Chapter 1.2: Gone and Began

Michael's resolve remained unwavering as he responded, "We cannot condone such a path, Lucifer. Our purpose is to guide and protect, not to enslave."

Yet, Lucifer remained undeterred, his pride and ambition on full display, "And eventually, I will surpass Father. That's what I truly desire!"

In the midst of the tumultuous seas that separated the realms of Heaven and Hell, Michael, the steadfast Archangel, confronted his estranged brother, Lucifer, the fallen angel who now bore the title of Demon Lord. Their eyes locked in a battle of wills, and Michael gazed sternly into Lucifer's defiant crimson orbs.

"Things are just getting out of hand, I suppose," Lucifer mused, his voice laced with a dark amusement.

"Is that so?!" Michael retorted, his voice resolute. "I can sense the victory of darkness in your words."

With a malevolent grin, Lucifer chanted a word of power, "ESSAIM!" His demonic laughter resonated through the desolate expanse.

Their celestial supremacies clashed, as Michael continued to fixate on Lucifer's piercing gaze. A tense silence hung between them, only broken by Lucifer's sardonic remark.

"Oh! What's the matter, Michael?" Lucifer taunted. "Too excited for our battle rematch?"

Michael's response was unwavering, "Those who disobey the commandments of God are not even worthy by themselves."

Lucifer acknowledged with a sinister chuckle, "Yes… I've heard that before."

"You still haven't changed, have you?" Michael pressed on.

"Can't you see that death lies in wait on your path, ready to consume all hope?" Lucifer whispered, a cruel edge to his voice.

Michael remained steadfast, "I've also heard that before."

With an enigmatic smile, Lucifer remarked, "You still haven't changed, either."

"Received divine punishment… brother," Michael declared, his tone somber yet resolute.

"Go and tell them that I'm coming," Lucifer hissed, his eyes blazing with defiance. "Go and tell them that I'm here, and I will show you all how far greater I am than our Father. You're not ready for me. No one is."

A chilling smile played across Lucifer's lips as he spoke, and the two celestial beings separated, their encounter leaving a foreboding sense of impending conflict.

Following their confrontation, Michael and the angels ascended into the heavens, leaving the realm of Hell behind. Meanwhile, Lucifer and his loyal devils returned to the fiery depths to prepare their armies and weapons, fueled by their grand plan of "Domination."

And in the halls of Heaven, amidst a hushed congregation of angels and archangels, Michael addressed his fellow celestial beings with a grave but unwavering resolve:

"My brothers and sisters, I hardly have to say this, but Lucifer's great pride has thwarted our attempts at negotiation, not just in Netherus but also in Hell. The war we have long feared is now upon us." 

Michael concluded his rallying speech with a solemn tone, "And so our plan 'Restoration' will not be in vain, no matter what happens. We were created by our Father, who gave us the knowledge, talents, as well as strength, not just to guide humans, but also to defend the throne and to defeat forces of darkness."

Camael and Ariel approached Michael, ready to receive their mission. Michael continued, "Both of you will rescue Jophiel and the priests in Netherus, but make sure that no one notices and sees you, and this angel will assist you."

Camael and Ariel nodded in acknowledgment of their mission, understanding the gravity of the situation. Michael added, "Since war will break out, I must ensure my people first. So that they couldn't get involved in the casualty while locked up in prison."

As for Cassiel, who had returned to Bethlehem, he surveyed the situation and saw that the classified basement meant to safeguard the priests and townspeople was not yet completed. This prompted a sense of urgency as they needed to secure their allies and fortify their positions before the impending battle with the devils.

Cassiel was surprised to find that the classified basement meant to protect the priests and the people of Bethlehem was not yet completed. He looked around, bewildered, and asked, "What happened? I thought the construction was well underway yesterday..."

One of the priests, who had been overseeing the construction, approached Cassiel with a look of concern. "We encountered some unexpected delays," he explained. "There were unforeseen complications in the construction process, and it has taken longer than we anticipated."

Cassiel nodded, understanding that sometimes unforeseen challenges could arise. "We don't have much time," he said with a sense of urgency. "We need to ensure the safety of the priests and the people of Bethlehem before the impending war with the devils. Let's work together to expedite the construction and make this place secure."

The priests and townspeople quickly rallied, determined to finish the construction as swiftly as possible to provide a safe haven for all who sought refuge from the looming threat of war.

