Chapter 16

"I'm sorry, but I gotta go

If you'll ever miss me, give this song another go" THE LONELIEST (Måneskin)

" And she just slammed the cake in the boy's face"

" What?!"

" He deserved it!"

" Yes, Lily tell them"

" After cheating on her, he deserved more than that"

Landon was telling us about the one time Laura got cheated on her birthday party

she was partying inside, and the trash was hooking up with some girl outside

Landon saw them and told her

" Nick is hearing that for the first time," Laura commented

" What really? weren't you always friends?"

" We aren't even friends now" Nick spoke

" Maybe that's the 3rd time he goes out with us"

" The other two you were in them too"

" Wow, you hate them" I laughed

" Very much"

He smiled at me

his smile melted everything it was close to melting the golden earrings I was wearing

I moved away my eyes from him before He lured me in more

" But why aren't you close? Weren't you three in the same school from the beginning?"

" Yes, we three knew each other since elementary school, but Nick didn't come to school in 9th and 8th grade"

" Two years? Why?" I asked

" I never knew," Laura said as she drank her coffee

" Why?" I asked Nick

He froze for a second before turning to look at me

" What will you give me for this information?" He smirked

"Why me? Laura and Landon are asking too"

" I don't care about them. What will you give MD" He leaned closer to me

" Okay, anything you want" I know I will regret that

" Don't ask anything weird" Laura said that

" What's your favourite flower?"


he could have asked anything!

" What?" Landon asked

" You just lost a golden chance"

" Shut your mouths, that is an important one, tell me, Lily," Nick said as he kept staring at me with her dark blue eyes

" Forget me not"

" You could have chosen anything else, why such sad ones" I hate Landon

" That's the point idiot, its meaning is truly beautiful" I looked back at Nick, who was still staring at me like I was his world

I hate that his eyes look at me like that

I'm not that important, Nick

When will you notice that I'm just like everyone else?

When will you lose interest?

" Then Nick, why did you not go to school in 8th and 9th grade?" I asked, trying to distract the thoughts that were drowning me

He looked at our hands that were on the cafe table

Very close to each other

Almost touching

Then he looked up at me and said

" My grandfather died due to heart failure, and four months later, my father killed himself in his office"

He said that with such an easy face that I was about to scream


Why did that happen?

Why did Nick say that like that didn't happen to him???

" Nick…." I called his name even when we both didn't take away our eyes from each other during the whole sitting

" Yes?" He answered me like he didn't say anything

Did what he just said relate to what I saw in the dressing room 2 hours ago?

" Oh, I'm sorry" Laura tried to break the silence

I should also try to move on from what he said


That's not a joke

I can't imagine a 14-year-old boy trying to live through all of this

I know that Nick now is 18

But he went through that hell

I felt Nick's hand moving his fingers were caressing my hand

His hands were always warm

" That's why then, but Nick, I have a question," Landon said that

Landon took a breath before speaking again

" Did you kill your grandfather and then your father to take all the inheritance?"

I felt that the world around me stopped


What did Landon just say?!

" Say the truth, Nick, all people know that you did I-"

My mouth opened up before I could even think

" Shut up, Landon!" I shouted

The whole cafe was looking at us

but the only thing I cared about was that boy sitting next to me

that suffered enough

please world

please stop it

I'm he had had enough

" Lily, you don't even know . All the evidence says that he killed the" I threw the glass of water on Landon before he could finish his words

Why Landon?

" Landon, that's enough!" Laura tried to push him to go up with her

" Laura, you too, trying to act like you don't know what is going around Nick"

" Landon, you are a jerk" Laura walked away after saying that

" Lily"

" Don't call my name, Bastard"

" You shouldn't trust people easily. He might be lying to you too and planning to kill you to take your money from you" Landon walked away, trying to catch up to Laura

" Jerk" I commented

I moved to look at Nick

I was hoping


Please , I don't want him to be depressed over what Landon just said


He was looking at me

He looked okay

He was more than okay, He was smiling

That psycho! " Nick?"

