Chapter 2: Meet and Greet

Bethlehem had fully recovered, and its people had reclaimed their homes. The carpenters, who had journeyed from distant Santero in Netherus to aid in the town's revival, now set sail back to their homeland. As they departed, the grateful citizens of Bethlehem waved their hands in appreciation, thanking them for their unwavering support in rebuilding their beloved town. With a fond farewell, the angels, too, ascended to the heavens, their mission and duty fulfilled in a most splendid manner.

In the celestial realm, the Archangels convened for a meeting to discuss their grand plan of "Restoration."

"The safety of Nazareth has been assured, and its people are well," Michael began, a sense of relief in his voice. "I am pleased to see that we emerged victorious from the war, despite the grave condition of one of our brothers."

Jophiel inquired, her concern evident, "Will Cassiel recover?"

Raphael reassured them, "Cassiel's wings are slowly regenerating, much like the gradual progress of an Oracle Dove's feather. It may be a small step, but it's progress nonetheless."

Jophiel sighed with relief, her words reflecting her emotions, "Thank God, that's heartwarming to hear."

Uriel, ever the inquisitive one, posed a question, "Your highness, now that Lucifer is gone... when do we commence the 'Restoration'?"

Michael replied thoughtfully, "We cannot be certain that my brother is truly gone. Perhaps he is still out there, wandering."

Uriel nodded, absorbing Michael's words. "About your question," Michael continued, "we shall begin the Restoration tomorrow. Unfortunately, I won't be able to join you for a while. I have a duty to visit a place known as Pitcairn Island. I've heard that some of our fallen brothers reside there, alongside the mortal inhabitants."

Understanding the importance of this mission, the Archangels nodded in agreement. "We shall prepare the angels to guide our priests in the lands they are to tend," Camael declared, rising from his seat. Zadkiel followed suit, ready to assist.

"Prepare them, for I shall make an announcement," Michael said with authority.

Gabriel, always insightful, added, "There are many smaller nations on Earth that have yet to be touched by the teachings of the gospel."

Uriel cautioned, "Although the devils, and even Lucifer, have been weakened and shrouded in mystery, we must remain vigilant. We cannot know for certain if some devils still roam among us."

Camael stood and began to walk, her purpose clear. "We shall ensure that the angels are prepared to guide our priests in these untrodden lands."

Zadkiel stood by her side, ready to assist in any way necessary.

Michael, after sharing his plans, concluded, "I will take some time for meditation to replenish my strength. If you'll excuse me, Your Highness," said Uriel, and Michael nodded. Gabriel and Raphael also left the table for a while.

Michael noticed Jophiel lost in thought, her eyes unblinking. He waved his hand in front of Jophiel's face, but she remained lost in her thoughts. Michael asked Jophiel bluntly, "You're still wondering why Lucifer saved you, aren't you?"

"As you suspected, Your Highness," replied Jophiel.

"Yeah, I'm also curious about why Lucifer did it," Michael admitted.

"But, you know, could it be infatuation?" Michael asked.

At this, Jophiel's face contorted in an awful expression, and Michael burst into laughter, leaving the other angels at the table confused.

"Well," Michael began, "I'll tell you, Jophiel. Lucifer was once a good angel. Father witnessed it, and I and Leo were his closest companions. He even considered Leo as a brother, despite Leo being a different creature. It's just that Lucifer lost sight of his true self."

"It can't be helped," Michael added.

Jophiel replied, "I'm certain there was some kindness left in him."

"I hope so," Michael said.

"Yeah, me too," Jophiel agreed.

Camael and Zadkiel returned to the table.

"Your Highness, the angels are ready," said Camael.

"Your announcement is the only thing we're waiting for," added Zadkiel.

Michael proceeded to the Hall of Angels and made his announcement:

"Brothers and sisters, as we have emerged victorious in our long-standing battle against the devils, I declare that our plan, 'Restoration,' will now officially commence. We are now free to preach the Word of God not only in Netherus but throughout the Earth."