  Cassiel listened attentively to the angel's explanation of the situation in Bethlehem and the capture of Archangel Jophiel. His expression remained calm, and he replied, "Thank you for the information. We must act swiftly to rescue Archangel Jophiel and the priests."

When the angel expressed concern about Cassiel's intentions to rescue Jophiel, he nodded and said, "Yes, it is my duty to ensure the safety of our fellow angels and the priests. I will do everything in my power to bring them back safely."

The angel informed Cassiel about Lord Michael's actions and how he had assigned an Archangel and a high-ranking angel for the rescue mission. Cassiel acknowledged this information, knowing that their efforts were coordinated.

As they continued to work on the construction of the basement in Bethlehem, Cassiel actively helped the angels, priests, and townspeople to expedite the process. He understood the urgency of providing a safe haven before the impending war with the devils.

Meanwhile, in Netherus, Camael and Ariel were preparing to rescue Archangel Jophiel and the priests. Camael suggested using Ariel's roar to deafen the devils, but Ariel reminded him of Lord Michael's orders to remain unnoticed. Camael acknowledged her mistake and agreed to proceed without causing any commotion.

When the angel suggested splitting up to search for Archangel Jophiel, Camael agreed with the plan. She emphasized the importance of avoiding detection and casualties during their rescue mission. With a clear plan in mind, they set out on their mission to infiltrate Netherus' dungeons and save their captured comrades.

Jophiel found herself trapped in the cell, her wings folded behind her, and her frustration growing with each passing moment. She glanced around the cold, dark chamber, unable to understand how she had ended up in this predicament. Restlessly, she unfurled her wings, ready to take flight and escape, but to her surprise, she crashed into an invisible barrier that Lucifer had cunningly set, knowing full well that she was an angel.

Frustration and irritation welled up inside her, and she couldn't help but voice her discontent. "Jeez... what a strong enchantment. Guess it can't be helped," she muttered to herself, taking a seat on a simple chair within her cell, her wings still ruffled in annoyance.

Her muttered complaints echoed through the dungeon, her voice carrying the unmistakable tone of boredom. The noise grated on the nerves of the nearby devils, their patience wearing thin as they listened to her ongoing rant. One devil, in particular, couldn't tolerate it any longer and approached her cell, weapon in hand, ready to silence her.

Seizing the opportunity, Jophiel decided to employ her charm and see if she could outwit her captors. She turned her attention to the approaching devil, her gaze meeting his with an alluring allure. "My dear devil," she began in a melodious tone, her voice sweet as honey, "isn't there a way we could make this confinement a tad more... enjoyable? Perhaps we could have a little chat instead?" 

Jophiel seized the opportunity she had created with her charm, well aware that this was her chance to escape from her prison. She focused her celestial powers and invoked the Love of God within her, preparing to cast her charm on the unsuspecting devil who had approached her cell.

"Beauty of God: Manipulation of Charm," she whispered under her breath.

Her charm power flowed into the devil's mind like a gentle, enchanting breeze, slowly but surely taking hold. The devil's initial annoyance quickly transformed into admiration for Jophiel's celestial beauty, and he found himself entranced by her presence. He began to dance around erratically, daydreaming about courtship with the captivating angel.

His comrades, witnessing this bizarre spectacle, were left dumbfounded and uncertain of how to react. They watched as their companion continued to dance and swoon, completely under the spell of Jophiel's charm. They made a hesitant attempt to intervene, but the enamored devil gestured for them to stay away from him and the angel.

Jophiel took advantage of the situation she had created. She addressed the mesmerized devil with a charming expression, her voice dripping with allure. "Mr. Devil, could you get me a flower?" she requested, her tone filled with a beguiling sweetness.

"At your service, my queen!" the devil responded with glimmering, devilish eyes, eager to please.

Inside her cell, Jophiel couldn't help but suppress a laugh as she marveled at the absurdity of the situation. The other devils were growing increasingly baffled by their comrade's odd behavior. They tried to restrain him, but he waved them off, unwilling to leave Jophiel's side.

With a flower procured, the enamored devil eagerly presented it to Jophiel, then stepped back to guard her cell, fiercely protective in his infatuation. Jophiel circled her hand over the flower, enchanting it with a spell, and began to sing a celestial song, her voice resonating with power.

"May the Love of God within me," she sang, her voice carrying through the heavens, reaching the ears of Michael and the angels who were searching for her.

