraid of dogs and cats but she loves them so much