Chapter 5

Chapter 5

"Braced myself for the goodbye

'Cause that's all I've ever known

Then you took me by surprise

You said, "I'll never leave you alone" "

MINE ( Taylor swift)

Physics Class ended, and I had about 3 more classes until I finally heard the end of the day bell ringing

I packed my things, and I heard people talking outside of the class

Walking outside to see what's happening

Nick was standing near my classroom door, 

" Nick ! Why are you here ? "I asked him, pulling him from the circle of girls forming around him

" Waitting for you," He replied

What! Didn't he understand what I said earlier?!

" Lily , what are you planning to do now ? "

He asked me as he took my bag and carried it

He is acting like what I said 3 hours ago wasn't said

But he is calmer now and serious

What's wrong with him ?

It's not my place to ask after I pushed him away

" I'm planning on going to the nearby cafe to study."

" Come watch me play football." He said that and didn't even wait for my answer he started walking with my bag

" Nick! Come here , i have a life too!"  I said that as I followed him

" Just for a short time , when you get bored leave." He told me that we entered the football court , He put my bag and his on a bench that was covered from the sun

" You can sit here."

He is acting very weirdly

Very calm, not flirtious

He walked away and started playing with some boys who were already warming up

I pulled out my to-do list notebook and started planning what I would do when I went back to my house

Some boys came and stood next to me, but a little far , they were kind of close

" Who brought Lily Mason here ? , She doesn't date just anyone. "

Everybody is running their mouths

I stood up to see Nick

Where is he ?

They all are wearing the same cloth

Oh ! I see him

He really is a skilled player

" What is the score ? " I asked the boys that were close

" Oh...The navy team are 9 and the red team are 8 "

Nick is from the navy team

" They need to get 10 for the match to end, right ? " This was a rule in our school

I knew it because when I was in prep school, I managed the football team court. So I know a little bit .

" Yeah," the boy answered me

I kept watching

Oh, the red team scored another point

Now, they both are tied

Just a little more

You guys will get it

The navy team has the ball now  !

Another navy team member passed it to Nick


He entered it !!!

" Yaaaaaa."

The two boys were looking at me weirdly

Oh , maybe I got too excited

Nick ran to me

" Did you see it? " He asked me

" Yeah.  You did such a great job , Nick. Maybe you should become a professional player , you even have the charisma "

He was looking at me with soft eyes

But he quickly moved his gaze away from me

What am I doing?! , I was standing on the bench in the football court cheering for Nick's larsen team

I quickly sat down and acted normal

He laughed when he saw my sudden change, but still,  he looked different

" Nick, is something wrong ? " I asked him. I didn't want to turn a blind eye to his sudden change

" And if there is something wrong , what will you do ? " He asked me that

He is right , what am I gonna do ?

I pushed him away

I shouldn't involve myself in his business

" I don't know, but " I moved my face away from him

I shouldn't be even here

I don't know what to say to him

" Look at me, Lily,"

I turned to face him

He is kneeling down in front of me , looking at me

" What are you going to do if there is something wrong ? " He repeated his question again , Like, does he think in these 5 seconds I found an answer?

" Nick , I have really a lot of homework to do , I will get going." I tried to get up, but Nick, while kneeling down

" What homework do you have ? "

What is that question?

" I need yo do my math and English and chemistry homework, then I need to study the new topics i learned today then If i have free time, I will watch Horimiya "

" What's Horimiya? " He asked

Front Nick's vibe I know that he isn't an anime watcher

Another thing we didn't have in common

I loved anime , I loved trying new shows with another wild idea like the devil is a part timer or one-piece

But my favourite show is Horimiya

A story about 2 high-school students that fall in love with each other

Typical right

But the fact that this show shows you that love of your life will fall in love with your real personality, not the mask you put on

It shows the difference between both main characters but still They are able to fall in love

This show gave me hope

I hate that I thought in that naive way

But still I wouldn't stop loving my fav anime "Just a romance Anime , I really love this Anime though , you don't need to know it , then i go and study some English and spanish since i need to study the languages everyday " I told him

"....that's a lot of studying," He replied

" Yeah , but i need to study to get good grades."

