Chapter 14

"I don't get angry when I'm pissed

I'm the eternal optimist

I scream inside to deal with it. "

all‐american bitch (Olivia Rodrigo)

" Nick why do I keep messing things up , even my parents can't handle me anymore"

I cried in Nick's shoulder 

" Mess me up if you want Lily , It's heaven to be messed up by you" 


He was embracing me with all his force

I felt bad for him

having to deal with me

it's kind of hard

I pushed him 

It would be better if he left me alone

I put my hand on his chest trying to push him

but rather than being pushed Nick just held my tighter

"Lily stop trying to make me go , because I won't" 

" Nick pleas-"

He let go of me and Cupped my Cheeks

"If you keep crying I will kidnap you from your family" 


My heart started to tingle 

maybe it was telling me that he was a psycho 

I really wished that he was telling me that

not any other STUDIED Naive Reason 

"Nick you aren't a bad person, stop trying to be"

I told him as I sank my face in his big hands

only one if them was the size if my whole face, and it wasn't because my face was small

Nick's hands were huge 

his fingers were very tall and thick too

He froze for a moment before speaking 

" If I'm not the bad person , then who is?"

I felt like Nick said those words, and he really meant something bigger behind them,

I didn't know what did he do to think he is a bad person?

But I knew for sure that Nick isn't a bad person , someone like him , warm , kind , sweet and most of all cares for someone like me 

isn't a bad person 

" I don't know, but it definitely isn't you"

My words made Nick's eyes widen

"My Nick Larsen could do no wrong" 

I myself smiled at my words and how stupid they were

My Nick Larsen?

What's wrong with me?

Nick got surprised then he cover his face with his hands that were on my cheeks 

"You look very red Nick Larsen" I smiled as I tried to pull his hands off his face

I finally could see his blushed face properly 

aren't Nick the cutest?

"Aren't you the sweetest?" I smiled as we stared into each other's eyes

He wrapped his hands around my waist 

"I think My Lily is sweeter , could I have a taste to properly judge?" 

He Pulled me closer to kiss, but I pushed him

" Look Nick isn't that painting amazing"

I pointed to The night of light

" It's okay" He responded 

" Whattt ? Okayyy, look at how well it's painted, can't you see the emotions, you could almost feel like you are living the same moment with the painter, it's amazing!!" I exclaimed 

" Do you like Arthur Night"

" Yes I love him look at this too" 

I pointed to another painting I kept explaining every detail about it

I even ran into new ones that were just as amazing 

" Also look, I just noticed , the knife that is stabbing the king is the same one that the king cut molded bread with to give it to the people !" It was a connection between two different painting, 

" That's how you act when you love something?" Nick asked 

I have been showing him the paintings for a while and during the whole time he was looking at me not even the painting, and he looked like he was in deep thoughts

is that what he was thinking about?

" Maybe, Close people around me always told me that I get crazy about something when I love it" I smiled when u remembered how obsessed I get with my comfort shows and characters 

"I obsess over what I love" I added 

I walked trying to see any connection between other painting 

Nick was still standing

I turned to tell him to come already

"Then get crazy about me Lily , obsess over me and only me" 

he wasn't joking around he was talking seriously 

oh baby Nick

I walked over to him

"Loving some artists or something is easy .

I will never get hurt by them 

but in human case it's kind of hard"

I poked Nick's chest

" People change, People lie ,Things don't"

" You would have to prove yourself to me Nick Larsen, that would be hard" I laughed

"Nothing is so hard Lily Mason" He said that with a smirk and His hands touched the nape of my neck

I stepped on his shoe but he didn't even flinch 

" I'm cheering you on" I smiled as I walked away 

" Oh my , Lily Mason herself is cheering for me" He said that with a prideful tone as he caught up to my steps

After sometimes we went down to the first floor 

I saw my family from afar 

I should go to them

" Nick I will leave bye" before I could walk away from Nick who I was with the whole night

I felt him wrapping his hand around my waist from behind

I was in his embrace but I couldn't see him

also nobody could see us 

we were near the second floor stairs in the shadows 

"If anyone annoys you again tell them if they made you cry , Nick Larsen will make their family cry in their funeral" 

I chuckled because he whispered that in my ear 

" You are a normal citizen Nick act like it" I laughed as I turned to look at him 

Nick's touch was so caring that it made me want it more the more i got it 

" You never know?" He smirked 

" Oh sorry I forgot that My baby is Batman"

I laughed and walked away to my family 

"Come, we have been looking for you everywhere! let's leave it's getting late" 

We walked out if the door 

I looked back searching for batman 

we made eye contact

He waved to me Bye as he stared at me like I was his world 

He is....