"It is unfortunate that Netherus now harbors those they call 'Atheists,' who are formerly known as 'Priests.' However, this should not deter us from spreading the Word of God. We cannot force or command them to believe, but we can continue our mission with unwavering faith." 

"We must ensure their purity of heart, guiding them back to God as Father desires," Michael spoke with conviction.

"The places where you are to preach the Word of God are as follows," Camael projected a map through Zadkiel's silver dagger. "The Land of Gallia, Sonora, and Namiba. These small nations remain unaware of recent events, and their knowledge of our Father is limited."

Michael continued, "This time, you shall take on human form. However, do not forget to reveal your true nature as angels; this will be crucial in gaining their trust."

Gabriel stepped forward, preparing to divide the angelic team. "I shall assign each of you to these three places. Time is of the essence, and we cannot afford to waste a single day."

Michael's gaze shifted across the assembly. "If we succeed in gaining their trust and belief, I will issue a command to unite all the Priests worldwide and save Netherus. But this time, it will be the humans leading the way. With the devils no longer a threat, we will provide them with security as the day approaches."

He raised his voice, addressing his fellow angels, "Now, my brothers and sisters, the plan of 'Restoration' shall commence!"

In the celestial realm, the angels formed a precise formation as Gabriel divided them into three groups. With a sense of purpose, they descended from Heaven and materialized a boat, which they promptly split apart as they reached their assigned destinations. As they emerged in these foreign lands, they shed their celestial forms, taking on the guise of humans.

The sight of these divine beings appearing before them was met with trepidation by the local people, who instinctively aimed their weapons at the celestial visitors. However, the angels, radiating a calming presence, quickly introduced themselves and explained their mission. As the fear in the people's eyes gave way to understanding, they welcomed these celestial beings, and the angels began their sacred preaching in the lands to which they had been assigned. The Archangels watched from Heaven, pleased to see their "Restoration" plan progressing steadily.

Days later, in the heavenly realm, Jophiel approached Michael with a heartfelt request. "Michael, Your Highness," she began.

Michael turned his attention to her. "What is it, Jophiel?"

"I wish to experience life on Earth for a while, to dwell among the Nazarenian peoples in human form," Jophiel confessed. "I yearn to understand what it means to live as a human being. However, I also wish to contribute to the plans we've cherished for so long."

Michael considered her request carefully. "It's a noble aspiration, Jophiel," he replied. "If you truly insist on living among humans, you have my permission."

Jophiel's joy was palpable as she exclaimed, "Thank you so much, Your Highness!"

Raphael chimed in with a warm smile, "You know, Jophiel, we can visit you anytime."

Jophiel, her excitement uncontainable, eagerly responded, "Then you are all welcome to my home!"

Camael, always quick with a jest, couldn't resist a playful tease. "Hey, hey, hey, I can already imagine your house filled with unassembled furniture!"

Jophiel couldn't help but imagine what Camael had said, and she playfully protested, "Oh, come on, Camael! Stop teasing me!" 

Jophiel couldn't help but respond to Camael's playful jest with a determined "Hmph!"

She continued with unwavering confidence, "I will show you... My house will be so splendid that even your eyes won't be able to look away."

Camael chuckled and replied, "I'm looking forward to that, Little Flower."

As Jophiel prepared to depart, Uriel offered some parting words, "Don't hesitate to call us if anything happens."

Jophiel nodded, her anticipation evident. "Got it. Well then, see you again," she said with a wave, and the Archangels reciprocated her farewell.

Descending from the heavenly realm, Jophiel soared gracefully over Bethlehem, capturing the attention and greetings of the people below. She eventually landed, choosing to take on a human form. The residents of Bethlehem, recognizing her divine presence, welcomed her with open hearts. In celebration of her arrival, the town organized a warm and jubilant welcome party.

Archangel Jophiel took center stage and made an announcement, "I have decided to live alongside you, as a human." The people erupted in joy upon hearing her decision.

The town's mayor, beaming with delight, expressed his pleasure. "It's an honor to have you here as a human, Your Highness."