" You don't need to get good grades," He replied

" Do you think that everyone will still at least respect me if I didn't continue being in the top 10 of my grade ? Or if I stopped being an honour student, " I asked him that  , I knew the answer it will me No

Because that is what my family always told me

I also think that no one will respect you if you were less than them

So you need to be greater

" maybe not everyone will respect you but I will still respect you even if you weren't all of these things Lily " his soft and serious voice poked the bubble that has been surrounding me for years now...the poke didn't break it fully…..the bubble got stronger by the years… needs more than just a poke

It's like a bubble of iron now

I stared into his blue eyes as he said that

" But I don't want only one person, that's not my dream , I need more than just one."

I said that it is harsh , reality is harsh

And I don't want my dreams to just be dreams they need to come real

" Why do you think these people will respect you more than I do ? "

" Because a lot of people's view takes more time to change,  but one person's view might change overnight , and I don't want to be abandoned." I spoke my thoughts honestly

I didn't care about what Nick thinks

Or…..I do care about what he thinks, but I just don't want to put on a mask with him….I just hope he would get annoyed by my rude behaviour and leave

" I don't change that easily, Lily,"

He said that in a serious voice that made me rethink my whole dreams and plans

I can't just be swayed that easily

" Forget it, Nick , this conversation has no end , You did great in the match , you should go and hang out with your friends,"

I told him that as I started to walk away

He pulled me back and sat me down on the bench again

" Stop running away , I don't want to hang out with them , I want to hang out with you,"

" We hung out already ! "

" When ?!"

" The match , I cheered for you, and we had a talk after it , we basically hung out,"

...I shouldn't have said  cheered for you

" You cheered for me ?!"

" I….didn't mean in that way,"

" Then I must have done a great job since my lily was on my side,"

Who is he calling HIS LILY !?

" First, I'm not your lily ! Second, you are skilled, that's why you did a great job , I didn't cheer for you ! " I tried to explain myself

" Since I did a great job , can I have a present?"

" What ? Present? "

I don't have anything on me now, so whatever he says he wants, I will just tell him I don't have it now

" Yes , I want a present."

" What do you want ? " I will just tell him no

" Patt me on the head."

What ?

Is that what he wants ?


I...I think…


I'm not thinking of that!

I'm not going to do as he wishes !

" Say please,"

Technically, I'm not doing as he wishes now!

He is so prideful

He won't say it

" Please pat me on the head,"


Clam down , clam down

His please was cute, though

I will just give up a pat it won't hurt anyone

I patted him on the head with my book

My heart felt warm as I was doing that

" I'm not going to do a sin for you Nick "

" My Lily is really great "

He said that and tried to raise his head, but I patted him again

" Huh? " He said, confused

I'm more confused???

I patted him again because

I didn't want him to see my flushed face after he said " My Lily "


Slipping up isn't a thing I'm allowed to do , It's more of I'm the one who doesn't allow myself to slip up , slipping up can make me lose many things...I can't allow myself to slip up                           

" Enough of that." I said that, and I stopped the patting

" Why ? I liked it, tho "

Nick Larsen,  why is he acting like himself again?!!!

" I will go now." I stood up and walked away

I should go home

I have many things to do , Nick Paused my plans , I don't have time,  exams are in two months

He finally stopped , I left him at the football court's bench

I should go get some doughnuts before I go home

Why are there so many people at the cafe

I entered the same cafe Nick got from the French toast

The line is very long

I stood behind the last person for about 2 minutes

She is a woman with long black hair, and she was holding a little boy

The boy turned to look at me

He let go of his mom hand

" Hi."

" Hi."

" What's your name ? " I asked the little boy

" My name is hale,"

What a cool name

" Aren't you going to ask me what's mine? " I asked the little boy since he was just looking at me

" Who is the one behind? "

The little boy pointed behind me


I turned to look behind

" Oh ,you found me,"

" Nick…."

" Ni….Nick why are you here?!"

"Following you"

" Is Stalking your new hobby !"

"Who is he?" The little boy spoke

"Your husband?"

"No kid , I don't even know him." I pushed Nick from the line, but he stood again behind me

"My dad looks at my mum like how he was looking at you,"

How was Nick looking at me when I wasn't noticing ?

How can a husband and wife be even a little similar to me and Nick ?

" How was he looking ? "

Look at me asking a child a weird question

" Like how I look a red car toy I like,"

" But Lily isn't my red car toy , she is my "

" Stop." I stopped Nick from finishing

Knowing very well that whatever he was going to say isn't suitable for people under 18

" Kid, go to your mom already,"

The kid turned back to go to his mom

" Why were you following me N"

Before I could even finish my words

He is looking at me , staring very intensely

What's he thinking ?