Her song continued:

"Flower, gleam and glow,

Let your powers shine.

Make the heavens heard,

The prayer call of mine."

In heaven, Michael and the angels recognized the distinct song and knew that Jophiel was calling for help. Camael, Ariel, and the assisting angel heard the song as well, and it served as a guiding beacon, leading them to Jophiel's cell.

When they arrived, Camael wasted no time attempting to break the enchanted barrier of the cell, her expression determined. However, the formidable enchantment proved too resilient to penetrate. The devils guarding Jophiel were not about to let her go without a fight and attacked the angels.

While the battle raged on, the enamored devil remained enchanted by Jophiel's charm, and she took advantage of his infatuation to command him. With a beguiling smile, she instructed him to unlock her cell, knowing that his comrades were too preoccupied with the fight to notice his actions.

Jophiel gazed into the enamored devil's eyes, her celestial beauty radiating a charm that had ensnared his very being. She asked him coyly, "Mr. Devil, do you love me?"

The devil's response was immediate and ardent. "I love you more than you could ever imagine, my queen," he declared, utterly captivated by Jophiel's presence.

With her captivating charm still firmly holding him in its sway, Jophiel seized the opportunity she had created. She made her request, her voice filled with a modest sweetness. "Then let me go," she said, her eyes filled with an enchanting allure.

The enamored devil's heart raced, and he immediately complied with her request, unlocking her cell without hesitation.

As Jophiel stepped out of her cell, she found herself flanked by Ariel and Camael, who had been blocking the devils and engaging them in battle. Ariel, with determination in her eyes, used her celestial power.

"May the Lion of God within me," she intoned.

"Lion of God: Roar of Invulnerability!" Ariel unleashed a mighty roar that reverberated through the dungeon, deafening the devils and rendering them vulnerable and disoriented.

Seizing this moment, the angel accompanying them used his spiked ball weapon to break down the dungeon wall, creating an opening for their escape. They quickly fled the dungeon, leaving the devils incapacitated and dazed in their wake.

Once they were outside, Camael summoned her celestial powers, creating a large cart that was spacious enough to accommodate the rescued priests.

"May the Fortitude of God within me," she invoked.

"Fortitude of God: Wheels of Stability," Camael declared, infusing the cart's wheels with stability and strength.

With the priests safely aboard, Jophiel summoned the Oracle Dove, a celestial creature of healing and light. The dove began to tend to the wounded priests, providing them with much-needed comfort and healing for the injuries they had sustained during their captivity.

Their preparations complete, Camael cast a fly spell on the cart, allowing it to hover and be easily transported, as they embarked on the journey to Bethlehem. The angelic team, along with the rescued priests, flew through the skies toward their destination, guided by Jophiel's guidance and Ariel's protection.

As they arrived in Bethlehem, the evening's shadows grew long, and the construction of the classified basement was nearing completion. The priests entered the partially finished underground refuge as Cassiel and the angels worked diligently to finalize the construction.

An elderly priest approached Jophiel, his eyes filled with gratitude and curiosity. He asked her about the purpose of the basement and how it would protect the people of Bethlehem. 

The elderly priest, his curiosity piqued, inquired, "What was this underground building built for, your celestial highness?"

Jophiel began to explain, "It's purposely built for priests, as well as for you people here in Bethlehem. I organized this in preparation for—"

Camael interjected, her voice firm but gentle. "Not now, Jophiel," she said, signaling that certain matters were better left unsaid at the moment.

Jophiel nodded, understanding the need for discretion in the midst of the ongoing events. She replied to the old man with a warm smile, "Oh, yes, I suppose there's no need to say much about the things happening right now."

The elderly priest, a twinkle in his eye, responded, "We will await your announcement then, your highness."

"Indeed," Jophiel affirmed. "But for now, please rest assured that the angels will take care of us humans, as we continue to devote our lives to God."

With those words, the old man walked away, and Jophiel couldn't help but touch her heart, moved by the sincerity and faith of the people of Bethlehem.

"May God bless us all," she murmured softly, gazing up at the moon.

Meanwhile, in heaven, Michael sounded a celestial horn, its ethereal notes calling all the angels to assemble in the Angel's Hall. They gathered, their radiant wings unfurled, and Michael, their supreme leader, ascended the pulpit.

"As you all came back, and it seems that all of us are here, especially you, Jophiel," Michael began, his voice strong and reassuring, "thank God for having you back safe and well."

