★°••First Day••°★

'Thank goodness he didn't ask any questions..'

Aradia thought and got ready for her first day at the academy, truthfully she had not slept at all and then decided to get up two hours early to get ready

The red head on their way coming back thought Issac would question her about the fight but he didn't he just simply said goodnight and went his way, she was glad he didn't

Aradia put on the uniform given by the academy, the academy's theme colour was royal blue so it was only natural that the uniforms also had royal blue in them

The females wore black pants with a black skirt, the wearer can choose how long they want it to be, Aradia chose above knee mini skirt, they were paired with long flowy sleeves royal blue shirt that had a black border on the sleeves

The shirt had four buttons but they were only for show as the shirt actually tied on the side like a kimonos upper part and had a slight white border before the black one just like that of a kimonos around the neckline, there was a black belt with the silver buckle being the academy's symbol

There were two options for the outer layer, a long black trench coat or a black caplet both had a blue under lining

The male uniform was similar but a little different

They had black pants and a royal blue shirt that ties on the side like a kimonos upper part but instead of flowy sleeves the sleeves for the male students were fitted around the wrists

Their belts were just plain black but they had a talisman like decoration with the academy's symbol hanging from the belt, the male students also could either wear a capelet or a coat that was similar to a tail coat but the back didn't become pointy at the end

Aradia decided to wear the capelet after all it wasn't that cold for her to wear a trench coat

Rae tied up Aradia's crimson red hair in a high ponytail but left her bangs to frame her face

After that the red head excused her and left for her class






Aradia had almost gotten lost but thankfully she managed to find her class, the door to the class was decorated with silver and blue art, it was a really big door

The red head took a deep breath and pushed the one half of the door open

Upon entering she saw just how large the classroom was, it was huge; the seats reminded Yeon Haa of her university classroom not something that she had as a highschooler

Aradia went and sat down on an empty seat, Clara was not in her class, she was with the second year students alongside the MC but her and Issac are in the same class

Issac and Aradia are only ten months apart, Issac is sixteen while Aradia is fifteen at the moment as her birthday is yet to come

The red head searched for Issac but couldn't find him anywhere

She just hoped he wouldn't leave a bad impression on his first day...






"Are you alright?"

Issac asked the red head walking beside him who looks like she's about to pass out at any given minute now


The red head in question answered truthfully

How would she be alright? This sucks! How did she manage to get through this in her first life?

Issac had entered the class a few minutes prior to the teacher, the teacher first introduced himself and said he hoped they would all get along but after that the real hell started

The first class was political science, it wouldn't have been as bad if this was the modern year but deep down Aradia knows she is just making up excuses

The next was magic, Ellen was not their teacher unfortunately, he is the second and third year teacher

This class was also hell, the red head did not understand anything at all, but thankfully this time she wasn't alone as Issac also looked just as if not more confused during magic class

Now the students are going to have lunch, in reality it's actually breakfast but the academy made the decision of calling breakfast lunch and lunch supper

In the five story building, the first floor was for the first year's, the second was the where the dinning hall and library was located, on the third and fourth floor was the second and third year students and lastly at the fifth floor were the teachers and important figures

Aradia came to a sudden stop at realising something, all the students are together no matter the year which means.. the MC will also be here!

'is this bad..?

The red head questioned, well yes but also no? Yes because it could be troublesome having a more then mutual relationship with the MC but then again it wasn't the worst thing to happen after all there are plenty of benefits that come with having a good relationship with the MC

After standing still and thinking for a little while, Aradia came to the conclusion that she wouldn't go and start a conversation with the MC unless he was the one that started it or it was mandatory

'yes, that's good'

"..are you okay..?"

The red head snapped out from her thoughts when Issac started questioning whether she has gone loco

"Yeah- I'm fine.."

Aradia replied with a slight sigh at the end

"Hm.. let's go"

The doors for the dinning hall was open and two could just how packed it was, the dinning area was really big but it still looked full

The two went, Issac went to find Clara, apparently he had left before she had woken up just like the original novel and Aradia went to get food for the two

It didn't take too long to get the food because everyone here was nobel and would not fight like animals for a silly lunch unlike some people Yeon Haa had met

It took a little more effort then the red head had anticipated to find the table Issac was sitting at

But once she did she also noticed Clara and someone else...

Aradia sat down, Clara and Issac were arguing as per usual while the other person with sage green hair just watched the interaction play out with a slight smile

"You could have woken me up! I would not have made it to class today if not for- oh right!"

Clara looked at her two siblings and then at the other person before speaking again

"Guys I want you both to meet, Astolfo and Astolfo meet Issac my clumsy brother and Aradia my sister"

"Ha?! Why did you have to add clumsy with my name?!"

"Oh please, you-"

"Please don't mind them.."

Aradia said to Astolfo, the MC of the story she was in right now

He just gave her a understanding smile in return

"Nice to meet you"

Astolfo extended out his hand, Aradia shook his hand and gave him a small smile

This was going to be.. fun?




*Clara after getting lost*

Clara: that motherfu-

*Meanwhile with Issac and Aradia*

*Issac sneezes*

Aradia: bless you

Issac: man someone must be remembering me.. they probably miss me so much, oh you poor soul-

Aradia(thoughts): god please shut the heck up-

                                           To be continued...

Yoooo it is I, Yan how are you all? I know I'm not good anyway- I wasn't really planning on making the reveal so nonchalant? But it kinda just happened and I'm not changing it

Anyway I don't really have much to say today cause nothing's changed in my life this past week other than me getting sick so this will be all for this chapter, hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I liked writing it

Have a good day, afternoon, evening or night, and I will see you all in the next chapter


Words: 1,394