Twin Sided Views...

Before school, in Ami's room...

Ami vigorously thought, ''I... I triumphantly did it! L-Last night, I did something nice for my dear sister! It wasn't perfect, that said, I did apologize to her in my own fashion... (Sighs)

I think, I can without a doubt, say that I have indubitably triumphed... Hm... Yesterday's reading... (Blush), was sort of embarrassing though, I have to admit.....''

Airi yelled, ''Ami? . .Are you ready to go? (Knock, knock)'' Ami bitterly responded, ''(Exclaims) Sister!, you need to learn a thing or two about privacy!''

Airi timidly said, ''I forgot. Forgive me, sister...'' Ami vexed, said, ''You may let yourself in now.''

Airi realized, ''Oh-ho! I almost forgot! Ami, did you put a blanket on me, after I fell asleep last night?'' Ami tensely said, ''O-O-Of course...not. Why would I? (Thinks inside) Oh, no! She asked it!!''

Airi puzzled, asked, ''Huh...? sure?'' Ami twitchily said, ''Let's hurry to school, or we'll be late!'' Airi exclaimed, ''Ami, wait-ow!, ow!!''

On the way to school, with Ami...

Ami jitterily thought, ''Last night, why did I have to cover her up?! That was too close for comfort! (Happily thinks) Ahh! Her sleeping self was soo cute, that I just had too!

Why was with such a sweet sister...? Hmm.....''

Unexpectedly, I veered my head left and I sighted lots of cute, plush animals inside the convenience store's window... To my view, I wanted them so much that I didn't want to turn away...

Fortuitously, I was strolling behind Airi, so she didn't notice my actions... I forced myself to walk away, and I thought of a better option!

Later, after school let out...

Airi shouted, ''Ami! Ami!! Am-!'' Ami expressed, ''-Will you not be so loud?! Argh... What is it?''

Airi shiningly said, ''I wanted to tell you... (Smiles) There is a thing I want to do, so I won't be walking home with you today, alright?''

Ami deceptively said, ''Hm. Do what you want. I couldn't care less. (Thinks inside) This is perfect!'' Airi keenly said, ''Ahh...! See you later, sister!''

Ami intensely thought, ''This is my day! I better go now, before she get's in my way!''

Later, inside the store with Ami...

Ami zestfully thought, ''Yes, yes! All of them are still here. Now, which one is for me? Which one of their cute, cute faces calls to my heart? (Ruminating)''

It was a difficult time, like every time I find more of these animals. I've always strained myself with just taking home a one or a few...

Ami thought, ''My mother only gave me so much allowance... (Groans) What do I do?''

Later, at the checkout...

Female clerk merrily asked, ''Miss? Do you love plush animals? (Chuckles)'' Ami reservedly said, ''N-No. They are.....for my sister. That's what they are for... (Trying not to blush)''

Female clerk delightfully said, ''Ohh, I bet they are. (Smiles)'' Ami uneasily thought, ''Does she know? I can't tell...!''

Later, in Ami's room...

Ami festively thought, ''(Sighs) In the end..... I bought three of them. My bag was too full with my school necessities to hide them, so I had to carry them... How unseemly.....

Some people on the streets might've started at me, but-it was worth the humiliation... Now..... How to keep them from my sister's prying graces...?''

Hours ago, the morning walk to school, with Airi...

Airi was thinking, ''Yesterday, that festive manga brought me closer to sis. My idea worked! I didn't get what could've changed her mind, but my sister no doubt, read it with me!

(Giggling) What should I do now, though? . . . . Huh? (Looks right)''

At a intersection, around the corner, I saw a girl trying to fix her bike in a hurry... I didn't know what to say to her...

Peculiar girl quickly said, ''This must, this must work! Got to fix this post-haste! (Fast movements) Ah-ha! I fixed it! Now, I must hurry! (Bikes fast)''

Airi thought, ''What was..... with her?''

Later before class starts...

Minutes after I sat down, waiting for class to start off, I saw her, the girl with the bike mess from before... I didn't know about it, but she was clearly in my class.

I saw her sit down two desks to my right. I never saw her there before... For some reason, I felt that I had to get to know her!

Later, during lunch...

Ami earnestly thought, ''Maybe, I can... I can make a new friend! A new bento-friend! (Smiles)''

It was right there, I grabbed my fresh bento, I went to her, and asked to eat lunch with this girl.

Peculiar girl puzzled, said, ''Huh...? With me? (Smiles) You may, I don't mind.''Airi said, ''Thanks a ton!''

I gladly sat down, and I saw that she had a bento like I did... I had to ask her about it! 

Peculiar girl replied, ''My bento? Ohh... You see, every day, I make nutritional bento lunches for myself. Unfortunately, for me... I always must buy the cheapest items, sadly...

Airi perplexed, asked, ''What do you mean, 'cheap items?' Peculiar girl fervently said, ''For example, today my meal is: One 150¥ rice ball, 250¥ tomato sandwich, 175¥ fruit punch, juice box, and a 125¥ beef stick!

Add that up, and all of it is, a mere 700¥!! The ability to stay relatively cheap is a powerful thing!'' Airi shily asked, ''So I guess, you don't have lots of money? (Chuckles)''

Peculiar girl nervily said, ''(Coughs) Sorry, about that. What you just saw, has become a trait of me and my life...''

Airi asked, ''What...?'' Peculiar girl said, ''I can't tell you, right now. I apologize, maybe another day.'' Airi puzzlingly replied, ''Ohh... Okay, I won't ask. (Realizes) That's right... Can I... Can I ask for your name?''

Peculiar girl responded, ''Hm-Mm. (Deep breath) I am Aya Tohru. You are?'' Airi eagerly said, ''My name is Airi Ayami.''

Both shook hands, saying, ''It's a pleasure.'' Airi merrily said, ''I better hurry, and eat! (Opens bento)''

Aya said, ''You haven't ate ye-(blinded) . . . .(In shock) No way... Why does your food look so, soo rich, ...and flavorful...? (Let down) No fair..... It looks homemade... (Moans)''

Later, after school with Airi...

That's why I didn't travel home with my sister on this day... Today, I made my first real high school friend. Aya Tohru... After school, we got to know each other... She told me lots about her basic life...

My friend Aya has short round-ish cherry wood colored hair, with a left-sided short pigtail, lighting bolt bangs, and a warm, honest smile.

She wears the same school outfit as us, though... I noticed what might be prayer beads on her wrists. Hmm...

I had so much fun!!

See you next time!