Jophiel bowed respectfully before Michael, her gratitude evident in her expression. Camael, Ariel, and Cassiel also bowed before their leader, acknowledging his words and the successful rescue mission they had undertaken. 

"Archangels, high rank angels, angels," Michael began, his voice resonating with unwavering determination, "as my negotiations with the demon lord have failed, I am reminded that Father entrusted the Earth to us. He trusted us, and we will not fail that trust."

Raphael added, "Bluntly speaking, Lucifer is eager for war to achieve his demonic goals."

Camael chimed in, her expression reflecting a sense of resignation, "It's truly regrettable that we have no choice but to fight back."

Zadkiel voiced a concern, "But Michael, your highness, when the war rages on, I fear that the casualties will affect the hometowns of Bethlehem."

Michael turned to Jophiel and inquired, "Is the classified basement ready?"

Jophiel responded, "Yes, your highness. We can now evacuate the priests as well as the people in Bethlehem."

Michael expressed his satisfaction, "Splendid!"

He then gave instructions to Gabriel, Jophiel, and Uriel, "Gabriel, Jophiel, and Uriel, make announcements in Bethlehem to alert them about the impending war. Advise them to pack their belongings and prepare to evacuate, so they won't be caught in the crossfire."

The three angels bowed before Michael and acknowledged their task with a resolute "Yes, your highness."

"Now, my brothers and sisters," Michael continued, raising his voice to address the assembled angels, "in this pivotal moment, as the time has come, I, Michael Who is Like God, declare a celestial war against the forces of darkness!"

The angels assembled on the celestial plain above the clouds, positioning themselves strategically as they awaited the signal from Michael. They anticipated the moment when the sun would rise, allowing them to descend to Earth at the optimal time, fully aware that the devils were planning to invade Nazareth.

In Bethlehem, Gabriel, Jophiel, and Uriel descended to make their presence known to the inhabitants. Fear and awe washed over the people who saw them, their angelic radiance piercing through the darkness of the night. Uriel invoked a divine light to illuminate their forms, ensuring they could be seen clearly.

"May the Light of God within me," Uriel declared.

"Light of God: Shine of Star," she chanted, casting a gentle and guiding light upon the people of Bethlehem.

Uriel raised her celestial power, summoning a massive fireball that blazed brilliantly white in the night sky. The radiant light drew the attention of the people of Bethlehem, who immediately recognized the significance of the celestial display. In reverence, they bowed to the Archangels, their trust and faith evident in their actions.

The Archangels acknowledged the respect shown to them by the people and proceeded with their urgent announcement.

"Rise up, people of Bethlehem, for you hold great significance to us," Uriel began, her voice carrying authority.

The people stood in rapt attention, their eyes fixed on the celestial messengers.

"We, the Archangels, have a crucial message for you," Gabriel continued. "The devils, led by their demon lord Lucifer, plan to invade Nazareth and seize control of the Earth for themselves. We angels have made every effort to negotiate with the demon lord, for we do not desire war, especially if it endangers your homes. Unfortunately, Lucifer has rejected all attempts at peace."

Jophiel added, "To protect you, the people of Bethlehem, as well as those in Nazareth from Lucifer's impending rule, we have constructed a classified underground basement in the Northern District of Bethlehem. We implore you, our fellow humans, to evacuate as soon as possible, for we anticipate that the war will begin with the rise of the sun. Gather your belongings and make your way to the basement. You have only this night to prepare. May God watch over and bless you all."

Uriel then directed the angels to assist each family in returning to their homes, providing protection in case any devils attempted to cause harm. The priests, after securing copies of the Bible, were among the first to organize their scriptures and belongings.

However, tragedy struck as devils, following closely behind the priests, launched a merciless attack, resulting in a pool of bloodshed. Lucifer himself appeared at the church's altar, contemplating the scriptures.

"Father's legacy is truly magnificent, and humans obey Him blindly," Lucifer mused. "But I fear this obedience won't last forever."

In his quest to eradicate all traces of God's Word, Lucifer discovered the remaining Bibles hidden within stone cabinets. He ordered his devils to burn down the church completely, leaving no remnants of God's scriptures.

"Spread out in Bethlehem and await my signal," Lucifer commanded his minions, who promptly scattered into the dark alleys, ready to ambush the Nazarenians.

