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116 Advanced Chapters of
The Protagonist's Sister Is Actually The Strongest
70 Advanced Chapters of
The Heavenly Martial Empress Returns
17 Advanced Chapters of
Fantasy Story Online: The Crippled Vampire Prince Walks The Heavenly Demon Path
"What is that Sword?!"
The Heavenly Demon glared at the gigantic black sword I created, which still remained materialized even after having been used once.
This was because I had created it by fusing my Myriad Self Aura into it, granting the blade the power to sustain itself as long as I feed it with my Ki and other energies.
However, I can't really keep it up for too long; we have to finish this quickly!
With a furious roar, I rushed towards the Heavenly Demon. At the same time, Zero One flew around using as much power as she could to move at lightning speed.
The Heavenly Demon's Aura Manifestation roared, swinging its gigantic arms against me, but I swung Nidhogg, cutting through his manifestation.
"You can cut through my Aura!?"
Without hesitating, he quickly got physical; the black heavens above rumbled, fusing with his fists as his cursed seals channeled their power, something I didn't think he could do.
With a furious and crazed roar, he unleashed a barrage of physical strikes, punches, kicks, wing attacks, beak attacks, everything he could.
"{Heavenly Demon Martial Arts}: {Wicked Rampage}!"
Despite how chaotic it seemed, every attack came gracefully, carrying tremendous prowess with it. I barely could stop his blows with my shield and my sword, but constant explosions of cursed flames covered my body.
My body parts were being constantly blown into shreds and then rapidly regenerating thanks to the powers of the Hydra. I activated as many skills as possible, reinforcing my body's physical capabilities to withstand the Heavenly Demon's unrestrained power.
"Hahaha! At the end, my strength and technique are still superior!" he laughed. "In a raw battle against me, you can't win, girl! Now face your death with honor; I shall end you!"
However, it seemed impossible; he was becoming stronger the more damage he took from my sword and my techniques, and even my Myriad Self-Arts started to not even make him flinch.
The black skies above rumbled as a gigantic crimson and black-colored spear materialized once more.
The same wretched technique all over again! Just how many of these can he conjure?!
"{Black Heaven's Crimson Thunder Spear: Vajra Ratana}"
The gigantic spear rushed down towards me as I gritted my teeth and prepared Nidhogg to slash it down, but the Heavenly Demon was right there, constantly attacking me.
My countless arms made from my Aura and the various buffs applied to me and combined together couldn't hold back his endless Wicked Rampage, explosions of cursed flames consuming my body constantly.
"You cannot take on both at the same time; you're finished!"
As he celebrated, I heard Zero One's signal.
And then I smirked at him as blood came out of my mouth.
"You think so?"
My body disappeared completely, as I used the power of my gauntlet to become completely invisible, and then using the Abyssal Essence, I summoned a friend.
"{Abyssal Gaze}!"
My eyes shone with black color as a black mist encompassed the Heavenly Demon's entire body. Suddenly, his strength decreased tremendously, just in time for several status effects to stack on his entire body.
As he struggled to heal himself from the Paralysis, Confusion, and Pain Status Effects, Zero One rushed down and kicked him with tremendous force.
The Heavenly Demon was confused, yet he responded a second later, controlling his spear and sending it towards Zero One.
Yet the Android's lightning was different now, overflowing with a black, cursed color.
There was a huge sign one of my Egos had imprinted into her chest—a Cursed Seal.
"{Cursed Seal Release: Frenzy}!"
Who said I couldn't give the Cursed Seals to someone else? Usually you must harness emotions and have affinity for them.
But what happens when an Android that has read and comprehended the martial arts of the Heavenly Demon, whose power can adapt to any element possible, and which has received an Aura armor made out of my own Aura and Soul gets imprinted temporarily into her body?
She can use it for a bit!
Her entire body color changed, her silver metal turning black, her neon blue lines becoming red, and her hands opened as gigantic cannons fired beams of black and red energy.
First, the spear in the heavens exploded and dissipated.
Second, the Heavenly Demon that was coming for her received the tremendous beam attack, being pushed down.
Another floating island below us crumbled and shattered into pieces as the Heavenly Demon's body passed through it.
As she rushed back to us, a loud rock song started ringing in his ears behind him as he noticed he had entered within the range of the [Little Princess of Rock's Heart Throbbing Concert]!
My Egos roared as they unleashed countless shockwaves of deadly sounds and songs; the shockwaves made his entire body tremble, dealing some little damage.
But also decreasing his stats even more and prolonging the status effects of Abyssal Gaze.
"Uuaaagh! This hideous sound! DIE!"
With a furious roar, the Heavenly Demon was about to destroy the entire concert, only for us to quickly kick him in the head at the same time.
"You're fighting us, bastard!"
"We'll stop you!"
He wasn't pushed down this time, holding his "ground" within the skies, as he quickly responded with a series of rapid Wicked Rampage attacks, yet this time they were much slower.
And with Zero One at my side, all my gaps were finally covered; she had analyzed not only the Heavenly Demon's but my own fighting style.
This made it so she was able to adapt to my fighting techniques and cover for my weaknesses with tremendous precision. She moved fast; the cursed power flowing through her, giving her the status of Frenzy, enhanced her physical strength to completely new limits.
Her internal electromagnetic energy became pitch black and crimson in color, overflowing with explosions with each attack she unleashed.
The Heavenly Demon, as hard as he tried, was being pushed back and not given any time to conjure any of his fancy abilities.
