"HAHAHA!!" Rogue laughed out in happiness.

The System reward gifted him the exact thing he needed to survive – the Max Revive!

"Rogue…?" Dawn was still in the dark about what's happening. All she heard were sounds… she wasn't even aware that Rogue had consumed the Lopunny raw.

"Ahem, sorry for the sudden outburst,." Rogue was a little embarrassed. However, he quickly suppressed it.

"Dawn, thank you for living through life and death with me… Tonight, I'll show you a miracle." Rogue took out the Max Revive from the System Storage and held it next to Lopunny.

With a little exertion of strength, he was able to break the Max Revive. Once it was broken, it's as if a handful of pixie dust was thrown onto Lopunny.

Dawn's eyes sparkled with starlight as the specks of Max Revive dust lit up the dark water pit that they're in.

The specks of light hovered around Lopunny for a bit before gathering all over her body. Lopunny's body glowed, it's as if its body is being used as a lamp shade for a lightbulb.

"So pretty!" Hope ignited some hidden strength in Dawn as she continued to hold herself out of the water.

"Punny?" The Max Revive worked its magic and the Lopunny slowly started to regain consciousness. The first thing it saw was Rogue, looking directly at it face to face.

Through the mysterious power of the System Pokeball, it could feel a connection with this person in front of it. It also felt like a servant, willing to do anything for the person in front of it.

This… was one of the effects of the System Pokeball. The trainer doesn't need to tame the Pokemon.

"Lopunny, can you carry Dawn and jump out of this pit?" Rogue asked his Lopunny as the Max Revive light dimmed. He was thankful that he used the System Pokeball on the Lopunny instead of the normal Pokeballs. Otherwise, the Lopunny might've retaliated.

Lopunny looked down at Dawn who's in the water and nodded.

"Pun~" The long legged humanoid rabbit stood up on the ledge by stepping on the sides of Rogue's body. Due to its strong and sturdy legs, its stability and balance is also great. It's movement was not impeded at all.

After standing up, Lopunny turned around and bent over, reaching for dawn.

As it bent over, its ass began to spread in front of Rogue. There was still a little small light left from the Max Revive, so Rogue was able to see everything.

He saw the Lopunny pussy and ass that looks like a person's. Lopunny's humanoid features didn't only modify its body to look more human… It also modified its ass and pussy.

'Damn, I'm definitely going to fuck this Lopunny." Even though Rogue was in a precarious situation, the thought still crossed his mind.

Lopunny didn't care that it was exposed. Instead, it continued to follow its master's command and picked up Dawn.

Dawn was relieved when she was finally able to stop using her strength to keep herself afloat. She relaxed her muscles, but they were still tense after all those long hours of holding on.

Lopunny didn't waste any time. It carried Dawn and jumped on the stone walls of the cliff, using its strong legs as a spring to get out of the pit.

It placed Dawn in a dry place above before coming back down, returning to its master.

"Carry me up there too, Lopunny." Rogue told his new rabbit Pokemon. The Max Revive light had already dissipated, so he couldn't see anything but a shadow.

"Pun Punny~" Lopunny replied and carried Rogue by putting her hands under his armpits.

Rogue could feel Lopunny's large jugs pressing against his chest as it carried him. His penis couldn't help but harden a bit. Even as tired and injured as he is, his libido is still running fine.

Rogue also came back to the 3×3 meter cave thanks to Lopunny's help.

Pitter platters of rain drops could be heard from outside of the cave. The leaves rustled in the stormy weather, and occasional booms of thunder could be heard.

From the cave entrance into the cave, rain water converged into a small canal and flowed directly into the pit. This was probably why the pit was full of water.

Rogue still wasn't able to see much due to the storm clouds blocking the moonlight. However, the occasional thunder provided him with enough light to see the surroundings.

Dawn was knocked out in a dry area on the location where they sat before. She looked extremely pale. Around her were his and Dawn's backpacks.

Both of their bags were ransacked. All the first aid items and necessities were taken by Crimson. The only remaining things are Dawn's pot and some of her under garments. His spare underwear were also left behind.

As for their Pokedexs, his' was still in his backpack. Dawn's Pokedex must've fallen into the water since he didn't see it in her pocket.

Their Pokeballs were taken away. Not a single one was left behind.

Rogue came up to Dawn and placed his hand on her forehead.

"Shit, you're burning up, Dawn." Rogue said to his unconscious girlfriend.

"I need to warm her up first," Rogue quickly unbuttoned Dawn's shirt, and he also took off her skirt and underwear. All of them were wet. Leaving them on will only worsen Dawn's condition.

Rogue looked at the nude body of Dawn, and he knew that it's not enough. He needed to do something more. It didn't feel right for him to just sit and hope for the best.

"Lopunny, please stay here and use your furry ears to warm up Dawn." Rogue told Lopunny. Its fur had reverted back to its dry state after the Max Revive reconstructed its body.

"Pun pun?" Lopunny went to Dawn's side and embraced her, allowing her body to sink into its fur. However, it looked at its master, wondering why he didn't join.

"I'm gonna go see if I can gather something to start a fire. Stay here and protect Dawn." Rogue turned around and draped his still damp sweatshirt over his head to protect himself from the rain.


"Need to find dry wood…" Rogue muttered as he braced the moderate rain. He had watched a lot of survival videos back when he was in the modern world, so knew some survival tips. One of such tips is to find firewood in the rain.

What he needed to look for is a small but dead tree that's still standing. The ones that have fallen are less likely to be dry on the inside during the rain.

He also needed to find one that's not so thick. After all, he doesn't have the tools to slowly cut down the tree.

Rogue checked the trees around the forest cave, but none of them met the requirements. It's also a hard task to accomplish because of the darkness. He had to wait until thunder flashed so that he could have that small window of light to observe the trees.

Since he couldn't find any trees that met the requirements, he headed a little further away from the forest cave in an attempt to find the perfect material. Though, he didn't go too far because he was afraid that he would get lost due to the darkness.

After walking for a bit, he heard something.


When he turned his head to scrutinize the noise after a lightning flashed, he saw a foot long caterpillar. It has a green body and a yellow under belly. It also has a pink hornish thing on its face.