Meanwhile, the construction of the classified basement was completed, and the angels guided the priests and townspeople to evacuate immediately. As the sun began to rise, signaling the imminent war, angels led the way, urging everyone to make haste.

In another town, some curious individuals stumbled upon the burned church and paused to investigate the incident. Sensing the urgency of the situation, the angels encouraged them to continue their journey, as the war was on the brink of breaking out. Some angels remained behind to examine the church and its surroundings, prepared for any threats that might emerge.

The Sound Angels sounded their horns, signaling the people to quickly gather inside the nearest safe establishments. The angels wanted to ensure the safety of the townspeople in the face of the devil's threat. Amid the commotion, an angel rushed to report the incident at the burned church to Uriel.

"Archangel Uriel, your highness," the angel reported dutifully.

Uriel turned her attention to the angel, awaiting further information. "What's the situation?" she inquired.

"We discovered a church that had been set ablaze, and our investigation confirmed it was the work of the devils," the reporting angel replied. "It appears they have infiltrated Bethlehem with the intent to disrupt our plans for the people."

Uriel let out an exasperated sigh. "These beings are a constant nuisance. Angels in the eastern district, thoroughly check the surroundings for any devils hiding in the bushes, ready to ambush," she ordered.

As the angels conducted their searches, one of them noticed a shadow lurking in the corner of a ruined building. Approaching cautiously, the angel was suddenly stabbed by a devil who had laid traps in the area. His comrade scolded him for his carelessness.

"Are you foolish?" the comrade chided. "Have you forgotten our king's command?"

After the area had been carefully inspected, the angels reported back to Uriel.

"Your highness, the areas are clear," one of the angels reported.

Uriel nodded in acknowledgment. "Well done. Please inform Cassiel that I require his presence here," she instructed.

The angel promptly departed, flying rapidly to deliver Uriel's message. Meanwhile, Uriel shared the incident with Gabriel and Jophiel, as they devised a new plan, "Operation Deportation," to ensure the safety of the people on their journey to the designated establishment. 

The angel tasked with delivering Uriel's message quickly located Cassiel.

"Cassiel, your highness!" the angel called out.

The angel relayed Uriel's message to Cassiel, and Cassiel acknowledged with a simple, "Thanks for the information, my friend."

Cassiel flies rapidly as he arrived easily due to his speedster ability. 

"What's your command, your highness?" Cassiel asked promptly, displaying his remarkable speed. Uriel was taken aback by Cassiel's sudden appearance but quickly regained his composure. "You're quite fast as ever, Cassiel. I'm still impressed," he complimented the swift angel.

The celestial dance continued as Uriel swirled flames in her hands, and Jophiel's melodic incantation filled the air. The people of Bethlehem, on their way to safety, were captivated by the angelic display, with many men falling under the enchantment of Jophiel's voice, only to be reminded of their duties by their wives.

Camael arrived at the scene, creating a protective torch to add to the magical display. Gabriel handed the torch to Cassiel, instructing him to use his incredible speed to circle around Bethlehem, creating a protective barrier with the flames.

Cassiel nodded, bowing to Gabriel. With the torch in hand, he ascended into the skies and began his rapid circuit around the city.

Meanwhile, Gabriel added another layer of protection with his own spell, projecting a diligent barrier to ensure the safety of the people. The Archangels watched as the flames transformed into an invisible, massive cage that covered the entire land of Bethlehem.

With the plan successfully in motion, the angels continued to guide and protect the evacuating residents. As the sun approached the horizon, some began to panic, eager to reach safety. However, the angels reassured them that they need not rush, as the protective measures put in place by the Archangels would ensure their safety.

Gabriel eventually returned to heaven to report the successful execution of "Operation Deportation" to Michael. 

Gabriel reported to Michael that the plan was proceeding smoothly, with the people of Bethlehem evacuating without any devil interference. He highlighted the strong barrier in place for added protection.

Michael praised his brother for a job well done. He then inquired about any signs of the Arch Demons, to which Gabriel responded that there were none.

With the sun on the verge of rising, Michael felt it was time to position themselves on Earth and prepare for the impending war. He summoned the army of angels with a resounding horn blast and addressed them.

"Heavenly Hosts, as the sun prepares to rise, I command all of you to gather, including the angels stationed on Bethlehem's borders, to fortify our defenses," Michael declared.