Jophiel replied with a warm smile, "Yes, sir. I wish to experience life and witness the beauty of Father's creation."

The mayor rejoiced, exclaiming, "Hallelujah, Your Highness! Let's have a toast!" The people enthusiastically echoed his sentiment, and Jophiel graciously declined the offer to drink.

Children approached Jophiel, offering her flowers as tokens of their affection. Jophiel accepted the blossoms with gratitude and allowed them to playfully style her hair, adorning her with a floral headband.

"You're so gorgeous, Archangel Jophiel!" one of the children exclaimed.

Another chimed in, "As expected of the Beauty of God."

The children handed Jophiel a small mirror, eager to show her the delightful transformation they had wrought upon her hair. As Jophiel gazed upon her reflection, she was genuinely fascinated by the result.

"How lovely it is!" she exclaimed, her admiration evident. "You kids are truly amazing."

"Thank you," the children replied in unison, their faces beaming as Jophiel expressed her appreciation with a bright smile.

However, the charm and goddess-like beauty that Jophiel possessed did not go unnoticed by the men of Bethlehem. They were immediately captivated by her radiant presence and couldn't help but be drawn to her. They sought her attention, hoping to court her, while the women circled around Jophiel, instinctively forming a protective barrier to prevent the men from encroaching upon her personal space.

Jophiel couldn't help but laugh at the men's advances and their playful rivalry for her affections. She addressed them with a gentle smile, "You know, guys, I don't have time for romantic pursuits. I simply wish to experience life as a human being and let God's will alone decide."

One of the men with a beer in hand responded with a touch of humor, "Aw... It's so sweet to hear that, Archangel Jophiel, Your Highness."

Another man chimed in with a mischievous grin, "Perhaps that 'will' you're talking about is me." His words carried a playful hint of competition.

"Oh, don't you dare steal what's mine!" protested yet another man, and the tension between the two momentarily escalated as they vied for Jophiel's attention.

The women surrounding Jophiel couldn't help but laugh at the men's antics, well aware that none of them had managed to capture Jophiel's heart. Blushing, Jophiel stepped onto a makeshift stage, drawing everyone's attention.

"Um, everyone," she began, "may I have a request for you all?"

The men in the crowd eagerly shouted, "Anything, milady!"

Jophiel's smile radiated warmth as she made her request, "Well, since I want to start living here, can you help me build a house?"

The men, smitten by her charming smile, instantly accepted her request. One of them, wielding an axe, spoke up enthusiastically, "If that is your wish, milady, I would gladly build you a house, built by me."

His companion, holding a banana for some reason, responded with a playful tone, "Oh ho ho ho! You mean, 'built by us.' Watch your words, egghead."

A heated exchange ensued between the two men, their playful rivalry taking center stage as if they were about to face off. Jophiel intervened, her calming presence diffusing the tension.

"Now, now, guys," she urged, "why don't you all help each other? That would be lovely to see."

The men instantly responded to her suggestion, "Yes, Your Highness."

Jophiel beamed with joy and gratitude. "Why thank you... Thank you very much!" she exclaimed, jumping joyfully. The people of Bethlehem, inspired by her presence, were more than eager to fulfill her request and welcome her into their community.

The men of Bethlehem wasted no time. With a newfound sense of purpose, they gathered their tools and set out into the forest to collect wood and materials for Jophiel's future house. As they worked diligently, their enthusiasm was palpable, and the sound of chopping and sawing filled the air.

Amidst this industrious activity, the vice mayor approached Jophiel with respect, addressing her as "Archangel Jophiel, Your Highness."

Jophiel, however, encouraged a more casual interaction. "Oh please, sir," she implored, "drop the 'archangel' as well as 'your highness.' Despite being an angel, we are all equal beings created by our God."

The vice mayor, somewhat flustered, expressed his reservations. "That would be embarrassing!"

But Jophiel reassured him with a warm smile. "No, it's fine; it's truly fine. You can call me Jophiel, milady, or whatever you want from now on."

