Chapter 10

" Shining while staring at each other, we are leaving the darkness and saying goodbye to it"

The Universe ( Adora )

" Let's go Lily" My mom told me

" We will be late for the event " Sunny said that as she put on her red velvet lipstick

We are going to one of my dad's friends event

It is more of a dinner party with a little orchestra and it is held in a gallery

" Okay Okay I'm ready " I said that as I took a look at myself in the mirror one last time

Good , I think I look respectable

" Come already!" Daisy pulled my hand and we left the house

" Let's get going" dad said that as he turned on the car

Did u forget something, I feel ike I did

Did I? Ohhh my phone

I shoul-

Would he get mad ?

He would

I shouldn't bother them

I can stay without my phone for 4 hours

I will get bored though

" Lily, is something wrong ?" Sunny asked

" nothing"

" Welcome , I'm really pleased that you made it" Dad's friend welcomed us at the entrance

He was a great man . Jim Keller

Surely he wasn't that smart

Inviting us and some other business friends wouldn't make his business successful overnight

" Oh you grown so much Daisy , look at you "

" Also Sunny became such a beautiful lady too" Mom commented

" Yeah look at both of them , Surely you are very proud of your two precious gems "

" Yeah the two of them are the apples of my two eyes "

" What a wholesome family " Jim smiled as he guided us in

We sat on our assigned table

" See dad" Sunny said that

" You should take us with you more , why don't you when you have such a pretty daughters "

" Right I should start introducing you and daisy too my partners since you both will eventually take over the business"

" Will we go now ?" Daisy asked

" Yes , since everyone is talking"

Dad stood up and took both Sunny and Daisy

Mom eventually followed them after she finished talking to her friends

" Ah, why did I even come if all I'm doing is sitting down"

" I don't even have my phone with me"

Should I go look around ?


No one will even notice

It's like I'm just an...Extra

" Yeah, he isn't that smart, but he surely has good people that work under him. Where did he even get these magnificent paintings?"

I kept walking along the wall , looking at painting of the sea to a painting of the sky to one of the night sky that gold paint was splattered on it, signifying the Shining Stars

Oh.....That's sooo beautiful

It was a painting of a field of Lilies

I put my hand in my pocket

Ugh, i did forget my phone

Everyone is taking pictures

And I can't

Yeah, I should pay for my own dumb brain that forgot

The painting is filled with so much happiness, but it's like the painter isn't the one happy , it's like he has the happiness near him but still

All he can do is look at it and paint

There is this one Lily , It has such a dark stem , and brown paint is splattered on its stem

It must be a mistake

The painter must have been very annoyed. One flower in a whole field is destroying the rest

Even the yellow shade of colour to show that the sun is shining on them

The painter is so talented

Who is he ?

I took a look at the name under the painting

"Arthur Night" Who is that ?

Wait, I think he is the same one who painted the Night of light. The painting of the night sky I saw minutes ago , I walked past some teenagers, they looked my age . Their dresses were very pretty , maybe if I only looked like that.....I would be standing with my family now

"Yeah!" I said that loudly people started looking at me

" sorry"

He is the same one

Woah, this Arthur is really talented

I walked again to the Painting of Lilies

"What's this one name ?"

"Do you like it ?" Some older woman next to me said that

" It's one of his latest Painting, it's the last one he released , I think it's the best one till now "

" I think the Night of light is better , this one have a mistake, look " I pointed towards this one, Lily

" Maybe you didn't notice " She smiled and said that

What? What did my stupid brain not notice?

" Look there is only one lily in this field which it's stem is darker than the other it's more than just dark green it's almost turning black, also there is a little dirt on its stem from the soil" What is she hinting at ?

" Yeah, I did notice that, but it's just a flower it's a mistake " I replied

" Nothing is painted by mistake " She commented before pointing at the lily

" If you noticed how this lily was different from the other , did you also notice that the rays of the sun is only shining on it, not the other "



I took a closer look again


This lady was right

The rays are only shining on this one , the Lily that was ruining the whole field

"I just assumed that the others are painted this way too" I told her

" If you assume that for the rays of the sun. Why didn't you assume that the other flower's stems were dark, too ?" she asked me

" Well-" I don't know what to say

Why did I not assume that, too ?

" But why did he only paint light on this one ?"