The angels acknowledged his command with a fist bump to their chests and promptly followed his orders, descending from heaven to join their comrades on Earth.

Meanwhile, Michael made his way to the terrestrial kingdom where the massive and mighty lions resided. As he appeared before them, the majestic beasts bowed in reverence and roared in welcome to their leader.

Mighty Lions of Heaven: 

Leo – Lion of Archangel

Jabari – Lion of Fire

Asad – Lion of Sand

Sahar – Lion of Ice

Karoo – Lion of Mist

"It's a pleasure to see you here, Michael," greeted Leo, the leader of the mighty lions in the terrestrial kingdom.

Michael acknowledged Leo's presence and explained the situation. "Since the war will break out after the sun rises, I want you to join us, Leo. Dracul may appear at any moment, and you'll be the one to deal with him."

Leo expressed his inner conflict, reminiscing about his past friendship with Dracul. "Dracul was once a friend of mine. I still can't believe we're enemies now."

Michael understood Leo's sentiment and replied, "I know how you feel. But this is the destiny we are facing right now, as our Father foresaw. If circumstances escalate, I'll leave it to you, Leo, as you understand Dracul well."

As an explosion echoed in the distance, Michael knew that the battle had begun. Leo growled in readiness. "It starts," Michael confirmed.

The archangel then issued orders to his comrades. "Raguel, Selaphiel, Jegudiel, Anael, join and assist Jophiel in Bethlehem to expedite the evacuation of the people. It would be dangerous if panic spreads further. The rest of the high-ranking angels will join the battlefield. May the presence of our Father be with us."

A chorus of "Hallelujah" erupted from the angels as they prepared to engage in the battle.

On the battlefield, the devils launched arrows toward the city of Bethlehem, attempting to wreak havoc on its districts. However, the protective barrier surrounding the city deflected the arrows, causing them to shatter harmlessly over the ocean. The Heavenly Hosts retaliated, and the war began in earnest as the sun graced the horizon.

Arch Demon Belphegor and the high-ranking demons merged their powers to create a massive black hollow ball, known as the "Power of Darkness: Archimedean of Despair." They hurled it toward the heavenly hosts and their devil comrades, threatening to engulf them in its malevolent embrace.

Just when it seemed there was no escape, swift daggers streaked through the air, colliding with the looming sphere and causing it to explode violently in the atmosphere. The resulting shockwaves rippled across the ocean and the earth. Archangel Zadkiel and the high-ranking angels emerged before the heavenly hosts.

"Apologies for being late," Zadkiel said, his presence a welcome sight in the midst of the chaos. 

Amidst the cacophony of celestial warfare in the heart of Bethlehem, Archangel Zadkiel exchanged words with the imposing Arch Demon Belphegor and his cohort of high-ranking demons.

"No, your highness, you're right on time," reassured a heavenly host angel as Zadkiel arrived with dignified poise.

Zadkiel greeted the demons with a sense of detached courtesy, "It's a pleasure to meet you demons of Hell, as well as you, Arch Demon."

In response, Belphegor and his fellow demons acknowledged the greeting, "The honor is ours, Archangel."

Zadkiel couldn't help but appreciate the intricate and nefarious magic at play. "You know, I must admit I'm rather fond of your magical arts, like that enormous hollow ball. It's devilishly impressive."

However, Belphegor, embodying the very essence of sloth, appeared uninterested. "Anyway, enough of the chatters. I'm too lazy to engage with lowly beings like you."

Undeterred, Zadkiel continued with his divine resolve, "Then get some rest…"

Without further delay, the clash of opposing forces commenced with righteous fervor. "Righteousness of God: Summoning Swords of Loyalty," declared Zadkiel, summoning ethereal blades to his side.

In stark contrast, Belphegor, inspired by the sin of sloth, embodied the infernal force of "Sloth of Sin: Hellfire Attack," launching a formidable assault.

The ensuing battle was a spectacular display of celestial and infernal powers, as high-ranking angels clashed with high-ranking demons throughout Bethlehem. Explosions rent the air, and the terrified human inhabitants of the city bore witness to the celestial spectacle.

Amidst the chaos, Jophiel struggled to maintain control over the panicked populace, mirroring the frantic turmoil among the angels themselves. People jostled one another, desperately seeking refuge in the basement. In one particularly harrowing incident, a child's unintentional misstep led to a crumbling building poised to engulf him beneath a cascade of falling bricks.