The vice mayor, having received her approval, nodded. "If you insist, then it can't be helped."

"I appreciate the sentiment," Jophiel replied graciously.

The vice mayor then shifted the conversation to the matter at hand. "Well, anyway, since our men are busy collecting wood and materials for your future house, may I ask you, milady, where you would like to establish it here in Bethlehem?"

Jophiel paused to consider her options, musing aloud, "Is it okay to choose anywhere else?"

The vice mayor affirmed her freedom of choice. "You have your freedom, milady."

Jophiel decided to take a closer look, and with a graceful unfurling of her wings, she ascended into the sky, soaring rapidly above Bethlehem. From this vantage point, she surveyed the town and its surroundings, seeking the perfect location for her new abode.

"I want to establish my house above the town," she declared upon her return, "where I can see the scenery of Bethlehem every day and night."

The vice mayor inquired, "Could you please specify the location, milady?"

With a confident gesture, Jophiel pointed to a particular spot. "That's it," she proclaimed, her eyes fixed on a cliff that overlooked Bethlehem.

The vice mayor smiled in agreement. "That's perfect, milady. There are men already working there, collecting wood as we speak." The prospect of building Jophiel's house in such a picturesque location filled the vice mayor and the people of Bethlehem with excitement and anticipation. 

"Okay, let's go tell them," Jophiel decided, spreading her wings momentarily before folding them back.

The vice mayor, puzzled by her sudden action, inquired, "What's the matter, milady?"

Jophiel explained with a thoughtful smile, "Since I'm living as a human now, I suppose I won't be using my wings for a while."

The vice mayor suggested an alternative mode of transportation, pointing to a car nearby. "If that's the case, then why don't you try riding in this? It's our daily transport service."

Upon arriving at the vice-chief's house, Jophiel's eyes lit up with delight when she spotted a horse. "Oh, a horse! Such a cute being," she exclaimed as she approached the magnificent creature.

The horse neighed softly in response, capturing Jophiel's attention. She reached out to pet it gently. "What? Haven't you eaten yet?" she inquired, her empathy clear in her voice.

The horse responded with another expressive neigh, and Jophiel turned to the vice mayor, who suddenly realized his oversight. "Oh yeah, I forgot to feed him," he admitted with a sheepish laugh.

He tossed a handful of carrots, and Jophiel deftly caught them. "Here, big boy, eat up!" she said, offering the treats to the grateful horse.

While the horse enjoyed its meal, Jophiel engaged in a one-sided conversation with the equine companion. "Would you take me to that cliff, Mister Horsey?" she asked, pointing to the cliff that had captured her heart.

The horse responded with more neighs, seeming to understand her request. Jophiel couldn't help but express her gratitude. "Thank you, horshie!" she exclaimed, giving the horse a gentle kiss on its snout.

After ensuring the horses were well-fed and cared for, they returned to the car and continued their journey. As they passed each house, the people of Bethlehem greeted Jophiel from their windows with affectionate words.

"Bonjour, mademoiselle!"

"Greetings, Archangel!"

"Hello, beauty one!"

"Hi, Jophiel!"

Jophiel was genuinely pleased to see the people of Bethlehem living happily and with smiles on their faces, despite the challenges they had faced during the war. Their joyous existence was one of her cherished desires.

They crossed a bridge and finally arrived at the cliff that Jophiel had chosen. The men working there were taken aback when they saw her.

"Good heavens, milady!"

"We didn't expect to see you here!"

The vice mayor stepped forward to introduce Jophiel to the architect responsible for her future home. "Milady Jophiel, I would like to introduce you to our architect for your desired home, Mr. Louis Blanchet."

Louis, a well-known figure in Bethlehem, greeted Jophiel with respect. "Nice to meet you, Mr. Louis," she said.

Louis, clearly honored, kissed Jophiel's hand. "And it's also an honor to be one of your desired home's designers."

Jophiel was taken by surprise but managed to offer a polite response. "Oh!"

