Chapter 8.4: Fearless and Confess

Jophiel couldn't help but smile at the sight of her fellow archangels. Their presence brought comfort and reassurance. "Thank you, guys," she replied, her voice soft but filled with gratitude. "I'm glad to see you all as well."

Uriel, standing nearby, added, "You had quite an ordeal, but you're safe now."

As Jophiel made an effort to sit up, she felt a bit weak from the lingering effects of Lilith's draining power. Gabriel and Zadkiel immediately moved to support her, offering their assistance.

Gabriel gently placed a hand on Jophiel's shoulder and said, "Take it easy, little flower. You've been through quite an ordeal."

Zadkiel nodded in agreement and added, "We're here to help you."

Jophiel offered them a grateful smile, acknowledging their assistance. "Thank you, Grumpy Prince, French Fanatic. I appreciate your help."

With their support, Jophiel managed to sit up more comfortably, and the combined presence of her fellow archangels filled the room with a sense of warmth and camaraderie.

As Jophiel was escorted downstairs with the assistance of Gabriel and Zadkiel, they were greeted by the arrival of Ennemond, who held a beautifully decorated cake. Jophiel's eyes lit up with gratitude and warmth as she saw her friend again.

Ennemond smiled kindly and approached Jophiel, offering her the cake. "Welcome back, Jophiel. It's good to see you awake and well. I couldn't resist bringing a little something to celebrate your recovery and return."

Jophiel's heart swelled with appreciation as she accepted the cake. "Thank you so much, granpabi. I truly appreciate your kindness and for looking after my home."

Ennemond's humble response, "No worries my dear." And warm smile endeared him even more to Jophiel and her companions. He truly embodied the spirit of a good friend who cared deeply for those around him.

Camael couldn't contain her joy at seeing the cake. She rushed over to Ennemond, her eyes twinkling with excitement. "Ennemond, you've truly outdone yourself! What a delightful surprise. It's wonderful to see you again."

Ennemond chuckled softly, appreciating Camael's enthusiasm. "I thought a sweet treat would be a fitting way to welcome Jophiel back. Please, enjoy it."

The scene was filled with warmth and camaraderie as the table was already set with a delicious breakfast spread, and Ennemond's cake took its rightful place as the centerpiece of the gathering.

As they sat around the table, a moment of silence passed as they offered a prayer of gratitude. Then, with their hearts filled with thankfulness, they began to dig into the delicious breakfast that had been prepared. Amenadiel and Diane, joining in the meal, felt the warmth of the bonds that had grown between them and the celestial beings they now counted as friends.

As Jophiel savored the flavors of the meal, she found herself momentarily lost in thought. The archangels, keenly observant of her reaction, noticed her silence and Uriel inquired, "Is something on your mind, Jophiel?" Her concern was evident in her voice.

"Is this from Lucifer?" Jophiel asked modestly, her curiosity evident in her tone.

The archangels exchanged knowing glances before Gabriel spoke softly, "Yes, Jophiel, it is."

Camael added, "When we arrived early this morning here in your house, we saw him cooking with Beelzebub assisting him. Afterwards, he saw us. Well, he laughed hysterically a bit at that time. But he said, 'My apologies for the intrusion, archangels. I'm just making Jophiel a morning appetizer before she wakes up.' And then after Lucifer finished cooking, he and Beelzebub went out." 

Jophiel listened to Camael's explanation with a mixture of surprise and gratitude. It was a side of Lucifer she hadn't seen before, and the thought of him preparing breakfast for her touched her heart.

"He did that?" Jophiel replied, a warm smile gracing her lips. "I never knew he really had such culinary skills."

The archangels nodded, and Zadkiel added, "Yes, he seemed quite determined to make it special for you." 

Jophiel's blush deepened as she covered her face, feeling a mixture of emotions – embarrassment, gratitude, and a growing affection for Lucifer. 

It was a side of him she had never seen before, and it touched her heart in a way she couldn't quite explain.

The archangels exchanged knowing glances, silently acknowledging the newfound connection between Jophiel and Lucifer.

Camael, with a playful twinkle in her eye, couldn't resist a teasing remark as she looked at Jophiel's flushed face. "Seems like Lucifer's cooking has quite an effect on you, little flower," she said with a mischievous grin, earning a round of chuckles from the others. Jophiel, still covering her face, couldn't help but laugh along, grateful for the lighthearted moment amidst the chaos of recent events.