How can I stay away from him now ?

Another school day another Anger

I'm saying that now because I'm currently in the student council fighting with the school headmaster of the school

"What do you mean that you will take him and not me !? I have a bigger grade than him in biotechnology ! Did you even see my cv onceee! I won 5 championships in biotechnology!"

" We think he is more experienced than you Lily" 


Kevin with 97 in biotechnology and zero wins

I got 99 in biotechnology and 5 wins!


" Why I need reasons ? Don't you know how much this interview will help me. I might get hired and get a scholarship in France!"

" Kevin will need it to-"

"Kevin doesn't deserve what makes him deserve it than me!?"

" Lily keep your voice down!" The headmaster shouted

" Answer me!"

"He is a man"


" In the end you will sit in the house and cook, he need to get the job"

"Also you Lily…..are a girl…you won't be the best to represent us in the interview"

I walked out of the room

the sun was shining even in winter

the sky was clear

people in this school seems very happy

kids were walking and chit chatting and having fun , flowers were blooming 


The birds were flying in the sky

people were looking at me

that's because I'm very pretty

I walked back in

" Lily what was that action!! you could get expelled for that!"

" Thank sir for informing me about the problem with the interview , There is no chance to take me instead of kevin right?"

" Lily I told you! you are not enough-"

" Thank you very much sir" 

I walked out 


That was nice 

"Lily?" Hannah called out to me

" What happened ? Did you sign for the interview?" 

I explained to Hannah what happened, 

" Bastards!!!"

" Right" I responded, 

" What now Lily ? you worked very hard for this interview…"

" I don't know….but I'm sure that I will get another chance"

" Right, stay hopeful , Do you want to go shopping ? School already ended"

" Okay let's go"

" I will tell Eve"

" Don't bring anyone other than Eve okay"

I walked away going back to the classroom 

to get my back 

Kevin was standing near the stairs

He looks happy....A man

I would be able to be his boss by how much experience I have, 

I walked beside him to get down after I got my bag

" Oh guys look! isn't that a sad Lily"

" Yeah look how depressed she is for not having the interview" 

"She didn't know that she belonged to the kitchen and her only job is to care for us men-"

I felt my hand moving on its own

I hit Kevin in the guts and kicked his friends 

" No Lily , No don't get in trouble because of him" Hannah cam and removed me from on the top of Kevin who his face is punched all over

Students gathered all over , looking at the top student who hit 2 boys in the school, but they never asked why I hit them because "Girls should know that they should work their brains more" one of the students said that

" Lily you will pay for that"

" In your funeral Kevin!"

I screamed as I stepped on his dick 

" Lily stop it you will get in trouble" Hannah told me as she held me away from him

" Lily?" I felt a hand slip around my waist, 


" Lily that's me Nick, What's wrong"



" Nick ,I…nothing"

 If I told Nick he would help me 

I don't need anybody's help

I shook Nick off

" Lily what's wrong why is your hand bleeding?" 

" Don't talk like she is the victim here! Don't you see what she did to me?!" Kevin screamed with his annoying voice 

" You dare to talk about her" 

Nick was going to finish Kevin off

" Nick please !"

I took his hand and walked to some place in the school garden, 

" What happened Lily tell me!"

He sat in front of me on the grass and I sat on the bench

I told him everything 

He sometimes listened I saw his eyes get mad, and sometimes he gives me a proud look, and sometimes he looked sad for me

" And that what happened" I opened my phone to check my messages it was a message from Hannah telling me that after the teachers heard what happened they let me go but if I act like that again I would be expelled, and she will be waiting for me to go shopping at 3pm

" Lily come here" he hugged me

" I don't need to comfort Nick , I'm…fine"

" I need Lily , let me get comfort from thus hug" 

my hand tightened around him 

" What will you do now?" He asked me

" Nothing I will go shopping with my friends" 

" Good , don't worry , Lily you have a better future than anyone I know"

" You don't know anyone" I said that

" You are right" He laughed 

" Lily…"

" Yes" I looked at him 

" I will tell you because you hate people who lie…..I will go now and kick this bastard tell gets close to dying then I will go"


How can he say that with such a happy face

"Nick you mustn't do that"

" But this will definitely make him leave the interview for you!"