Louis chuckled softly. "I didn't see that coming."

As the vice mayor prepared to leave, he winked at Louis. "Louis will take care of you," he hinted playfully.

Jophiel acknowledged his departure with a warm smile. "I think that sounds important, Vice Mayor. I'll see you later. God bless you."

Once the vice mayor had gone, Louis and Jophiel embarked on a tour around the cliff while engaging in conversation.

"Let me guess, milady," Louis began, "you badly want to stay here on the cliff because you love the view, don't you?"

Jophiel nodded, her eyes sparkling with appreciation. "Precisely. I want to be able to see the gorgeous scenery of Bethlehem, as I would love to adore Father's creation."

Louis smiled in understanding. "Well, I guess you could say that."

As they continued their conversation, Louis subtly observed Jophiel, a deep longing in his eyes. He couldn't help but be drawn to her ethereal beauty, though he held back the impulse to kiss her as she focused on the sketch plan for her new home. 

"This is wonderful, Mr. Louis," Jophiel remarked as she examined the sketch plan of her future home. "You humans are gifted in these kinds of things."

Jophiel's appreciation was genuine, and she conveyed it by taking Louis's hands in her own. "I will leave it to you," she said with a warm smile.

Louis blushed slightly at the unexpected contact. "Oh... eh... hehe," he stammered, clearly touched by Jophiel's trust in him. "You can count on me, Milady!" he assured her with newfound determination.

Just as they were getting lost in their conversation, a man approached Louis with a request for assistance. Louis turned to Jophiel, his eyes filled with a hopeful anticipation.

"Milady," he began, "would you like to have dinner with me?"

Jophiel considered the offer with regret. "My deepest apology, Mr. Louis," she replied apologetically, "but I have to meet with the vice mayor."

With a parting smile, she left Louis to tend to his duties, and her thoughts turned to her upcoming meeting. 

"It's alright now," Louis assured Jophiel. "Eugene will accompany you and take you directly to the vice mayor."

Jophiel expressed her gratitude with a heartfelt, "Why thank you... very much, Mr. Louis!"

Louis, however, downplayed her thanks, emphasizing their desire to show appreciation for the angels' sacrifices. "You don't need to be grateful to me or us, milady," he said sincerely. "Building an underground establishment to provide our safety during your battle with the devils is far beyond what we are doing for you now. Building you a house is also our gratitude for you, milady."

Jophiel was deeply moved by his words. "Aw... Father will bless you all!" she replied with warmth. "That's all I can say. I'm leaving now, Mr. Louis. Have a pleasant evening."

Louis couldn't help but express his feelings before she departed. "Well... my evening is much more romantic than pleasant because of you, milady," he admitted with a playful twinkle in his eye.

As Jophiel left Eugene to escort her back to the lower part of Bethlehem, she thanked him once more. "Thank you, Eugene. Have a pleasant evening."

Eugene replied with a friendly smile, "You're welcome, Archangel."

Jophiel couldn't resist making a gentle correction. "Drop the 'archangel' thingy," she playfully chided.

Eugene laughed in response and took his leave. Jophiel proceeded to enter the town hall, where she was greeted by sculptures that served as a testament to the people's gratitude for the angels' role in saving Bethlehem.

The vice-chief, clearly delighted to see her, called out, "Milady Jophiel! It's so good to see you here."

Jophiel reciprocated the sentiment with a warm smile. "As well as on me, vice-chief. So, what brings you here, milady?" the vice-chief inquired, his curiosity evident in his tone. 

"Uh... well, as you can see," Jophiel began, her tone somewhat sheepish, "since my house is about to be built, and... I'm homeless right now. Unfortunately, vice-chief, I don't have anywhere else to lean on." She chuckled lightly, trying to alleviate the situation.

The vice-chief was taken aback upon realizing that Jophiel had no place to stay during this period. Just then, an elderly man appeared, and Jophiel immediately recognized him.

"I didn't expect to see you here, mister..." she began.

The old man introduced himself promptly, "Ennemond Dufort."

"Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Ennemond Dufort," Jophiel replied with a friendly nod.

Ennemond, clearly moved by the presence of an angel, responded, "Same on me, Archangel Jophiel."

Jophiel seized the moment to express her regret for her actions during the war. "Look... I'm terribly sorry for what I've done to you during the war," she admitted with sincerity. "I just couldn't sit and watch my companions fighting while I did nothing. I felt like being a burden. My deepest apologies, Mr. Ennemond."

Ennemond, with a kind and understanding demeanor, reassured her. "No, no, no, it's alright, Your Highness."

As they continued their conversation, Jophiel's stomach growled, drawing a chuckle from Ennemond. He suggested, "Seems like your stomach needs to be filled."

Jophiel smiled and nodded. "Oops!"

Ennemond, still smiling, offered a solution. "Why don't we go now?"

Jophiel hesitated, thinking about her immediate needs. "Nope, first I have to find a place to stay."

Ennemond then proposed a deal, his confidence evident. "Okay, your highness, how about this? I will let you stay for a while in my house, but in exchange, help me with my flower business. I own a flower shop here in Bethlehem, and another one in Milirem, where my only child used to take care of it."

Jophiel's eyes lit up with excitement, and she couldn't contain her enthusiasm. "Oh my goodness, Mr. Ennemond, you know that I love flowers! They are so gorgeous, luxurious, and utterly divine!" She held Ennemond's hands, her joy evident in her sparkling eyes.

Ennemond, taken aback by her exuberance, tried to calm her down. "Calm down, Archangel—"

Jophiel quickly interjected, playfully chiding him, "Drop the 'archangel' thingy," and pointed to herself. 

Ennemond chuckled at her insistence. "Oh, I see!"

Jophiel considered the offer carefully and eventually agreed, "Okay! I'm on it!"

Ennemond nodded with satisfaction. "Very well. Let's head to my place, and we can discuss the details further." With their arrangements made, Ennemond suggested, "I guess we should go home now."

Jophiel expressed her gratitude once more. "Thank you so much, vice-chief, for today."

Together, they left the town hall, ready to embark on their new arrangement where Jophiel would stay with Ennemond and assist with his flower business.

Jophiel, relieved to have found a temporary solution, followed Ennemond as they left the town hall together. Mr. Ennemond and Jophiel depart, ride on with a fiacre to the port where Ennemond lives, on the small island near Nazareth. After they landed, Jophiel saw the house and feels nostalgic after the war. Ennemond offers a tea on Jophiel and they were about to have dinner. 

As they sat down for dinner, Jophiel couldn't help but inquire about the delicious food set before her. "Mind if I ask, what food is this?" she inquired.

Ennemond proudly explained, "This recipe is called 'Salmon en papillote,' which is the trademark of my wife."

Jophiel's curiosity piqued, and she brought up a topic that had been on her mind. "Oh, speaking of your wife, I haven't seen her around," she noted.

While savoring their meal, Jophiel noticed a portrait of Ennemond's family on the wall. She couldn't help but compliment his wife. "Your wife is pretty, Mr. Ennemond," she observed.

Ennemond, with a touch of fondness in his voice, replied, "Well, you could say that—Beauty of God."

Jophiel was genuinely concerned when she inquired about Ennemond's wife. "So where is she right now?" she asked.

Ennemond's expression became more somber as he responded, "She passed away years ago."

Jophiel immediately expressed her condolences. "I'm so sorry, Mr. Ennemond," she said sympathetically.

Ennemond, reflecting on the passage of time, acknowledged her words with grace. "It's alright; that's how our life flows."

Jophiel's role as a celestial being prompted Ennemond to ask, "But as a celestial being yourself, haven't you seen her in heaven?"

Jophiel explained, "We angels have different roles in the triad. But I'm certain your wife is in Silver City, living a harmonious life along with God's presence." She offered a comforting smile.

Ennemond fell silent for a moment, touched by Jophiel's words. He couldn't help but smile when she expressed her certainty.