The archangels continued to playfully tease Jophiel, enjoying the rare opportunity to see their usually composed and serious fellow archangel blush and laugh. Gabriel chimed in, "Who would've thought that the key to Jophiel's heart is through her stomach?"

Zadkiel added, "Well, if Lucifer ever needs assistance in the kitchen again, we know who to call."

Jophiel, still trying to hide her embarrassment, joined in the laughter, realizing that moments like these were precious, and they provided a much-needed respite from the challenges they faced.

Camael, with a mischievous glint in her eye, teased further, "Perhaps Lucifer should consider opening a restaurant in Heaven, specializing in breakfast dishes for angels."

Uriel couldn't resist making a joke as well, "But I hope he doesn't serve any forbidden fruit on the menu."

The laughter around the table continued, filling the room with a sense of camaraderie and warmth that was truly comforting after the recent trials in Hell. Jophiel, despite her initial embarrassment, couldn't help but join in the lighthearted banter, grateful for the support and friendship of her fellow archangels.

Two days had passed since Lucifer's last presence in Jophiel's house, and the archangels decided to take advantage of their remaining days in Earth. The town was alive with joyful moments, its streets bustling with activity as the townspeople welcomed the celestial beings once more.

As the archangels strolled through the lively streets, the air was filled with shouts of joy and admiration. The townspeople couldn't contain their excitement, calling out the archangels' names and expressing their profound gratitude for the protection and reassurance they had provided during the recent devil threat.

Bethlehem had transformed into a place of celebration, with vibrant banners and decorations adorning every corner, and flowers everywhere. The town's inhabitants had organized a grand feast to honor the archangels, and long tables were laden with an array of delectable dishes and local delicacies. It was a heartfelt gesture of appreciation and hospitality.

The archangels graciously accepted the warm welcome, moving through the festive crowd with grace and humility. They mingled with the townspeople, sharing stories and laughter, and joining in the celebration of their bonds.

Amidst the joyful chaos, the archangels made their way to Ennemond's flower shop, the quaint establishment that held a special place in their hearts. Ennemond himself was brimming with enthusiasm, his eyes twinkling with delight as he greeted his celestial friends.

Inside the shop, the air was fragrant with the scent of fresh flowers, and a riot of colors and blooms greeted their eyes. Ennemond had prepared a magnificent floral arrangement, a masterpiece of beauty that mirrored the celestial realm itself. The archangels couldn't help but be moved by the gesture, their hearts warmed by the kindness of this mortal friend.

Amidst the colorful tapestry of flowers, the archangels engaged in heartfelt conversations with Ennemond, expressing their deep gratitude for his unwavering support and boundless hospitality. They promised to return to Bethlehem whenever they could, cherishing the moments of joy and camaraderie they had shared with the townspeople.

Outside the flower shop, the celebration continued to unfold, with music filling the air, feet dancing to lively tunes, and laughter ringing through the streets. The archangels, their hearts filled with contentment, looked upon the happiness they had brought to the people of Bethlehem.

As they watched the townspeople celebrate with such exuberance, the archangels couldn't help but smile, feeling a profound sense of fulfillment in their mission to protect, inspire, and bring love and joy to the mortal realm.

Under the cover of the night, Jophiel ascended the stairs and gently pushed open the door that led to the rooftop of her home. As the door swung open, a breathtaking sight greeted her, filling her heart with both nostalgia and wonder.

Bethlehem, with its cobbled streets and quaint houses, lay before her. But it wasn't just any ordinary night. The town was adorned with a magnificent display of flowers, their colors and fragrances weaving a tapestry of beauty that stretched as far as the eye could see.

Jophiel couldn't help but smile, for she knew that this ethereal display was her doing. With a mere thought, she brought her celestial touch to life, causing the flowers to burst into bloom in a symphony of colors and scents. It was her way of sharing a piece of the celestial realm's beauty with the mortal world.

As she stood on the rooftop, surrounded by the resplendent blooms, Jophiel found herself lost in thought. Her thoughts drifted to Lucifer, the one she missed dearly. She recalled the moments they had shared, the bond that had once burned between them.

As Jophiel turned to leave the rooftop and return to her room, she was taken aback by the unexpected throw of rock and sight that greeted her. Standing there, bathed in the soft moonlight, was Lucifer himself. His presence was a blend of grace and darkness, a reminder of the celestial and infernal worlds he had once straddled.