I kept using all the Abyssal Essence in my gauntlet, keeping up Abyssal Gaze as much as possible; even if it barely made a difference, that difference it made was all we needed.
"Ugh…! AGH! Y-YOU!"
He was growing restless but completely unable to counter; his wounds were not regenerating, his bones were gaining cracks, and he was bleeding all over the place.
His cursed seals had reached a limit too; his power was not increasing anymore; we were fighting against him when he was at least ten times as strong!
"Hah…! Hahaha! HAHAHAHA!"
However, as he bled and had his body slowly being torn apart, he laughed like a maniac, his blood itself fusing with his Ki as he conjured giant dragons to swallow us.
"{Heavenly Demon Sorcery Arts}: {Vengeful Blood Dragon}!"
As he laughed, the dragons rushed towards us, opening their jaws and aiming to devour us, and then explode. I could sense within their composition that very goal.
Zero One and I clashed against all the Blood Dragons as we moved towards him, yet the bastard kept moving back more and more, trying to escape from our attacks now.
Where is all that honor he was talking about? About fighting to the death?
At the end, he still became a coward once he saw himself being overwhelmed.
Truly a demon amongst demons!
But that's fine; yeah, it's fine.
That's my master after all.
He's a wicked, treacherous demon.
And I admire him for that too.
"But this is as far as it goes."
I gathered Golden Ki within my hands, unleashing a devastating beam attack, as my aura shaped into the head of a golden Chinese dragon, opening its jaws.
"{Celestial Golden Dragon Divine Fist}: {Golden Dragon's Ki Blast}!"
I released all of my Ki at once—everything I had, my Aura, everything—even Zero One imbued her electromagnetic energies into it.
This was our final attack, to end this once and for all.
The dragon roared, its breath attack synchronizing with my fists moving forward; not one, but several Ki Blasts were released at once.
"Hah… The Celestial Golden Dragon Divine Fist school…?! You're full of surprises, brat…"
He didn't fight anymore; already all tattered and bleeding, the blasts hit him as countless explosions engulfed him, at the same time as they disintegrated his blood dragons.
The explosions of golden light covered the skies beautifully. As we saw his silhouette falling from the skies, his black feathers were set ablaze with golden flames, but they slowly dissipated.
He fell over a floating island, bleeding but barely alive.
We moved down to see him, noticing that Wai Tian had kept Yin Shen safe with the help of my familiars.
"Hahah… I can't move… I can't even… muster any Ki; it's all gone," he muttered. "Not even that Heavenly Empress… had ever dared to go so far against me… She was afraid I would die. That woman… she has… the same power I do… yet she's always so afraid… of using it."
"That's because when she fights you, she doesn't see a man," I said. "She only seems like a traumatized, crying child. Only asking for help…"
"Hah," he smirked. "Maybe… So what's… next? Are you going to kill me?"
"No, you're going to fight alongside us," I said. "You'll become our ally."
"That's… What?" he started to laugh. "You're… haha… For what reason would I… ugh… would I help a damn… brat… like… you…"
"You're an amazing master, but a terrible man, master…" I sighed. "Rest for now."
He slowly closed his eyes as he fell unconscious.
"He was really tenacious until the end, phew!"
Zero One was right behind me. As I was carrying her on my back, the seal imprinted into her chest was gone, dissipating into ashes. She seemed exhausted.
"Yeah, thank you for helping me so far, Zero One… You were amazing! See? This is how strong you are!" I laughed, congratulating her.
"I-I am still learning," she said, blushing a bit. "But thank you, Anna… For believing in me. I do feel stronger now."
"Good…" I nodded. "Ah!"
Fang Shuan emerged out of my body as our fusion came to an end; he fell to the floor and then took upon his small, energy-saving doll-like form.
"Ugh… I'm so tired… My soul… can't take it anymore…"
"I'll feed you soul wine later, so bear with it for now. Well done, Fang Shuan. Thank you for giving me your strength."
"It is an honor."
"Lady Anna!"
Wai Tian came running towards us after that, bringing with her the unconscious black fox and my familiars too.
"Wai Tian! Looks like everything is done now," I nodded.
"Yes, I noticed! That was amazing! You… all of you, you're so great!" Wai Tian said. "I've realized how much the empress held back against us compared to that monster… Ah, right! Especially you, Zero One, that was amazing—those moves, those techniques you used. And your ability to instantly copy any technique, movement, and martial art… That's just so awesome!"
"E-Eh? You think so?" Zero One blushed again; she got embarrassed whenever praised. "Thank you, Wai Tian! You're also incredible. Ah, right, what not? Why is the trial not ending?"
"I was going to ask the same thing…" said Fang Shuan.
"It ended," I said. "She's just been looking at us with a puzzled look for a little while, right, Tower Master?"
I looked into the skies as the clouds dissipated, showing a young Heavenly Empress with a slightly irritated look in her face.
"Ugh! How come you did something so impossible?! Not even my creator registered this ending at all! I have to work on it myself, so just wait a bit, please…"
She moved her hands, changing the structure of the entire Formation.
And before long, we were teleported into a "waiting lobby".
Can't wait to see what's next? You can join my Patreon:
And gain access to all these Advanced Chapters:
116 Advanced Chapters of
The Protagonist's Sister Is Actually The Strongest
70 Advanced Chapters of
The Heavenly Martial Empress Returns
17 Advanced Chapters of
Fantasy Story Online: The Crippled Vampire Prince Walks The Heavenly Demon Path