
The red head felt sun ray hitting her face, which was not pleasant at all; she opened her eyes to see she had fallen asleep on the desk

The redhead sighs, she remembered her middle school days, she'd fall asleep in class with her head on the desk, good old times, really, but right now she had things to worry about

Aradia looked down and saw all the papers scattered throughout the desk she picked them up and put them in the right order, good thing she learned to put a number on the corner of the paper she was writing on, she wrote on more then fifteen sheets of paper, she sighed once again before reading all the information she wrote down

The story Aradia's- no Yeon Haa's grandpa wrote and told her about, she was in that story right now, the novel was called "The Survival", in which the heroes of the western content survived a long war all while trying to find the one who started it all, the guy that had a god complex

Unlike most stories where it starts with the main character, this story started with the second main character, Clara, Aradia's older sister; when Yeon Haa read the novel she thought Clara would be the love interest but that was not the case for this story, there was no romance in "The Survival", the actual main character was introduced later, when Clara the second MC and Issac Clara's younger brother and Aradia's older brother and the third MC started going to "Rain academy"

The novel was a mix of high school slice of life story and medieval fantasy adventure story, surprisingly though it wasn't an Isekai, well now that Yeon Haa has reincarnated here it is an Isekai but let's not talk about that for now-

Unfortunately for the redhead she doesn't remember much after that, she remembers the main character's appearance that was described to be «A handsome young man with sage green hair that fell on his shoulders and grey eyes, a tall frame with a brawny body»

The three were the main character's that did all the work, even though Clara and Issac always fought they're still a really good duo that can surprisingly work together when they need too

'Hmm I really need to remember his name..'

Aradia thought, she needed to remember the main character's name so she could stay out of trouble regarding him and the main cast; but no matter how hard she tried she could not remember anything else related to the main character so she gave up, for now...

Instead she started to think about all the war's that would happen if everything went like the novel, the first time the villain made a move was when the celebration party event where a lot of big figures came was held at Rain academy which was at the central capital of Morg empire, it makes sense as to why the villain would attack, the king alongside other big political figures were there

The party was held as an celebration for the academy's 20th anniversary, that also explains why the king himself came, Rain academy was cherished, it was the best academy for any subject but most importantly Magic, despite this world having magic most people can't learn it if not taught by a professional hence why this academy is well known and treasured

There were suprisingly not many casualties all thanks to the main characters, Clare's strong magic, Issac's skills as a young swordmaster and of course the tactical and strategic main character

Four, that was the number of bombs that went off at the central capital on the party day

The king was very pleased with the heroes and so they were given a lot of presents and a honorific medal each that had the golden rose that represents the Rain Kingdom

While all this was happening a new character from the main cast was revealed, the crown prince

It was no shocker that the crown prince, someone who would become the king of Rain Kingdom in the near future was a important character, it would've actually been shocking if he wasn't an important character

The crown prince had his family's signature silver hair and blue eyes that looked like it was a clear river, he was a little bit taller than the main character and had a brawny body as well as a big happy smile always on his face even if he were to be mad or feel any other emotion in public he always smiles his signature smile, also a reason as to why so many young ladies are head over heels for him

It was said in the book that «the reason as to why the crown prince always smiles is to be likeable so he won't lose his position as the soon to be king, just like any other nobel family he also had many siblings, many of which he himself doesn't even know about but the second prince is his main rivel and with the king currently favouring the second prince he is at a huge disadvantage hence why he's making many alliance's and making his favouring go up»

He was actually the one that proposed the idea of giving the new heroes gifts and a honorific medal each to which the king agreed, this was really good for the crown prince as now the heroes were connected to the king and his family and with the crown prince being the one to give them all this he could make an alliance with them that would be really beneficial to him

Samael Van Enger, that was the name of the crown prince, the meaning of the name Samael is a fallen archangel who was banished from Heaven by God after a failed rebellion, being sent to Hell as its new ruler and later changing his name to Lucifer

It's interesting how that was the name of someone who seems nothing like the embodiment of pride, but of course who are we to judge especially considering we don't know anything more then that

Aradia didn't have time to think about anything else because Benjamin had come in to her room alongside Rae to get the redhead ready for the day

"You're already awake, my lady.."

Benjamin said seemingly surprised that Aradia was already awake

"Well it's good that you are awake my lady, the lord came back today and wishes to dine with you and everyone else"

Benjamin continued whilst he opened the curtains

'the lord? That means the Duke is back..! I don't remember much about him either... I'm screwed'

The red head thought before getting up and going to the bathroom to get ready and meet her "father"


Issac: wanna hear a joke?

Clare *already in a bad mood*: no

Issac: I swear it's a good one!

Clare: and if it isn't?

Issac *picking up a rock* you can throw this at me

Clare: fine what is it?

Issac: what does a strom cloud wear under his raincoat?

Clare: what?

Issac: thunderwear!


Issac: get it cause it's th- *get's hit by a rock*

                                          To be continued....

Hi it's me Yan, I'm sorry for not posting earlier, I got a new phone and setting this up was hell and then I had a art contest yesterday so I was busy with that and so I didn't really write but yeah I'm back now

Also what do you all think about the new character's and the plot? 👀 I have so many things written in my notes for this story and I can't wait to share it with you all (spoiler: I have quite a few plot twists planned ;))

But yeah that's about it for this chapter, i hope you all have a good day, afternoon, evening or night, hope you enjoyed this chapter

Once again please forgive this lowly author for any grammatical mistakes and I'll see you all in the next chapter, bye!

Words: 1361