I asked her

" If I tell you, then you will never understand the lesson behind this painting"

" Is the rest of his painting like this too?" I asked

" No , We were very surprised by his sudden change "

" What ?"

" Let me show you the not so recent ones"

She guided me to a painting that was more of.....a a little dark. You could say that

It was a dark background with a gold table that you could see it was only painted gold, it was a normal wooden table

That wood showed in some parts, and gold covered the rest

On the table was a dinner setting with candles and luxurious food and cups and forks

While under the table was the same things but everything was spilt and rolled over

Wine all over the place and broken spoons and dishes

" Did you get that one ?" she asked me

" Yes , the high society , my feet" I said that

She laughed

" You and Arthur will get along quite well"

" Do you know him ?" I asked

" Not really, even if we can contact him , but he rather not reveal his identity to us , he sells the painting to us for such a low price for its quality and nothing more"

" ah...okay , he changed his style too . Do you know why?"

" No , we really don't know since some months ago , he sent us "Night of Light" and we were very surprised due to the change but he never answered our questions"

" Ah, okay , thank you for the small talk"

We were back again at the Painting of Lilies

" What's the name of that one ?" I asked

" Healing Lily" she said that

Healing? What ?

" Weird name"

" Yeah."

" I hope you enjoy the rest of the night"

" Thank you"

" May I know your name"


" What a coincidence" she looked at the painting and smiled, and then she walked away

" He is really a good paint-"

I felt someone take a photo of me right now

I know

I turned to see some boy with curly brown hair and tall figure

And glasses


" Landoooo" I ran towards him

" Gosh, you noticed" Landon said as he tried to walk away from me

" Heyyy , aren't we friends?"

" No"

" Ahh, you are so annoying" I said that as I backed away from him

" Where is your family ?" He asked

" Me? Don't know?" I tried to take a look, but they weren't around at all

" And what's with that dress ?"

" Whattt? I think it looks fine"

" Just wait till Nick sees you"

" What ? Is Nick here ?!" I tried to take another look around

" Stop acting like a puppy that lost it's owner , he didn't come, I sent him a picture of you "

" So you did take a picture !"

" You have some spidey senses " Landon commented as we walked together

" Landon look "

" What ? I didn't come to babysit"

" Stop acting like an old mannn"

I took him to the Healing Lily

" Look , buy me this Painting"

" oh"

" What's that reaction ?" I asked him

" Nothing"

" Do you know the artist?, Arthur Night "


" What's that silence landoo speak or i will stab you with my hairpin "

Why is he acting weird?!

"Forget about it Lily , let's go eat"

" What us wrongggg?" I kept nagging as he pulled me down the stairs to the party floor

" Hi , may I know who this beautiful lady is?"

Some gentleman asked landon

" This is Lily Mason , She is in the same school as me"

" Also his bestie"

Gosh, I found a new hobby

Annoying landon till he kills me

" Who's the bestie ?!"

" Glad to know Landon has such a pretty friend"

" Dad, stop already"

What !!! This gorgeous man is a daddddd


" Hello , Handsome sir" i smiled at his gorgeous face

" Hello beautiful lady"

" Dad, she is 17!" Landon nagged

" And the gentleman?" I asked

" Give me an age ?" He smiled as he put a lock of my hair behind my ear

" 27 ?" I asked . He looked 24

" Last I heard we weren't that bad in math lily" Landon said as he pulled me back from his dad's face

" No , but age doesn't matter" His dad said that

Why is he so attractive ! Gosh, I hate how older men are better

" Righttt!"

" I will tell Nick"

" Tell him !"

" Hi" He said

" Hehe, HI"

" Gosh, I can't believe you two"

Landon took a photo of us

" Sending it to Nick, by the way"

" What are you so angry about ? You don't want me as your step mother"

" I want to puke , don't let me ev-"

" Oh Gosh, you have blue eyes" i giggled

" They are charming"

" Yeah very" I smiled

" Who am I even talking to?" Landon said, then we heard the sound of heels coming near

" Who is that cutey ?" I heard a sound of a woman

She was a tall woman with dark silk black hair that was put down and spreading all over her shoulders and back

And her silk gold dress was so beautiful that the more you look at it , the more it amazes you

" Say hello to my mom Lily"

Whatttttt is that familyyyy?!