" Yes sweetheart"

" Why aren't you angry?" I asked

" Why would I be?" He asked as he locked his hand with mine, What is that question!?

" Didn't you hear what Landon just said?"

" No, I did, but he didn't say anything wrong"

" Nick, can you stop joking for a second"

I said that as I pulled my hand from his

I took my coffee cup and took a sip

" Not joking Lily" Why is he acting like that?!!

" Then did you kill someone, Nick!?" I shouted at him as I slammed down my cup, I was done with his jokes

" Yes"


" I did have a hand in killing my father and maybe my grandfather too, even Landon, I'm killing him right now"

" Nick, you better not lie to me" I looked at him

hoping that he would say sorry just cracking a joke

" I never lied to you, Lily, and I will never will"

" Grandfather died due to hurt failure and he left his will, He wrote my name and only my name, I was the official and only heir for the Roger Group, The family went insane from the 6-year-old they hoped that he would a small car in his name to the oldest child of my grandfather that thought he would take everything

but his child took everything" He took a sip of his water

" All of them went mad, searching for how I could take everything, at this time I was only 14, So all of the inheritance went to my official guardian which was my father, It was like my grandfather was mocking him"

"He the money was with him but he couldn't take anything" I spoke

" Yes, In those four months, I watched my father and my mother go insane, They were losing their minds and I couldn't do anything , I knew that my grandfather did that for a reason"

" Where are those scars left by them?" I asked

" My smart Lily, Yes, both of them not only after my grandfather died, it was before too"

He smiled

Why is he smiling?!

" Then my father slowly stopped coming home till one day he came home and hugged me, he said that we should have a movie night, I started preparing the movie, and I chose Jurassic Park, My mother was in the kitchen, I ran up to my father upstairs, I knocked, I kept knocking till I got bored and opened the door…to find"

I covered Nick's mouth

" Nick before you continue….can I say something...Nick whatever happened in the past wasn't your fault, you didn't ask your grandfather to leave everything to you and you didn't make your family greedy, you didn't drive them insane. It was them Nick….everyone did that to themselves…"

I removed my hand away from Nick

Who was looking at me like I just told him the biggest secret in the world

" Continue," I said

" I opened the door to find my dad hanging from the ceiling, I kept screaming and crying for help, Mother came but she only stared at me saying I killed him, I begged for her help but she did nothing….After that she tried her best to make me a good son , I tried my best to fix things but she saw no hope in me, I was a murder who killed her husband and destroyed her life, soon I left the house when I turned 17

I came to the house my grandfather told me about before… was a house that he built just so I could go to, About 5 months ago, I turned 18, and I inherited everything"

Nick was staring at me with a soft look on his face

I don't get it

Nick, please show me anything!

He only showed emotions when I talked to him

" I also planned to go to France when I inherited everything but something stopped me" He smiled

" What stopped you?" I asked

He pulled me in his embrace and wrapped his hands around me

" You gained another information, and I didn't gain anything"

" Okay ask"

" What's your favourite colour, Lily?"

" White, but now I'm starting to like blue"

We were still talking while hugging each other

" Blue? Okay, I will ask another thing if you want to know what stopped me"

" You are taking this game seriously" I chuckled

" Yes. That's my only chance to know things about you" He whispered in my ears

" Ask"

" Will you stay with me after hearing all these things, Lily?"

Nick's voice was very different it was not like him

It was like another person was talking to me

Why would he even think of something like that?!

" I won't blame you if you wanted to leave me now," He said as he started to move away from me


I cupped his face

" Did you not say that you will never let me leave!?" " Don't then"

His eyes widened at my words

then he smiled

his smile that always warmed my heart

his hand slipped around my waist and pulled me to his embrace

" You wanted to know what was the thing that made me not go to France, right?"

" Yes"

" You"


" You, Lily, I didn't go because of you"