Rogue immediately hid behind a tree after he spotted the Caterpie sleeping under a tree. It seems to be sleeping and hiding from the rain.

He observed the Caterpie for a few moments to make sure that it's really asleep.

"I'm going to be Bear Grylls and eat it." Rogue said to himself. He didn't really want to eat a Caterpie due to its squishy insect body, but he's currently in a desperate situation.

He wanted to consume the Caterpie to see if he can get any rewards from that System that'll help the situation.

Rogue looked around, but he couldn't find a good rock or stick due to the darkness. This situation was completely different from the Starly one.

'Guess I'll just have to attack it with my arms and legs'

Rogue decided.

He tiptoed towards the Caterpie, and readied himself for an attack.

The Caterpie was completely unguarded. All it heard in its slumber is the splattering of rain and the thundering lightning. It didn't even notice that a human had sneaked up next to it.

It was dreaming about becoming a Butterfree, being able to fly in the sky~

It'll be able to go anywhere in the world… out of this scary forest and possibly even join a flock of Butterfrees.

It'll then find a beautiful partner, and then it'll make lots and lots of Caterpie babies.


Caterpie heard a loud BOOM. However, it wasn't the thunder that it heard.

*Thud* *thud* *thud*


It was jolted awake, feeling immense pain. Its vision was spinning…

A flash of lightning came, and it saw…

It saw a human… holding the lower half of its body… without a head. Caterpie couldn't even express its shock before it died.

Rogue held the Caterpie's body that's bleeding profusely.

He had beheaded the Caterpie while it was sleeping.

It had a soft body, so he didn't even need a sharp object to behead the bug. He just used his foot to stomp on it until the head broke off.

The reason he did sneak attacked the Caterpie was to minimize the risk of getting injured.

He was already down bad as it is. He didn't want the Caterpie to retaliate and possibly harm him further.

After getting the Caterpie corpse, Rogue held his breath and opened his mouth.

The Caterpie was immediately stuffed into his mouth, and he bit off a mouthful of squishy Caterpie meat.

The moment the Caterpie squishy flesh and blood touched his taste buds, Rogue was a little amazed.

Psychologically, he couldn't take it. But the taste helped push his mind further into the Pokemon eating rabbit hole.

The Caterpie's flesh is a little sweet and soft, just like a marshmallow. It's like a dirty but delectable marshmallow. It didn't even have that sicky aspect to it.


Rogue swallowed the Caterpie and went for a second bite… then a third.

After finishing half of the Caterpie, the System prompt appeared.

[ Congratulations! You gained a Diamond Pickaxe 1x for capturing and eating a raw Caterpie! The chances of this reward being given for this Pokemon is 1/1000. ]

[ Diamond Pickaxe: A strong, sturdy tool made out of Diamonds. It can easily break stones, ores, etc. It's very durable. The Diamond Pickaxe has been stored in the System Storage. ]

"…. Bruh"

Rogue was speechless about the reward from the system.

It literally gave him a f*cking Minecraft diamond pickaxe. He had thought that the rewards are items only related to the Pokemon world, games, anime, etc…

He didn't think that he would really get random items.

If he thinks about it, though, didn't he also get some Pokeman Serum?

That stuff isn't from any Pokemon games or anime…

Anyways, the pickaxe won't help him or Dawn recover. However, it's still a tool that he can use to gather firewood from the larger dead trees.


Rogue managed to get some dry firewood from a medium sized tree thanks to the sharp diamond pickaxe. It wasn't exactly the tool to chop down trees, but it has its good points.

After dragging the dry firewood back, Rogue spent three whole hours starting the fire up.

Once the fire was able to stay lit by itself, Rogue once again went out to gather some branches to make a makeshift drying rack inside of the cave. He hung Dawn's clothes onto the drying rack, and he also took off all of his clothes and placed them on it.

He then changed into one of his spare underwear that's still dry. He also picked up Dawn's undergarments and dressed her up.

He was exhausted after doing all of this. If not for the nutrients from Lopunny's flesh and all of Caterpie's corpse, he might not even be able to move.

"Aahh… Chuu!" Rogue sneezed as he sat next to the fire. He shivered when the cold wind came through the cave entrance.

Lopunny came to Rogue and covered her master with her large fluffy ear like a blanket, trying to block him from the wind. Lopunny still had Dawn in its arms, and its other ear was covering her like.

"Thanks, Lopunny." Rogue thanked his Pokemon. Truthfully, he wanted to do some dirty things to Lopunny, but there were too many concerning factors at the moment. He'd rather put off the XXX stuff for later.


The boiling sound of water could be heard inside of the cave.

Rogue had used Dawn's pot to boil some rain water. This warm water is essential… It can be used as drinking water, or it can be used to make a warm cloth so that he can place it on top of Dawn's forehead.

Rogue turned his attention to Dawn and placed his hands on her forehead. She is still running a fever, and it's concerning him a lot.

"If I see that fucking Crimson guy again, he's dead meat." Rogue was determined to find that Crimson person after he got stronger. And that God Society or whatever… he's going to burn it down to the freakin ground.

"Punny! Punny!" Loppuny made a fist and replied.

"That Crimson person is the one that also attacked you?" Rogue asked, seemingly being able to understand his Pokemon.

Lopunny nodded and touched the area where it was wounded before.

"Good to know that we have a common enemy," Rogue moved closer to Lopunny to steal some body warmth from her. He had already understood the whole picture by now.

Crimson of the God Society must've been after Lopunny. That's why he tracked him and Dawn down. That's also why he took their Pokeballs. He must've been suspicious that Lopunny is in their possession.

The splish splash of rain continued to come from outside of the cave, uncaring about the difficulties that it brought. Its sound echoed off of the walls, creating a reverberating sound that was almost deafening.

"I hope this rain ends soon," Rogue sighed as he stared at the fire.

He knew that tonight was going to be a long long night… He didn't plan on sleeping.

Dawn had risked her life to keep him safe in the water pit. The least he can do is to nurse her back to health.


The firewood was running out as the sun shone onto the Myrtle Forest.