However, Selaphiel, with unparalleled swiftness, swooped in, plucking the child from imminent danger just as the bricks thundered down. Anael, quick to react, erected a protective barrier to shield the people from the deadly debris.

Observing the pandemonium from above, Jophiel realized that calming the masses was paramount. "Love of God: Absolute Charisma," she invoked, her melodious voice rising above the din. Slowly but surely, her soothing words began to permeate the tumultuous atmosphere, gradually quelling the surges of fear.

"Please stay calm and continue to move. We've established a strong barrier for your protection, and the Archangels, high-ranking angels, and angels are guiding you to the safety of the basement," Jophiel implored, her words finally reaching the ears of the beleaguered inhabitants.

As the chaos and battle raged on in the streets of Bethlehem, the people began to organize themselves, heeding Jophiel's plea for calm and order. Families stuck together, prioritizing the safety of their loved ones, particularly children and the elderly. The population gradually fell into an organized rhythm as they followed the angels' guidance.

Jophiel swiftly issued commands to her fellow archangels to assist in different districts. Raguiel oversaw the northern sector, Selaphiel took charge of the southern area, Jegudiel watched over the western region, and Anael protected the eastern district. With the tensions eased, the "Operation Deportation" unfolded with increased efficiency.

However, outside the city limits, the celestial battle raged on, and the casualties mounted. The once serene ocean now bore witness to a grim sight, its waters filled with the lifeless bodies of angels and demons alike. Along the borders, fires raged unchecked. The numbers on both sides remained surprisingly intact, despite the ferocity of the conflict.

Amidst this chaotic clash of celestial powers, Arch Demon Belphegor engaged in a formidable battle with Archangel Zadkiel. The two adversaries locked in combat, showcasing their immense abilities. Suddenly, Mephistopheles seized an opportunity for a surprise attack, striking Zadkiel from behind with a poisoned blade. The venom coursed through Zadkiel's veins, rendering him severely injured and incapacitated. As Abaddon moved in to finish him off, Cassiel intervened just in time, rescuing Zadkiel and calling upon the wrath of Barachiel's lightning to repel the high-ranking demons.

Belphegor, deciding to withdraw from the scene, acknowledged the battle's elevated status. "This is a battle between high-ranking celestials. I'll take my leave and let them settle it," he declared before returning to Hell.

Cassiel carefully placed the wounded Zadkiel atop a nearby building, near the basement where the people sought refuge. Jophiel, worried for Zadkiel, arrived promptly.

"Oh no, Zadkiel! What happened to you?" she exclaimed with concern.

Zadkiel, despite his injuries, managed a light-hearted response, "I just got outnumbered by those devil wimps, and I didn't see that one devil stabbing me in the back. It's a small price to pay, I suppose."

Jophiel scolded him in a grumpy tone, "Don't make light of your condition!"

Raphael and Gabriel arrived on the scene, ready to administer their divine aid.

"Heal of God: Healing of Temperance," Raphael intoned, channeling his healing powers to tend to Zadkiel's wounds.

As Raphael's divine healing magic worked its wonders, Zadkiel's wounds vanished, leaving him in perfect health once more. Uriel and Camael arrived just in time to witness Zadkiel's recovery. Uriel's reaction, however, was far from what they expected. She slapped Zadkiel, and her scolding left both the Archangels and Jophiel momentarily stunned.

"That careless act of yours is truly graceless!" Uriel chided him with a mix of concern and frustration. "I worried a lot when I heard you got wounded so badly and came here. Please don't be careless, Zadkiel."

In a playful and affectionate manner, Zadkiel hugged Uriel and teased her, "Rest assured, Mademoiselle, this wound won't hurt me badly. But your true love hurts me so lovely."

Uriel responded with a smirk, "You twit."

The banter between the two angelic lovers drew light-hearted comments from Gabriel and Jophiel. Camael chimed in, finding the exchange endearing as well.

Raphael refocused the conversation on the people's well-being, asking Jophiel about their status. She explained that there had been a moment of panic due to the loud explosions but that the situation had since been brought under control.

The peace didn't last long, as a powerful earthquake suddenly rocked the world, causing fear and chaos among humans everywhere. The Archangels and their celestial companions, sensing that something sinister was afoot, prepared to return to the battlefield.

"I had a bad feeling about this," Zadkiel admitted.