I want to know what comes into his mind when he looks at me

" Lily , do golden strands of your hair appear only in the sunlight, or do they appear in less lighter rooms too ? "

He noticed my hair

My hair is brown with some golden strands of hair in it

I never liked it that much , I'm okay with it

But Mom told me that those golden strands turn white faster , so I get anxious when I remember I have many of them

" Leave my hair alone."

I turned to look at the cashier again

No one was in front of me

" I want one glaz....Gave me two glazed doughnuts with one iced brown sugar oatmilk coffee."

" Size ? "

" Large "

" Name ? "

" Lily , Lily Mason "

" Please rest, and we will call your name,"

I walked to sit on the tall chairs that were on the counter

" Are you just planning to ignore me till I get bored and leave? " Nick asked

" Yeah."

" Well , I don't get bored easily,"

He said that and sat down on the chair next to me

" Nick , why aren't you going home ? Isn't your family worrying about you ? "

He stopped moving

Like I said, something that is unacceptable or unusual

Silence went between us

" Nick, did I say something wrong ? "

" No, lily,  you can never do or say anything wrong."

" They live away from me , currently, I live alone,"

" Why ? "

"....School is closer to my house, but their work is far away"

" Oh , nice , independent." I felt a dark air surrounding Nick

What is he not saying ?

" Lily Mason " My name was called

I walked to  the cashier to get my stuff

" Lily ? " Some worker there asked me

" Ah , yes." I took the things

" I didn't know we get such pretty customers , I hope you become a regular , i can't let go of my first love like this."

I walked away without answering him

I don't want to reply to flirts now

" What was this guy talking to you about ?"

Suddenly telling Nick about what this worker said seemed interesting

" He said that I'm his first love and that I'm pretty , looks like you have a competition," I told Nick that in a proud voice, trying to make him annoyed as I sat down

The worker is still  looking at me

Maybe I should change my position

" There is no competition," Nick said suddenly

" What.."

" He is gonna sit there wish he was me and I'm the one who is having you all to himself "

" cheeky"

Nick suddenly stood up

" She is Mine everybody so keep your eyes down if you don't want it to be useless"



"Nick !!! sit downnnnnn"

The worker was shocked, but he turned away and continued making coffee

" Are you out of your mind ? Why did you do that?!" I shouted at him in a low voice

" Warning , like how you told me,"

Is he carzyyyy?

" You really have some missing screws "

" Maybe." He smiled and continued to stare at me

" Take your doughnut , I got you one."

I gave him the other glazed doughnut

" did ? " 

" Yes, and don't think weird things , I just don't like to eat, and the other person doesn't,"

He mushed down the donut, and I continued eating mine while drinking my coffee

" Oh, oh, oh

Oh, oh, oh

You were in college, working part-time waiting tables

Left a small town, never looked back

I was a flight risk, with a fear of fallin'"

Taylor Swift Mine started playing in the cafe

I love this song

" You made a rumble of careless man careful daughter." I started singing it in a low voice

" You like this song ?"

" Yeah, very, very much."

" You are the best thing that ever been mine."

" I like this private concert "

" Hold on and make it last

Hold on, never turn back. "

Nick was smiling as he watched me sing

" i can see it now,"

The song ended

" Finished? "

" Yeah , I'm concert ended for today,"

" Can I replay it ? "

" It will be very hard, Mr. Larsen"

I took a sip from my coffee

" It tastes soooo gooodd"

" That much ? "

" Yeahhhh , have a sip." I give Nick the cup

He looked at it and then

" I will go get a straw " He said that

" Oh! Right "

He stood up and got it

" Weird for you to not take the chance "

" Well if you don't want to I will not force it, I will wait till somehow you willingly agree"

" How ? Are you planning on marrying me?" I said as I laughed and moved the cup to him as he removed my straw and put his

" Maybe" He said


" It's not sweet"

" Yeah , I like my coffee to be bitter and my food be sweet , to balance." Yeah it's better to not take Nick's flirts seriously

" Smart" He commented as he gave me back the cup

" I really like this one , but it's a seasonal drink , nothing good lasts forever."