The chirping of Pokemon birds can be heard as the wild Pokemons awaken from their slumbers.

Lopunny had fallen asleep with Dawn in its arms, still using its body to shield Dawn from the elements.

"Mmphh." Rogue's head slid off his palm. He immediately jolted awake and shook his head. He's very sleepy due to staying up all night. He was also a little paranoid that something would come into the cave and attack them, so he stayed up to keep watch while Lopunny rested.

"YAWWN~" Rogue's mouth opened wide as he stretched. He still felt a little ill, but he was happy.

He looked down at Dawn and cupped her cheek. He could feel that she had improved significantly. Her body temperature has returned to normal, and she's sleeping soundly.

Rogue took off the damp cloth from Dawn's forehead and twisted it, making sure that the water in the cloth is excreted. He then dipped it into the pot of hot water before placing it back onto Dawn's forehead.

He had done this multiple times throughout the night to make sure that Dawn had the best care that she could… given the situation that they're in.


The rain had stopped, and sunlight once again lit up the forest. Rogue was able to see everything again, so he went out and easily found some more dry firewood. With the Diamond pickaxe to assist him, the task was easily accomplished.

He then returned to the cave and threw some of the dry firewood into the fire to keep it going.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

"Lopunny, wake up." Rogue gently tapped on Lopunny's face to wake it up from its slumber.

"Lopunny~?❤" The brown rabbit opened its eyes and stared at its master.

"I'm going to go hunt some Pokemon for food. Make sure that you change the warm cloth on Dawn's forehead ever so often." Rogue pointed at the cloth and the water in the pot.

Lopunny nodded. It had seen its master changing the warm cloth multiple times throughout the night, so it knew what to do.

Rogue exited the cave again. He wore his pants and jacket. He also brought his empty backpack along for storage.

They were still a little damp, but it's better to wear these damp clothes than to go out naked. It'll also dry faster because it'll be in contact with wind and sunlight as he transverse the forest.

Rogue immediately began his search for Pokemons.

The way he sees it, his advantage is the Pokemon Eating system. To get Dawn and himself out of this shitty situation, he had to hunt and eat as many Pokemons as he could to get rewards.

The rewards can be a bit random, but they are amazing.

Rogue crept through the forest for about three fourths of an hour, his eyes scanning the trees and underbrush for any Pokemons. He had masked his presence by traveling quietly and slowly.

However, the Pokemons seem to have already noticed his presence, and they were avoiding him like cancer.

As he moved deeper into the forest, Rogue began to hear the rustling of leaves and the chirping of Pokemon birds.

He even spotted some Pidgeys, but they were too high up for him to attack.

So, he continued his search patiently. He slowly advanced while keeping his eyes and ears perked.

"Oh, these are… Oran berries?" Rogue came up to a tree and spotted some blue and round berries growing on a tree. He walked up to the tree and picked one from the branches.

They're spherical and they have the same texture as Strawberries. He tasted it… and it tasted exactly like a strawberry. It's sweet… and a little sour. He can also feel the little seeds partying in his tongue.

"Huh? Why is this one so big?" Rogue looked down and he saw a blue round thing that looks like an Oran berry, half hidden in a bush. .

However, this thing is 20 times the size of the berries on the trees!

Rogue reached out and grabbed it, but it made a sound! He quickly yanked his hand backwards and retreated, a little startled.

"Oddish!" The blue ball wasn't actually a ball… it made a noise!

The blue thing turned around. It has two blue feet, eyes, a mouth, and leaves on its head. It walked up to Rogue to scrutinize him. It advanced towards Rogue with curiosity in its eyes.

"You're an Oddish!" Rogue said to the blue thing. He was looking for Pokemons to kill, and he didn't see any vulnerable ones… until now that is.

"Oddish~ Oddish!" The blue thing tilted its head back and forth as it observed the person in front of it. The leaves on its head also moved back and forth.

It then spotted the Oran berries on the person's hand and jumped up and down, screaming: "Oddish~! Oddish~!"

"Huh? Do you want to eat this thing?" Rogue showed the Oran berry that's on his hand to Oddish and the little blue thing nodded. He assumed that the Oddish was probably around the Oran tree, trying to find any Oran berries that had fallen down.

Rogue thought of an evil idea and tossed the Oran berry behind oddish.

"Oddish!! Oddish!!" The blue thing celebrated and jumped in joy, turning around to eat the Oran berry. It didn't have hands, so it was a little difficult for it to reach for any food. The only thing it could do is to eat berries and other stuff from the ground.

Behind the oddish…

Rogue's eyes turned crescent and his smile rose.

He reached both of his hands over his head and summoned the Diamond Pickaxe from the System storage. He positioned himself like a person who's about to mine some stones and ores.


The swung the Diamond Pickaxe down and its sharp edge sunk into Oddish's blue ball body.

"Oddis–!" The blue thing tried to speak, but the pickaxe had poked it from behind its head… right through its mouth.

The oddish's life passed away~ It died with its eyes still open.

"Yes!" Rogue brought the pickaxe up, carrying the Oddish body with it. Its blue ball body securely stayed on the pickaxe.

After successfully killing Oddish, Rogue picked a bunch of Oran berries and stored them in his backpack. He filled the bag to the brim.

He picked a few more to eat on the way back.

Whistle~ Whistle~

Rogue celebrated his kill and berry gathering with a whistling tune. The tune went like this–

"I want to be the very best. That no one ever was. To eat them is my quest~ To kill them is my cause~ etc etc…"

As he followed his trail back to the cave, Rogue stopped and looked up.

"Oh damn! How did I miss that?" Rogue spotted a Metapod resting on the tree branch. It looked down at him, but it didn't move. It couldn't move anyways, so it just used its Harden move to make its cocoon stronger.

Rogue quickly found a long branch and poked the Metapod down from the tree branch. He had walked by this thing before. It was so nicely camouflaged that he did not see it.

"Good thing I found this Metapod. This means that I'll get two rewards from the System!" Rogue wrapped his arm around the Metapod and continued on his way back to the cave.

Currently, his hands are full. He's holding onto his Diamond Pickaxe that has an Oddish. He's also holding onto the Metapod. On his back is a bag full on orange berries.


