×`°•Illusion Mansion•°`×

The group entered through the large gate, upon entering they saw a pathway made of stone leading to the actual mansion that was covered with dried leaves

Actually the whole courtyard was covered with dried leaves and all the trees and grass were dead, not a single bird was on the many trees of the courtyard

A vail of mist surrounded the whole mansion making the atmosphere much more eerie then it already was

Despite there being no howling wind, the group still felt shivers with every step they took towards the mansion

The only sound in this vast space was the breathing noise of the group and leafs crunching from their steps

The mansion itself was completely black, you couldn't tell apart any details other than the main shape, everything was coated with black, no other shade or ascent details, nothing

One thing that was notable was that not only was the mansion obnoxiously large but it had a pointe roof meaning it most likely had an attic

Which gives Aradia the hunch that, maybe the thing she was here for is in there, after all that's how most of these fantasy novels work, right?

Aradia tried to remember when the mansion was mentioned and what happened during that time, there was no way something like this would not be mentioned furthermore it seems like this is a major part of the story for character development and new relationships

'just when was this part mentioned?'

The red head frowned slightly, did her memory really have to be this bad, she did remember some parts of the arc but not all of it


Mei took the lead and went up the few stairs reaching the large front door, it was a two partition door, each part had a lion's head door knocker the size of a grown man's hand, the ring part was also quite thick...

Ellen didn't give information like he had said but Aradia vaguely remembers that you have to knock on the door using both the rings but the number of the knocks had to equal to the number of the leaves

'great.. how are we supposed to do that?!'

The red head wanted to pull her hair out as she remembered that, really, she felt bad for the main characters, they had to do so much nonsense

But Aradia's thoughts came to a unerupt stop with a loud noise, Mei had kicked the door open..

'holy cow-'

Just how strong can someone be?






The solution was actually pretty simple, just count the number of leaves on the trees, which is no more than five at most six, it was never specified which leaves you had to count, if you were a madman then you can count the ones laying on the ground but if you had a brain then you can get away with counting the ones on the dead trees

It was called the illusion mansion for a reason, the moment they entered through the large gate, they stepped into the illusion and because of this illusion the number of leaves on both the dead trees and the ground never change in quantity, pretty fun right?

But what Aradia didn't know was there was a third option of kicking the door open but it seems that is more of a Mei special move

The moment the door was kicked open, the wind went feral, the violet witch was not pleased with their actions whatsoever

Regardless of whether she was pleased or not, the group still went inside the dark mansion

The moment they entered they were hit in the nose with a muddy and moldy smell, not only that but it was so dark, the group could hardly see anything at all

On the opposite side of the main door were two staircases leading to the second floor, from there was a spiral staircase leading to the third floor

The right hand side was lined with long windows, going up with the staircase, on the left were two doors leading to different rooms, on the very back was a out of place small bookshelf with a few books and some other things they couldn't tell what they were and aside from that the whole first floor was empty, there was no furniture or anything, it was just an empty space

The group decided to split up and check the whole mansion, Clara suggested teaming up but Mei wanted to get as much of the area covered as possible in a short time, as there's a saying, "don't ever stay in the illusion mansion for more than your welcome"

And so now they were all exploring the different parts of the mansion alone, well not Aradia because she had Lir with her

Lir had joined, but he stayed far away so he wouldn't be noticed by anyone, but..

'where is he?'

Aradia thought and entered one of the two rooms on the first floor, she was in charge of this area as it had the least number of rooms

Clara was worried about her and wanted her to be safe that's why she asked Mei to give Aradia the task of exploring the first floor

Aradia had been staying away from Mei the whole time but after she saw that kick, she tried to keep as much distance as possible...

To be continued...

I know this isn't that interesting but I have something to say to you all that's why, and it's very important that's also why I didn't add a bonus scene

Also a side note: I entered my book in the wattys 2024 so yay I guess

Authors note: Warning this is related to politics but it's kinda serious

So last month in Bangladesh war pretty much broke out, all university students protested against something known as "কোটা" to put it simply, after the independence war in Bangladesh, to show gratefulness to all the warriors they started this where they would be given money every month and get to go to good schools/universities etc but the thing is almost all the warriors are dead and so are their children but there are still their nephews/nieces/cousins left right? Now they will also get this privilege and normal students did NOT like that cause they are here working their asses off while some random strangers get an easy go when they aren't even the ones that fought in the war so they started this protest but our current (previous) president (bitch pm Sheikh Hasina)WAS NOT happy about and started killing the poor students and of course it was all over social media and so she stopped the internet FOR OVER 5 DAY it finally came back but it's really slow, although that bitch has finally said to the protesters that she will give them what they want, no more quota for the nephews and only 5% out of 93% if the children are still students will get an easy go, but even so I want to bring awareness to this fact because so many students have died in this and we all know (Bangladeshis) that they will not get the justice they deserve, more than 1,000 students died but the news will not tell that, they won't talk about just what they had to go through, in the beginning they were kept trapped in their dorms with fucking tearshells (a type of gas bomb that suffocates you to death and then they turned of the internet the only place they could tell people about what was ACTUALLY happening

The students were tough though, even when things were made so bad they still put up an awesome fight that they deserve recognition for

And they are still fighting, our president, to stop the students started killing them openly and taking them hostage, tormenting them physically aka torture but they are still fighting back in hopes that they will finally get that bitch off the position she is in now and the all the dead students will get the recognition they deserve, so many people died which includes: small children + teachers + normal people + parents

+ just any boy they find

+ reporters

+ females

People despite knowing all this were still against the FUCKING STUDENTS

Luckily people finally started to see that the students are the right ones but still we need more people

So many prodigies have died, we had a student who would soon graduate, he was the first to make a unique drone  of his own, NASA wanted to sign a deal with him so he could find a way to make the drone he made really light, died, another student, who was only trying to help the protesters by providing them water to drink was going to get married after he graduated to the girl he was in love with.. but he too got killed..

A poor student, who had to work his ass off just to study and was one of the best with top grades all the time, died protecting other students from the police who with guns were shooting everyone..

And so many more have died, they were killed like bugs, like their lives mean nothing, heck the military also got involved, and I mean both Bangladesh military and Indian military but they are against the students, only here to kill them

Now today, on the 5th August, 2024, we have won, the students have finally won, how?

The students decided they had enough, today they were going to take Sheikh Hasina down no matter what, they decided they will march to her residence and finally do something about her but an hour before the scheduled time for the march, a member of the military did a conference and said, he would kill anyone and any student that tried to enter Dhaka today, but in the end the students made it in (the internet was once again turned off so we don't know how they made it in, as of the time I'm writing this)and found out, she had fled from Bangladesh with her sister, leaving behind her position, we have won but the students have made in clear that they will not give the position of pm to anyone, only someone they trust

I'm proud to say, we have won, everyone!

You can go to YouTube and Facebook and learn more about what happened in more detail and who died

Words: 1742