" If I am going to have it with these means then I don't want it"

My phone rang 


" Like you said I have a better future than anyone Nick , so I don't need to go through a misogynistic interview plus if I got the interview I would leave in 2 months to France"

"really?" Nick was surprised 

" Yeah, and I don't want to leave my baby Nick behind" I pinched his cheeks and walked away

" I will leave bye , don't do anything to Kevin I don't want you in trouble because of me"

After I went to the mall

I was surprised

Hannah and Eve were there…..with other 6 girls 

who I didn't like, and they didn't like me

" Hi Lily" one of them said in annoyed voice 

" Hi"

" Hannah!!" I whispered 

" Eve brought them I didn't know"

We walked together 

at every chance those girls could say something about me, they would

go from asking why did I fight today to telling me that I shouldn't have come because i should have been embarrassed about a fight that didn't even start!

oh? gosh, we have only walked 30 minutes, and I'm so tired of all of them

We entered a clothing store 

They went inside and started picking cloth for each other, 

Why am I here alone ?

Maybe I should tell them I need to go somewhere and leave 

oh that's such a pretty skirt 

it's a set 

I will go try it on

 I entered, and I tried it on

it's so good

don't know if it fits me tho

"Hannah ? Eve ? Can you come for a moment?" I asked for them, but I found the bunch coming

I hate that

" No , it doesn't fit you Lily , it's not that good"

" It's looking so ugly!"

" Okay, I will get it anyway" I said that and made them leave

Hannah and Eve didn't talk while the other judged me

I wore my yellow dress back on and put on my sage green blather and went out

" You will get it anyway?" Some one of them asked me

"Yes, I think it looks good and it's not that expensive anyway"

" What do you mean by that?!"



" Gosh Lily we know that you are richer than all of us but you don't have to say that!" some other girl said that in angry voice 

" I didn't mean to!"

" No you definitely meant that like how you act like you don't care about love but still seduce all the guys you meet"


I don't even care if I fight with them

" I didn't know that your family was suffering financially that much that the mention of money hurts your pride , also it's not my problem that your boyfriend foam at the mouth by the scene of me" 

" You Slut!" 

I slapped her face which made her fall to the floor

" Watch your words when you talk to me!"

I walked away , out of the store

I hoped Hannah and Eve would follow me 

but they didn't

they chose to stay there 

I don't care…..they weren't the only friends that left

I don't know if wronged them but at this point I don't care

I would rather be alone than with people who would think that calling me a slut and shaming me is right

I fixed my hair in the bathroom mirror 

my claw clip fell on the floor

Some girl got it for me

"Hi Lily" 


My girlllll

" Lauraaa!"

" Lilyyyy" 

We hugged each other

" Don't tell me Nick forced you to come"

" No actually it's quite the opposite, I wanted to go shopping with you, so I forced them to come with me too" 

" Okay let's go" I told her

" But Lily….you were tearing up seconds ago I didn't want to interfere, but can I ask why?" 


I looked at my eyes full of tears

I have must tear up while thinking about what had just happened 

" Tearing on people who aren't worth it is such a waste Laura" I told her while wiping my eyes 

" Yeah Lily" She told me as she fixed my hair for me,

We walked outside 

" Lily , Nick and Landon are here too, we saw you walking to the bathroom so I told them I will get you, and we can continue , but how about we go alone and keep them Waiting" 

I like this idea 

" Okay I like that!"

We shopped for sometime 

everytime the guys called Laura told them that she will call them later and hangs on them

" Lily I try on this dress very quickly….look around and I will come later"

I walked around and entered the men's section

" This will look good on Nick" it was a long black coat 

it was made with such a good material that it speaks MAFIA BOSS 

should I get it for him?

No !

We don't have a relationship like that!

I looked at another Black leather jacket, 

" That will suit Nick too-"

" Found you"


I was pulled into an embrace, but I know who that was


My Nick Larsen

" Running away from me My lady ?"