Rogue returned to the cave, and he showed the bag of Oran berries to Lopunny, and she was extremely delighted!! Lopunny quickly placed Dawn on the dry ground, and it gently placed Dawn's head on her empty backpack.

Lopunny turned around and pleaded with its bunny hands, and it made a cute face.

Rogue chuckled and gave the bag of Oran berries to Lopunny, allowing her to eat as she wished.

She immediately dug into the bag and ate Oran berry after Oran berry. It felt extremely hungry after all of the events that had happened.

Feeling excited about the upcoming rewards, Rogue immediately threw the Metapod to the side of the fire and allowed it to be slowly cooked.

Metapod immediately began to use Harden to protect itself from the heat, but it's Harden skill can only last for so long…

It eventually succumbed to the constant heat and allowed itself to be cooked alive. While its insides cooked, its hard outer shell protected the delicious meat that's inside.

Rogue then took Oddish off his Diamond Pickaxe.

He observed the Oddish body, and it seems that the blue thing actually has blue meat and not some fruity flesh. He held the Oddish up by its leafy head, and he shook it around. It looks extremely delectable.

Not being able to wait any more, Rogue looked around at the materials that he had gathered. In addition to the dry wood, he had also collected some green leaves and green branches.

Rogue picked up a green branch that wouldn't burn when roasting, pierced the Oddish's body with the branch, and he roasted it over the fire.

"Sigh~" Rogue felt that it's a pity to not have seasonings. Eating Pokemons without doing any actual fine cooking is good and all, but he wanted to explore the culinary aspects of Pokemon dishes a bit more. He also wanted to combine these ingredients with the recipes that he knew about from his previous world.

"That's it. I decided that I'm going to invest in some cookware and seasonings when we get to the next town." Rogue knew what he wanted, and he decided to just pursue it. There's no need to keep pushing the things he wants until later.

And to that thought of pursuing things… Rogue looked at Lopunny.

He wanted to fuck the Lopunny. It's very human-like and he wanted to stick his thing inside of it.

After experiencing the amazing sex with Cynthia, his mom, Rogue had already decided then and there that he wants to have a lot of sex. Pokemons that are fuckable are also on his list of targets.

He pondered for a bit before coming to a decision. Things are getting better now, and Dawn's condition has stabilized quite a bit. He decided that he's going to fuck the Lopunny while the Oddish and Metapod are cooking.

Rogue got up and walked towards the Lopunny. Even if he isn't at his best state, he will do it.

"Lopunny~?" Lopunny tilted its head, wondering what its master wanted.

"Continue doing what you're doing," Rogue said as came behind Lopunny. His shadow covered the human-like bunny.

Lopunny was startled, but it was too late to escape.

Rogue began the massage session by lightly running his hands over Lopunny's shoulders, applying gentle pressure and rubbing small circles with his fingertips. Lopunny felt herself relax into the warmth of his touch as he slowly worked his way down her arms. His strong hands kneaded the muscles in her upper back and her neck, slowly releasing tension.

He then moved his hands around to the front of her body, tracing the curves of her humanoid bunny breasts. He cupped them gently in his hands, kneading them slowly and using his thumbs to make small circles around her nipples. His touch was gentle yet firm, and Lopunny felt her body respond to it as a pleasurable warmth spread throughout her body.

Rogue moved his hands in wide circles around her breasts, lightly brushing them with his fingertips. His touch was gentle and soothing, and Lopunny felt her body melt into her master's hands.

Lopunny's interest in the Oran berries wanned, and she instead focused on the sexual activity that her master is putting her in.

Rogue continued to move his hands to the sides of her breasts and began to massage them in a circular motion, lightly squeezing and pressing them as he moved his hands up and down.

He started to move his hips from side to side, grinding against his Lopunny's bunny ass. He was enjoying the feeling of the soft fur and the warmth of the body.

Rogue felt a burning passion in his heart as he moved against Lopunny's soft ass. She's just like a farm animal that will let you do anything to her.

"Punny~" Lopunny became aroused and allowed herself to be taken control of. She was a wild Pokemon, and she knew that this was a mating gesture. It seems that it's mastered wanted to mate with it~

Lopunny allowed it. If anyone is to be her mate, it should be the master who cums inside of it and impregnates it.

Rogue's tongue flicked out and licked a wet trail along the sensitive skin of Lopunny's humanoid bunny neck, sending a shiver of pleasure coursing through her body. His hand moved slowly and sensually along her neck, sending further waves of pleasure cascading through her body.

His fingers moved lower, tracing a path around her torso, making Lopunny gasp out in delight.

His hand moved lower still, sending her heart racing as he lightly grazed her most intimate area. His fingers playfully teased her, sending sparks of pleasure through her body as his tongue lapped up the furry neck of her.

His other hand moved to cup her face, his thumb lightly tracing her lips as his tongue continued to explore her neck. It felt like a tidal wave of pleasure, and Lopunny found herself trembling with anticipation.

It was already ready for its master to fuck it bad and impregnate her bunny womb and allow her to give birth to little Bunearies.

"Lopun… Lopunny." Lopunny wiggled its ass trying to tell her master to quickly put his penis inside of her. As a Pokemon, it didn't really know about the concept of foreplay. All she knew is that she needed a penis inside of her.

"Since you're that eager to get started, let me entertain you." Rogue said as he got up.

Lopunny looked back and waited patiently to be fucked. It's bunny ass shook back and forth, wanting to be fucked badly.

Rogue took off his clothes. He became fully nude, and his erect penis pointed right at Lopunny.

But before he fucks the rabbit, Rogue leaned in closer to Lopunny's head that's turned towards him, his eyes filled with desire as he looked deep into her bright, hazel eyes. His heart was pounding in his chest as he felt the warmth of her breath on his face.

His hands moved to her cheeks, his fingers softly caressing her fur as he moved closer to her.

Lopunny placed her hand on the ground in front of her and completely let her master do whatever he wanted.

Rogue lips lightly grazed Lopunny's, and a soft moan of pleasure escaped his lips as he tasted the sweetness of her mouth.