Their eyes met, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still. The weight of their shared history hung heavy in the air, a silent testament to the love they had known and the trials they had faced.

"Lucifer," Jophiel whispered, her voice filled with a mixture of surprise and longing.

Lucifer offered a faint, bittersweet smile as he took a step closer. "It's good to see you to archangel," he replied, his voice carrying the echoes of countless memories. "I couldn't stay away."

In that moment, all the unspoken words, the emotions that had been buried deep within them, seemed to hang in the air. The tension was palpable, and Jophiel found herself at a loss for words.

She took a tentative step toward him, closing the distance between them. Her gaze never left his, and as she reached out to touch his cheek, she could feel the warmth of his skin beneath her fingers.

"Lucifer," she said softly, her voice trembling with emotion. "I've missed you."

He leaned into her touch, his eyes filled with a depth of feeling that mirrored her own. "And I miss you too," he admitted, his voice barely more than a whisper.

In the moonlit embrace on the rooftop, Jophiel clung to Lucifer with a fierce, almost desperate, and longing. Her arms wrapped around him, pulling him closer as if she never wanted to let go. Her heart, which had ached with his absence, now beat in tandem with his, and she could feel the steady rhythm of his presence.

Lucifer held her just as tightly, his wings enveloping her in a protective embrace. The weight of their shared history, the trials they had faced, and the love that had endured it all seemed to converge in that single moment. It was as if the very fabric of their existence had conspired to bring them together once more.

There were no words, no need for explanations or apologies. In that moment, they communicated through the language of touch and the unspoken emotions that flowed between them. It was a reunion that transcended the boundaries of time and space, a testament to the enduring power of love.

As they held each other in the moon's tender glow, the world around them faded into insignificance. There was only Jophiel and Lucifer, reunited at last, finding solace and completeness in each other's arms.

Lucifer held Jophiel close, their hearts beating in unison. He spoke softly, his voice filled with emotion. "Jophiel, I want to thank you. For everything. For believing in me, even when I had lost faith in myself. For showing me that love and redemption are possible, even for someone like me."

Jophiel looked up at him, her eyes filled with warmth and understanding. "Lucifer, you were never truly lost. You carried the capacity for change and goodness within you all along. I simply reminded you of what was always there, waiting to be embraced."

Tears welled up in Lucifer's eyes as he held her gaze. "But the things I've done, the darkness I've caused..."

Jophiel placed a gentle finger on his lips, silencing his doubts. "We all have our past, Lucifer. It's the choices we make in the present and the future that define us. You chose to change, to seek redemption, and to adore. That's what matters." 

As they stood on the rooftop, Jophiel couldn't help but wonder about Lucifer's confessions in the depths of Hell. She had heard his heartfelt words, his admissions of love and regret. But a part of her still wondered if those emotions were genuine or if they had been born out of desperation in the face of danger.

She watched Lucifer's profile, his eyes fixed on the twinkling stars above Bethlehem. There was a profound sadness in his gaze, a weight that seemed to bear down on him. Jophiel knew that Lucifer carried the burden of his past actions, and she had seen the sincerity in his attempts to make amends.

Yet, doubts lingered in the corners of her mind. Was it possible for someone like Lucifer, a fallen angel, to truly change and to truly love? Could the darkness within him be truly vanquished by the light of redemption and love?

Jophiel didn't have all the answers, but she knew one thing for certain. She believed in Lucifer's capacity to change, to love, and to find redemption. She had seen glimpses of his true self, the self that had been overshadowed by centuries of pain and anger. And she was willing to stand by him, to support him on his journey towards a better path.

With a soft sigh, Jophiel turned her gaze back to the night sky, her heart filled with hope and a quiet determination to help Lucifer find the love and redemption he sought.

Jophiel couldn't help but smile as she recalled the words spoken by Michael during the tumultuous events in Hell: "When the devil adores the angel." Those words had taken on a new meaning in her heart, and she looked at Lucifer with a sense of warmth and affection.

In that moment, surrounded by the serene night of Bethlehem and the twinkling stars above, Jophiel felt a deep connection with Lucifer. She believed in the possibility of love and redemption, and she saw in him the capacity for both. The journey ahead would not be easy, but she was determined to walk it together with him, guided by the enduring hope that even a devil could find salvation through the power of love.

"I adore you more"

"Than you could imagine."

Next, Spin Off: 

The First Woman