" Your dad is married?!" I whispered to landon

" Mom Lily was hitting on da-" before the trashy landon could finish his words

Landon's mom pulled me closer to her

" Oh my look at your cute small face !"

" Oh, thank you , you also have such a beautiful face"

" Not as yours , oh these earrings are so pretty"

" Your dress is amazing ma'am"

" Don't say ma'am call me Victoria " she said as she smiled at me

" Mommm, she was hitting on dad"

" And I'm hitting on her too now, so shut up, go find some friends , your dress is amazing . Wow, you have such pretty boobs"

" You too, Victoria, your eyes are so beautiful reallyyy , how can you be so gorgeous"

" Thank you darling , do you want to go for dinner now ?" Victoria asked me

" Count me in too , I want to know Lady Lily more, My name is Hale" He said that as they both came closer to me, I was being sandwiched

" Gosh , Lily ! You leave, and I will tell Nick everything and make him follow you guys there!"

" Who is that Nick guy ?" Victoria asked me

" No one importa-" before I could finish my words, landon cut me off

" Her husband"

" I knew it , such a breathtaking face and sexy body sure already have boys foaming over it"

Victoria said that

She is awesome for real

" Yeah, and Nick isn't someone to be messed with his things"

" Whose things landon !? I literally know Nick from two months"

" Well , say that to him in person then" Landon said and pointed to Nick

Who was walking in a BLACK SUIT AND BLACK TIE

He what am I even thinking

Oh, we made eye contact

He is so easy to read

His face literally turned " Found her"

" I need to go now bye" I turned to walk away, put, before I could move, I felt a body behind me

" Hi My lady"

" Hi Nick , isn't that too close ? People must be looking at us"

" Not close at all for me, I would like to have you much closer so close tha-"

" Keep quiet or I will kill you for real" I turned and told him that

" Ohhhh to be killed my Lily Mason"

" Aren't you too obsessed honey ? " I asked as I tilted my head

" Your Honey missed you Lily this whole weekend bear with my attachments issues " He smirked and got closer to me

" Gosh, getting intimate. I wish I was your age Nick" Hale said that

" You already have a wife, Mr Hale, stop hitting on my mine" Nick said

" When did I become your wife ? When did I even say I liked you ?!" I nagged at him

" Sweetheart, we are already married since i met you" He smiled at me

I hate him

Why is he that annoying ??


" You're having so much fun right now , aren't you ?"

" Yup" He said that as he shook Mr Hale hand

Also, his hands look very rough, but based on's kind of soft and very warm

Also, it feels very gentle

Even tho it looks big and rough

What is the-

" Do you like my hands that much ?" My thoughts were cut by Nick

" What! No...I'm just looking"

" Well, I can hold you with them forever. Just say the word, and they will always be only around you"

" Did you just propose?"

" We you think of it that way then yeah I did"

" Is marriage for you that easy ?"

" If it is with you" He said that then smirked

I knew he was joking around

But this time, this joke wasn't funny

It made me rethink everything

And I really didn't want that

" Come, let's go , see you around Mr and Mrs Victor"

" Bye Lily , stay safe" Victoria said that

" Thank you baby" I blew a kiss at her

" Can I have a blown kiss, too ?" Nick asked as we were walking towards the exit

" Won't you like a kiss on the lips more ?" I said that as I leaned towards him like I was about to kiss him

He was surprised and freezed

I backed off and started laughing at his reaction

" Here you go again . What is even that dress I didn't mention the whole time ?!"

" What don't you like about it ?"

I was wearing a lavender coloured dress that has a little open near the collar

And it has little butterflies all over it

They were kind of 3D

And there was a split in the dress near my left leg that showed a big part of my leg

" It' are Mesmerising"

Nick said that

" you haven't seen it yer" I said that as I twirled around and the butterflies wings started to move by the slight air

" How can you be like that ? " He said that as he put his hand in his palm

What is wrong with him ?!

" What ? Stop it"

" Just taking a look at how beautiful you are"

"Don't you feel that you are really-"

" Handsome"

" No reall-

" Amazing"

" No really-"

" Wonderful"

" Shuttt uppp, you are really cringe"

" And you still left the whole party and standing with the cringe man in the garage"

" are right"

Nick stood beside me as we both leaned to sit on his car

" Thank you for spending your evening with me Lily"