He deepened the kiss, pushing his tongue past her lips to explore the depths of her mouth. His hands moved down her body, lightly caressing her body through her soft fur as he felt her everything. His arousal was evident as he felt his body tremble with excitement.

Lopunny learned quickly, and he soon felt her lips move against his, her tongue exploring his mouth as much as he was exploring her's.

After kissing the Lopunny for a few minutes, Rogue stopped. He pulled away from her reluctantly, his eyes heavy with desire as he looked at its humanoid body.

He stroked his cock with one hand while he pinned Lopunny onto the ground with his other. He didn't want the bunny to move around as he fucked her.

"Lolopunny!!" While being pressed down, Lopunny screamed and its bushy tail twitched. She wanted her master to fuck her ass right this moment! She didn't want to wait any longer!

Rogue also couldn't wait any longer and he immediately pushed his cockhead into Lopunny's pussy that's wiggling around in the air.

He slowly started to push himself inside her, the heat of her tight walls surrounding him as he filled her completely.

Rogue groaned in pleasure as his penis easily slipped inside of Lopunny's warm and inviting rabbit pussy. His long, thick cock glides in with ease, filling her up completely as he slides his way deeper and deeper into Lopunny's channel.

The bunny felt her master's penis tip touch her cervix, and she couldn't help but yell out: "Punny!!"

Rogue continued to move in and out, gently thrusting in and out of her tight wetness, gradually increasing the speed as he felt her walls continue to tighten around him.

He moves faster and faster, his strokes growing harder and more intense as he reaches her inner depths. Lopunny cried out in pleasure as her tight walls massage his cock, and Rogue can feel her inner muscles clench around him, sending waves of pleasure throughout his body.

With every thrust of his, a Pah! Pah! Pah! Sound echoed in the cave as his flesh slapped onto the thick ass of Lopunny.

Along with the flesh slaps, Lopunny moaned out: "Pun! Pun! Pun!!!"

Rogue moves faster and harder, and his thrusts become wilder, and before long Lopunny is screaming out in ecstasy.

"Ohhh yess!" Rogue also moaned. The pleasure was so intense that it felt like his entire body was going to explode. Knowingly fucking a Pokemon just made it all that much hotter.

"Lopunny!!!" The bunny screamed at the top of her lungs as her orgasm came. It completely took her over the edge, and its body tingled happily.

Rogue wasn't done yet, so he pumped her bunny pussy for a while longer.

Eventually, Rogue reached his climax and released a loud moan. He pulled out of the Lopunny, and the bunny collapsed onto the ground. White and clear cum dripped out of its rabbit vagina.

Rogue laid on top of the bunny and smiled… the pleasure still coursing through his veins. He knew that he could do this any time he wanted. He can fuck this rabbit whenever he wanted because its HIS Pokemon.

After a few moments, Rogue got up and looked at Lopunny. He gave it a pat on the head and said, "Good job. You did great."


Rogue laid on top of the bunny and smiled… the pleasure still coursing through his veins. He knew that he could do this any time he wanted. He can fuck this rabbit whenever he wanted because its HIS Pokemon.

After a few moments, Rogue got up and looked at Lopunny. He gave Lopunny a pat on the head and said, "Good job. You did great."

"Punny~" Lopunny replied as it laid on the ground. Sperm continued to flow out of its rabbit vagina…

While still naked, Rogue went back to the fire to tend to the roasting Oddish and Metapod.

After cooking the Oddish and Metapod for a while, an aromatic smell flowed through the cave.

Lopunny couldn't help but to take a whiff of the smell. It got up and patted the dirt off itself, acting like it didn't just get fucked.

Although she already ate quite a few Oran berries, she couldn't resist the smell of the roast Oddish.

Rogue noticed that Lopunny wanted to eat the roasted Oddish, so he didn't hesitate and sliced a third of meat before handing it over to the Pokemon.

Lopunny gratefully accepted the meat, and she began to eat the roast Oddish with great pleasure.

Rogue also began to eat his third of the Oddish.

He opened his mouth and chomped down on the Oddish's flesh, tasting its uniqueness.

The Oddish meat has a soft, buttery texture that melts in his mouth. Its delicate flavor is reminiscent of a savory and lightly salted vegetable tart.

It's good, but it could definitely use some improvements.

[ Congratulations! You gained a Sitrus Berry for eating a roasted Oddish! This berry is now stowed away in the System Storage.]

[ Sitrus Berry: When consumed, immediately heal 25% HP. This berry is so sour, that it will even wake up people who are on the brink of death. ]

"Wow! It's a Healing Item!!" Rogue immediately placed down the roasted meat and trembled. He can use this item to help Dawn recover.

But before that, Rogue looked at the black cocoon of the Metapod. He wanted to get his other reward before feeding the Sitrus Berry to Dawn.

Rogue poked the hot Metapod cocoon away from the fire and blew on it. Its sturdy outer shell had been burnt black, but he was sure that the inside should be cooked perfectly.

Lopunny looked over, but it turned its attention back to the roasted Oddish. It wasn't that interested in eating bugs.

Rogue waited for five or so minutes so that the Metapod cocoon could cool down.

Once that happened, he used his Diamond Pickaxe to slice open a little door into the insides of the Metapod.

"WOAHH!!" It's as if gold shone through the door of the opened Metapod.

Contrary to what Rogue expected, there was no meat on the inside of the Metapod. There also weren't any organs. The only thing that's inside of the Metapod is a sticky Marshmallow like goop.

When Rogue smelled the steam coming out of the Caterpie, he was transported to his childhood memories from his old world. He recalled those times where he roasted marshmallows over the campfire to make sweet and gooey smores.

There were also the times when he microwaved Marshmallows so that he could make rice crispy treats so that he could sell them like drugs to his classmates.

"I'm definitely going to make Rice Crispy treats with this in the future," Rogue said as he used a clean stick to scoop out some of the white marshmallow goop from the Metapod.

Rogue licked the Metapod goop and a sweet and creamy taste touched his taste buds. It was the same as the Caterpie, just stronger and more delicious.