I put my straw and took a sip

" Think I only want one number in my phone

I might change your contact to "don't leave me alone."  Nonsense by Sabrina carpenter started playing

" But I can't help myself

When you get close to me

Baby, my tongue goes numb. "

" Another concert ? "

" Yeah" I laughed as I continued singing the song

every time we locked eyes , while I was singing

I giggled. He put his hands on his mouth,  stopping himself from smiling

I don't know why, but looking at Nick made me smile a lot

After eating, I stood up and was planning to walk away, but I felt like I needed to say that

" Are you leaving? " Nick asked

" Bye Nick , see you tomorrow at school"

He freezed at my words, but he just replied with a smile

I walked out of the cafe and went straight home

Studied , watched Horimiya, and went to sleep

Untold Thing : Lily fell asleep thinking about


My birthday is in 1 day , it will be on Friday

Today is Thursday

I arrived to school early today too , but there was no morning routine today because of some problems

" Lily "

I heard someone call my name

I'm not even surprised

Guess who


" Do you ever go to your classroom ? "

Nick is standing leaning against the wall in the hallway , his jaw might break from how big his smile is

" Why would I go to my class when I might see you if I stayed outside "

" I'm sorry I asked " Nick is a hopeless case

"Good Morning My lady "

Oh gosh

I might really get lured in my this smirk one time

He walked to me and stood in front of me, we are very close

" Good to see you Nick " I said that as I leaned closer to him , i was standing on my toes so i could be more closer to his face

He was surprised but it changed so fast

A smirk was drawn on his face

" You might fall this way " He said that as he came closer making me back away from him

I like teasing Nick but I don't like being caught flirting with a boy in school

" You really have the stars in your eyes "


No Lily focus !

" And you are a pervert, go already leave " I said that as I stepped on his foot

" This is what you get " I said that as I walked away

He didn't follow me

" Stars in my eyes ?! Who does he think he is ?! Does he think I will fall for this "

My heart is just beating because I'm walking quickly

" That's it for today , please everyone discuss with the rest of their groups and the deadline of the research will be Thursday Next week"

My Mechanics teacher assigned each 5 students in a group, each group have a different research to make

My group research is different Kinds of motors in different vehicles

Me , Jane, Cassy, jeremy and Christian

Are in the same group

" Lily , what part will you take ?" Cassy came to my seat and asked me after the teacher went out

" I think I will take the Motors of the motorcycle " I replied

" I will take the motors of cars "

Cassy is blonde with green eyes and cute voice

She was a definition of Girl next door

" I will take the motors of trains then " Jane commented

" Jeremy, what will you take?" I asked

" Maybe Race cars Motors "

" Shouldn't we know what will Christian take ? " Jane asked

" I don't know him since he is from another class " I replied

Christian was always in class A , he only switched classes Last day

Now he is in class B with the rest of us

" Jeremy you go " I told him

" No he is very intimidating , you go "

" Useless friend "

" Cassy you "

" no "

" Why should I go?!"

" Because you are the team leader "

" Who said that?!"

" Us , now , go " they pushed me to Christian Seat , I can't run away anymore , I'm standing in front of Christian and he is looking at me

" Hi"

" ….."

Why isn't he answering back ?

" You are with me in the same group "


" What kind of motor are you taking? "


Why isn't he answering me ?!

Christian have Long dark black hair , Dark brown eyes and very intimidating look

" You didn't decide yet ?"


" Yaaa, answer me already, I have no time for you"

I slapped my hand down on his desk

The whole class looked at us

" oh gosh , lily come , we are sorry " Jeremy pulled me away from Christian

" I will take the motors of the bus , did anybody take it ? " He finally spoke. His voice fit his looks, it was deep

" ...No, nobody took it " I said that as I walked up to him again

" Good " He Said that as he looked at me

" This is my phone number, message me, to put you in our group chat , see you around " I said that as I walked away after writing my phone number on a paper in his notebook

I walked out with Jermey from the classroom

" Were you planning to get killed ?!"

" He wasn't answering!"

" Then leave him alone !"

" Next time you talk to him !"

I walked away from Jeremy

We have P.E Class

I was walking in the hallway, I noticed that there was no teacher in Nick's classroom , maybe I should visit him

I took a look inside the classroom but Nick wasn't there

" Hi"

a cute lean boy with curly brown hair came up to me

" Can I ask you a question?"

" Yeah , sure "I replied while smiling

" Are you Nick's Girlfriend ? "