Raphael concurred, and their uneasy sentiments grew as they witnessed the high-ranking devils forming an eerie, upside-down star in the middle of the ocean, with a pentagram at its center. The pentagram began to glow dark red, and the devils initiated a chilling ceremony, uttering ominous words that sent shivers down the spines of the celestial beings.

"Pro rege inferis, hic te collegimus cum archi-daemonibusi," the devils intoned, their voices dripping with malevolence.

The grim turn of events left the Archangels and their celestial forces in shock and dismay. Lucifer and the Arch Demons had risen, and their dark arts had not only shattered the barrier created by the Archangels but had also corrupted it, allowing the devils to infiltrate Bethlehem. Jophiel's cry for the basement echoed through the air as she rushed back to protect the people, but the high-ranking devils, including the Arch Demons, blocked her path, along with the other Archangels.

In the midst of the chaos, the people who had sought refuge in the basement were now hostages, surrounded by devils on the outside. The celestial beings were paralyzed, unable to intervene effectively as the dire situation unfolded.

Satan, standing proudly alongside Lucifer, gloated over their triumph. "The domain of sin is ours once more," he declared.

Asmodeus chimed in, admiring Lucifer's cunning plan. "Lord Lucifer's brilliance shines as always," he remarked.

Desperation gripped the Archangels as they tried to make sense of the situation. Raphael voiced the burning question on their minds. "How did the devils breach Bethlehem's defenses? Our barrier should have been impenetrable, even to a single devil," he queried, seeking answers that could help them reclaim control of the situation.

Beelzebub, seemingly amused by the chaos unfolding, responded to Uriel's fiery anger with a mocking laugh. "Our Demon Lord's intellect surpasses anyone's," he taunted, reveling in the tension. "Even you, Archangel Uriel, must admit that when it comes to tactics, he is unparalleled."

Uriel's temper flared, her hands ablaze with flames that yearned to consume her adversaries. However, Zadkiel, in an effort to maintain control over the situation, restrained her from acting on her rage. Uriel's restraint was tested as Mammon continued to provoke her with sly remarks, and Satan joined in with his dark magic at the ready.

"Come now, Archangel," Mammon teased, "your exterior may exude elegance, but your inner fury is like an untamed elephant, wild and ferocious."

Satan, known for his cunning, couldn't resist contributing to the mockery. "Your wrath is quite entertaining," he observed, relishing the spectacle.

As Gabriel chastised the Arch Demons for their insolence, Uriel's fury reached its boiling point. Flames swirled around her, reacting to her seething anger. She lashed out verbally, accusing the Arch Demons of cherishing their wicked existence.

"Arch Demons, it seems you take great delight in your malevolent roles," Uriel declared, her fiery aura intensifying.

Mammon, not one to back down, fired crystal bullets at Uriel in retaliation. However, Uriel's flames were more than just fire; they were a force of nature. As the crystals approached her, they slowed down in the face of her overwhelming power.

A fiery exchange ensued as Uriel unleashed her flames, incinerating the devils who dared to challenge her. Even the Arch Demons were forced to retreat before her wrath, though Mammon sustained burns to his shoulders, fighting to endure the searing pain.

"You witch!" Mammon hissed through clenched teeth.

Despite his injuries, Mammon retaliated with his own power, unleashing crystal bullets with avaricious intent. Uriel's flames acted as a barrier, causing the crystals to lag and falter as they neared her.

The battlefield erupted with the clash of celestial powers, shaking Nazareth and causing the Mediterranean Ocean to churn. Amidst the fierce battle, Zadkiel and Jophiel communicated telepathically, their minds connecting with a sense of urgency.

"How do we rescue the people in the basement?" Jophiel inquired anxiously.

Zadkiel, focused on the ongoing battle, formulated a plan. "Gabriel, Uriel, and I will create a diversion to draw the Arch Demons' attention. Once they are occupied, the three of you can make your escape with the people," he strategized.

"Okay!" Jophiel replied resolutely, her determination unwavering.

Zadkiel swiftly executed his plan, hurling ten daggers at the Arch Demons. With uncanny agility, Beelzebub, Satan, and Asmodeus dodged the daggers. However, their relief was short-lived as the daggers split into five, creating a fiery rain that rained down upon them. Uriel seized this opportunity, exhaling a powerful breath of fire that caused the daggers to melt and combine, forming an impenetrable cube that entrapped the Arch Demons like a sinister prison.