Heeding no mind to the heat, Rogue continued to eat the Metapod goop…

And he stopped when the System notification finally appeared. Yes, the Metapod goop was tasty and all, but it's like candy. You can't eat too much or you'll start to feel sick.

[ Congratulations! You gained a Pokeball 1x for capturing and eating a Metapod! ]

[ Pokeball: Just a Pokeball that can capture a Pokemon. Success rate is as low as it can get. However, any Pokemon caught by the System Pokeball will unconditionally follow the orders of its trainer. There's no need to tame them. This Pokeball can be stored in the system storage, even after it's used to capture a Pokemon. ]

"Oh! Another Pokeball!" Getting the Pokeball again is a good thing. This means that he can give it to Dawn so that she can get a Pokemon to protect herself.

He could keep it to himself, but he already has Lopunny. He didn't need an extra Pokemon at the moment. He also wasn't that greedy.

Dawn is his girl, and he wanted to treat her right.

"Alright then… time to feed the Sitrus Berry to Dawn!" Rogue placed the Metapod cocoon next to the Oddish meat and went to Dawn's side.

He took out the yellow pear shaped berry and observed it. It has orange spots all around it, and its texture is just like that of a pear. Its size is… extremely small. It is the same as a large grape. He could literally gobble it up in one bite.

Anyways, Rogue looked down at Dawn's mouth. She wouldn't be able to swallow the pear if he just stuffed it into her mouth.

"Guess I'll just chew it and feed it to her mouth to mouth," Rogue mumbled to himself and bit on the Sitrus Berry. He had eaten a berry before, and as long as he didn't swallow the berry, the effect won't come into play.

But As he bit into the Sitrus Berry, Rogue was immediately hit with its intense sourness. It was so sour that his eyes opened wide, and his head shook back and forth. He almost wanted to spit the Sitrus Berry onto the ground due to how sour it is.

However, he braced himself and chewed on the Sitrus Berry until it's mushy before placing his lips onto Dawn's.

He then spat it out into her mouth bit by bit. He waited for her to swallow the chewed up berry before sending the rest in…

The moment Dawn swallowed the sour berry, her body began to shake.

"Ahh!! Sour! Sour! Sour! Sour! Bleqq!" Dawn immediately woke up and tried to get that sour taste out of her mouth.

"…Dawn, you're awake!" Rogue gave Dawn a tight hug. Dawn finally recovered and woke up. It seems that the System Reward did its job properly and healed Dawn to a certain extent.

"Rogue…? Did we survive? How long was I out?" Dawn sensed that her body still feels a little unwell. Though, it currently won't be enough to incapacitate her.

She returned Rogue's embrace and recollected the memories from before she passed out. There were some points that she had questions on, but she didn't plan to ask. She's sure that Rogue will tell her when the time is right.

After separating from Dawn, Rogue went to get some of the Roasted Oddish meat and the Metapod Cocoon.

"You've been out for about sixteen hours, give or take." Rogue handed the food to Dawn. He needed her to replenish her energy so that they could start moving again.

Dawn nodded and accepted the food, but she blushed when she looked down. Other than her undergarments, she is completely nude.

"You undressed me, didn't you!" Dawn snarled at Rogue.

"Hey, I'd rather undress you than let you stay in those wet clothes." Rogue shrugged and went to pack up. He planned to leave as soon as possible.

"I…I see." Dawn continued to eat. She wasn't too concerned that Rogue undressed her. She is a pretty open minded person. Since she planned on letting Rogue do her, it didn't matter whether or not he saw her nude body.

While she ate the food to replenish her strength, Dawn realized that her Pokedex was gone. All of the Pokeballs were also nowhere in sight. She felt extremely downcasted that her Pokemon was stolen from her.

As Dawn continued to look around the cave, she spotted the Lopunny chowing down on the Oddish meat.

When she looked closer, she saw cum dripping out of the bunny's pussy!

"Rogue!!" Dawn shakily got up and cried out to her boyfriend.

"Huh?! What is it?" Rogue got up from packing and came to Dawn's side. He was a little shocked when Dawn suddenly yelled.

Dawn pushed her boyfriend away before pointing at Lopunny and shakily said: "Get away from me! I… I can't believe you would do this!"

My eyes followed Dawn's finger and saw that she was pointing at Lopunny. When my eyes reached the rabbit, It was obvious that Dawn was pointing at the cum that's still dripping out of its rabbit pussy.

"What did I do..?" I feigned ignorance. One of the best ways to deal with angry girls is to pretend that you don't know what they're talking about…

"You fucked your Pokemon before you fucked me, didn't you! I'm so mad at you right now. Hmph!" Dawn crossed her arm and turned her head to the side.

"Is… that all that you're angry about?" I was appalled when I heard that Dawn didn't flip out about me doing those stuff with Lopunny. I thought that she would for sure be distraught when she found out that I did it with a Pokemon. However, it doesn't seem like that is the case.

"Of course that's it! What else would I be angry about? Are you referring to you fucking the Lopunny? I don't mind at all. You can do whatever you want to your Pokemon. I'm just mad that you didn't do me first!" Dawn puffed her cheeks while still acting angry.

"I apologize, okay? I was just too horny, and I didn't want to do it while you're unconscious…" I apologetically pushed my hands together and tried to justify my actions.

"Hmph!" Dawn thought about it, and cooled down. It's definitely considerate of Rogue to not do her while she is unconscious…

Though, she can't just become happy all of a sudden. She had to pretend to be mad for a bit longer so that Rogue will feel bad about not fucking her first.

Both of them spent an hour resting. Dawn had also returned to her cherry self after making Rogue feel bad.

By the time they were ready to go, the afternoon had already arrived, and they only had a few hours of daylight left in their travel to the next town.

They returned to the main road and continued to follow it. Both Rogue and Dawn didn't dare venture into the forest because both of them weren't in their best condition. They also couldn't risk putting Lopunny into battle because they needed it to protect them if any enemy or wild Pokemon decides to attack them.

When the sun began to set, they still didn't reach the next town. Hence, they made the decision to set up camp next to the main road…


Rogue and Dawn used Lopunny to keep themselves warm that night, and they ate the Oran berries that were piled up in Rogue's backpack to replenish their energy.

