+_,'reveal part-1',_+

Aradia woke up from her totally not needed- nap with a knock at her door

It was Benjamin who had knocked on the door, Aradia went to open the door while rubbing her eye

"The library has been cleaned, my lady"

Aradia finally stopped being sleepy and looked at Benjamin with sharp eyes

"Alright, bring me there"

Benjamin then led the way for the library, upon arriving Benjamin being the best butler he is- opened the door and Aradia went in; after she want in he closed the door and stood outside

Aradia had told him not to come in as she wanted to be alone and Benjamin agreed which was a little weird to Aradia as her two servants always insisted on following her everywhere she went, but she was glad nonetheless






Ones she entered the library the redhead was hit with smell of books which she liked, all four walls of the library were book shelf's that go from the ground all the way up to the ceiling, there were books on all the shelf's; there were more than fifty thousand books here

In middle of the room was a sofa set, two three people sofa in front of each other and a single person sofa on the side, the three sofas were surrounding a wooden table, the table was lower to the ground like a coffee table, the table had a candle holder with four candle's, beside it was a water jug and two glasses but something caught the redhead's attention; a portrait of a beautiful lady who seemed to be in her early thirty's

The portrait was quite small, about the same size as a photo frame you'd keep on your side table, it seemed really old, the wooden frame had chipped and the painting it self had some rust on it even though it had just been cleaned

Aradia walked closer to the table and sat down on the single person sofa, she wanted to pick up the portrait but didn't, as she was scared she might do something wrong after all it had only be about three-four hours that she was here

But she instead decided to lean her face forward so she can see the lady in the portrait better, the lady had beautiful reddish-brown eyes and red hair, this was the first time Aradia had seen someone other then her or should I say the body she was in- having red hair

She thought who this woman could be, she knew that the duchess was her mother but they looked nothing alike so it was possible that she's her step-mother and maybe this lady is her biological mother, but she couldn't be sure so she decided not to worry about that, for now...

The red head leaned back on to the back rest and stared to think why she had actually come here, in this world

But there was one question that she wanted the answer to the most

'where am I?!'

Where was she, Aradia- no Kim Yeon Haa lived in the year 2023 in Korea but this was so different, it was obvious that it was the past but not Korea's past; this was not the Asian time setting, no. It was most probably

'the west'

The west, America, London, Canada but it didn't feel like any of these, it was similar to nothing

'it's possible for none that to exit yet, my mother- sorry the person's body I'm in has a duchess as a mother so it's really in the past'

The now red head was right, she was most probably in the medieval times or maybe even before that time period, where empire's, king's, marquess, duchy, count's and noble's excited, which meant she was in the medieval Europe

'Europe, yes the decorations, the atmosphere, the clothing style and everything remindes me of all the medieval time based Isekai manhwa's I read'

The red head finally came to a conclusion, this was Europe but that was only one of the few questions she had answers too

"Haaaaa, what to do..."

Just then the red head realized something, she was in the library, a library with more than fifty thousand books of course this is where she'd be able to find out her location

Aradia got up from the sofa and went in front of the book shelf, there were new looking books, old looking books and really worn out books, fortunately all the books were categorized

There were story books, magic related books and... History books!

'yes, that's what I need!'

Out of all the books, history related one's would help Aradia the most, she'd be able to learn about the different locations, magic and her whereabouts

A whole wall was dedicated to history Aradia took a deep breath, there was no way she could read all this; and if she just read there is a high chance she would read useless information

The red head thought for a while before coming up with a plan, she didn't know if it would work but it was worth a shot

She went up to the library door and opened it, outside as she had expected Benjamin was still standing there waiting for her, at the noise of the door opening Benjamin turned around facing her

Before he could even greet Aradia, she spoke shutting him up

"I need some help"

The red head spoke with a awkward smile

"What can I help you with, my lady?"

Benjamin was taken aback by the sudden interaction but got himself together and answered the red head with his signature smile

Aradia didn't really know how to word it, she took another deep breath and then started talking

"I want to learn more about our history"

With much difficulty she was able to come up with a sentence what remotely explained her needs

Aradia- no *Kim Yeon Haa left very awkward using the word "our", it wasn't something she used, at all

There was a pin drop silence before Benjamin answered Aradia...


Benjamin: *frowning coming in his room*

Rea: *reading a book, without even looking at him* what happened dad? I can literally smell your frown from here

Benjamin: ugh my back hurts

Rea: *still not looking at him* problems of old age

Benjamin: you little-! *Starts running at her*

Rea: shoot-! *Runs out the room*

Aradia:*at the hall seeing the both of them running around* gimme some popcorn

To be continued...

Hello everyone! It's me, Yan. I'm so sorry for not posting earlier and not on Christmas at that, please understand that my motivation practically doesn't existed, also Happy New Year! May you all have a wonderful year filled with joy.

The new update will probably be hella late as well, I'm talking even later then this, it's because I'm going to edit all the previous chapters and re-write chapter two of this story, I wrote that chapter from first person point of view but all my other chapters are in third person point of view, and writing one chapter is already hard enough so please be patient with me

But yeah that's all I really wanted to say, one's again please forgive this lowly author for any grammartical mistakes and if the story doesn't make any sense

And with that I shall take my leave, see you all in the next chapter. Have a good day, evening or night or whatever, bye.

Words: 1244