Rogue did think about having sex with Dawn, but she fell asleep as soon as they settled down. He believed that she must still be exhausted even though she had recovered a percentage of her health.

Hence, Rogue also decided to push off his intimate moment with Dawn until later because he was also very tired due to all the things that he went through.

For their safety, Lopunny stayed up to be on guard against any potential threats.

Once morning came, they headed straight to the town, arriving when it was noon. Since it was a major town next to the Mytre Forest, the place adopted the name and called itself the Mytre Town.

"Hey, you two! Are you alright?" A blue haired police woman stopped Rogue and Dawn as soon as they entered the town. She came up to the two because they look more haggard than most new trainers who travel here.

"Officer… Jenny?" Rogue almost bit his tongue when he saw the police woman.

Well, he had expected Officer Jennys and Nurse Joys to exist, but he always doubted it at the back of his mind. After all, he couldn't believe that so many identical people could exist.

Though… it is possible that they're clones of one another. The Pokemon world does have cloning technology after all.

"Huh, do you know me?" Officer Jenny said with a surprised look.

"Uhhh… I'm just assuming that because there are also other Officer Jennys who look exactly like you…?" Rogue said hesitantly.

"Ohh.. right! Haha… Here is a photo of my family. Each and everyone of them are called Jenny." Officer Jenny chuckled and took out a photograph, showing many Officer Jennys standing next to one another in front of a police academy.

Alas, Rogue became even more suspicious when he saw the picture. It's simply illogical that there could be so many people who are identical in appearance.

He felt that the rabbit hole behind this story isn't something that he can touch on just yet, so he decided to just brush it off and replied with an: "I see."

"Anyways, you haven't answered me yet. Are you two alright? You two don't look so good." Officer Jenny asked once again.

"We're not okay, Officer Jenny! Can… you please help find justice for us?" Dawn came forward and showed a sour face. She really wanted justice because her starter Pokemon was stolen from her.

Officer Jenny held Dawn's hands and replied: "Can you tell me what happened? I'll get justice for you."

Dawn nodded and explained: "You see, a person named Crimson from the God's Society attacked us and stole our Pokemons! We… We almost died in the forest due to his attack."

"Wait. Did you say Crimson of the God's Society?" Officer Jenny frowned when she heard the name. She immediately called in to HQ to report that Crimson is in their vicinity.

She then said: "I'll personally be a guarantee for you and help you ask for new Pokemons from your Professor. As for your stolen Pokemons, you two should forget about them. Going against someone of the God's Society isn't a good thing to do."

"Why is that?" Rogue asked, clearly interested in the God's Society. He wanted to burn it down to the ground, so he needs to gather as much information as he can.

Officer Jenny thought for a bit before deciding to spill out the information about the God's Society. She believed that it's better for the new trainers to know about them, so that they'll know how and when to avoid the conflict.

From the information that she has on hand, everyone from the God's Society are extremely strong trainers. Each of their members concentrate their Pokemon teams around a specific type, and they tend to go to the extreme to collect all Pokemons of said type.

Stealing Pokemons is just one of the things that they do. The most heinous thing that they do is to experiment on and mutate Pokemons. Their motto is… to be a God in their chosen path.

After hearing the information, some of the puzzles clicked together inside of Rogue's mind. It's no wonder that Crimson was looking for Lopunny. It's obvious that he wanted to mutate his Pokemons to look human, and Lopunny is a highly valuable specimen.

As for their Pokemons… Crimson had probably taken them in to experiment on.

After dealing with the formalities, Officer Jenny guided us to the Pokemon Center.

She went to call our Professor and tell him about the situation while Rogue and Dawn got checked up by Nurse Joy. She isn't a human doctor, but doing some minor checkups is no problem for her.

"I would order ten of these if they're clones…" Rogue muttered as Nurse Joy rubbed some ointment on his back and her tender fingers.

"Hm? Did you say something?" Nurse Joy thought she heard something and asked.

"No, I didn't." Rogue shook his head and pretended that he didn't say anything.

"Alright." Nurse Joy smiled sweetly and went on to check up on Dawn.

While he was left alone, Rogue thought about what he's going to do. Obviously, he wanted to go against the God Society, so he needed to be strong first.

Right now, he only has Lopunny and it definitely isn't enough. Hence, he decided that he is going to stay in this town for a little while and train while also getting unique items from the System.

"Ahem, Rogue." Officer Jenny poked her head into the treatment room and gestured for Rogue to come over.

When Rogue got up and went to Officer Jenny, she held his hand and dragged him out of the treatment room.

Like the horny dog he is, Rogue's thoughts drifted from getting revenge to Officer Jenny's thighs. Those sweet and luscious thighs…

Before he knew it, Rogue was brought to a telephone booth that had a video screen merged into it.

"Rogue, I've already heard about yours and Dawn's situation, and I've decided to give you a new Pokemon. You may also receive five new Pokeballs in the nearest Pokemart with the code that I sent to your Pokedex." Professor Hiashi's voice came through the telephone and explained.

"Then I'll thank you, Professor." I nodded to him through the video.

"Sadly though, I don't have a lot of options for you to choose from. So here are your two choices: The first one is a Piplup and the second one is a Honedge. Whichever one you choose, the other one will go to Dawn."

Two Pokemons were introduced through the screen, and I became silent. Of course the Piplup just had to come out at this time.

I hated that Penguin. I never really liked it in the anime.

"I'll take the Honedge. Leave the Piplup for Dawn." I came to this decision very quickly. For one, I hate that bird, and two… Dawn will probably like it more.

"Alright then." Professor Hiashi said and returned Honedge to its Pokeball and proceeded to send it over through a transfer machine.


While Dawn continued to rest in the Pokemon Center, Rogue brought Honedge with him and re-entered the Myrtle Forest.

He had already made up his mind to get stronger, so he didn't want to waste any time.

Once he entered the forest, he went off-trail and summoned Honedge from its Pokeball.

"Honedge!!" A sword and its sheath appeared and began to float on thin air. It greeted its new master with a sword shimmer.

At this moment, Rogue took out his Pokedex and checked the sword. He wasn't too familiar with Honedge, so he needed some assistance.

{ Honedge, the Sword Pokémon. It is said that Honedge is actually a spirit living inside a sword. Legend says that whoever holds its hilt will have their lifeforce slowly sucked away. }

Rogue thought about using the Pokeman serum on Honedge, but that's impossible. Honedge's whole body is a sword, and its metallic body definitely wouldn't accept the serum.

So instead of giving the serum to the sword, Rogue decided that he'll become a daredevil and try out the sword. The Pokedex did say that the sword will suck away his life force, but he simply didn't give a fuck.

Hence, he opened his mouth and called out to Honedge.

"Honedge?" The sword waved its blue cloth in confusion.

"You're a sword, right?" Rogue said as he reached out his hand to hold onto the handle of Honedge.

Honedge moved back and forth, nodding in confirmation.

"Swords are meant to be wield by people." With a slight pull, Rogue completely unsheathe the sword.

"Honedge!!" The sword chimed and the eye on its hilt widened in surprise.

As the blade of Honedge came out, its blue cloth reached forward and grabbed the sheath before wrapping around Rogue's arm. The cloth did its magic and began sucking the lifeforce of its new trainer.

Right when the cloth finished wrapping around Rogue's arm, he felt a slight tingling sensation.

Surprisingly, a system notification popped up to show him what's happening.

[ Caution! A Honedge had begun to devour your HP through its cloth. The rate of HP devouring is at 0.5% per hour. The devoured HP will can be regained through resting or medical items. ]

"So it takes five days of continuous usage for someone to die while using Honedge?" Rogue smiled after doing some quick math.

Five days is a long time, but he could see how it is dangerous for others to use it.

After all, they do not have the Pokemon Eating System that can spew out HP regeneration items. If one just relies on their natural rate of HP restoration, they might accidentally slip and succumb to death.

"Honedge!!" The sword felt invigorated with the lifeforce that it was sucking. It vibrated and hummed, wanting to go into battle this instant.

"You look excited." Rogue swung the sword down and smirked. He then looked up towards the unending forest, and began to walk forward as quietly as he could.

The sun shone down from above, cascading through the leaves and casting shadows on the mossy ground beneath Rogue's feet. The sharp scent of fresh leaves filled the air, mingling with the sweet fragrance of wildflowers.

If Rogue hadn't had a near death experience within this forest, the place would've become a beautiful memory in the back of his mind.

As he ran through the forest, Rogue kept a constant eye out for Pokemons to slaughter. He had a sword now, and he wanted to use it to kill a Pokemon.

And as fate would have it, a cute little Pokemon appeared in his vision.

It sat on the tree and took in the sunlight. It danced back and forth, wagging the leaf on its head while singing: "Cherubi~ Cherubi~"

Rogue decided to once again take out his Pokedex and check out the information of the Pokemon.

{ Cherubi, the Cherry Pokémon. All of the nutrients needed for evolution are contained in its small ball. Cherubi becomes redder as it is exposed to sunlight, and is almost ready to evolve once the smaller ball buds. It's redness determines its sweetness – The darker it is, the sweeter. }

"Interesting." Rogue salivated when he saw the red berry Pokemon. It's extremely red, so it must be near its evolution stage.

That said, it might be ripe for eating too since it's so red and beautiful.

Hence, Rogue crouched onto the ground and picked up a rock before throwing it at the unsuspecting Cherubi.

"Cherubi~!!!" The red berry Pokemon screamed in pain as it fell onto the ground. It cried out in pain because getting hit with a rock really hurts.

"Die!" With his swift feet, Rogue had run up to the Cherubi right as it fell. He then tried to kill it by cutting it in half with Honedge.

But before Rogue's sword could even reach the Cherubi, someone's voice suddenly appeared from nearby: "Koffing, use smog!"


An acrid smell of burning plastic and rubber filled Rogue's nose, and the air became so thick that it's hard to breathe.

Rogue felt like he was being smothered as his naval cavities were being stuffed up by the smog by the Koffing that attacked him.

As his Honedge finished swinging down, he could feel that his attack on Cherubi had missed. He couldn't even hear the little red shit berry anymore.

So, Rogue jumped back to escape the smog while yelling out: "Who the fuck did that?!"

Thud dum!!!

"It's funny you should ask, because you should prepare for trouble!" A woman stepped out from the bushes from a few meters away and began talking. She had long red hair and some white clothes that had a red R logo in the front.

"And make that double!" A man with purple split purple hair also came out and stood next to the woman. He had a similar outfit as the woman, and he's even holding a rose.

"What the… fuck? Team Rocket?" Rogue's mouth dropped when he saw these two. They're Jessie and James respectively… who would've thought that these grunts would appear at this moment.

"Keeh~~!!" Both Jessie and James choked when their catch phrases were interrupted. The boy already knew who they were!

"Hey! Do you know about us?!" A talking Meowth came forward and asked as it held the Cherubi in between its paws.

"I'm going to catch you, Meowth!" Rogue ignored the question, pointed Honedge outwards, and exclaimed when he saw Meowth. He had already made up his mind that he's going to capture this Meowth. After all, it's not owned by anyone, and it's capable of human speech.

In his dictionary, this Meowth is definitely a rare specimen. He's even considering eating the Meowth because he might receive an amazing reward from the System.

"HEY! How dare you say that about our buddy!" Jessie angrily said as she brought out her Pokeball.

"That's right, how dare you!" James chipped in and commanded Koffing to come protect Meowth.

"…" Rogue halted for a bit and considered the repercussions of my actions. He did indeed want the Meowth, but going against both Jessie and James might not be a good idea at the moment.

His trainer battling skills definitely isn't up to the task yet. He didn't want to underestimate both of them.

"Well, I can let the Meowth off for now… but what's the big deal? Why did you guys stop me from slaughtering the Cherubi?" Rogue asked with a frown. If anything, Team Rocket should be the bad guys. Why does it seem like he is the bad person in this situation?

"You should know why we stopped you since you know about Team Rocket, twerp!" James came forward and said with his hands on his hip.

"I don't. I just heard that there were clowns going around and calling themselves Team Rocket." Rogue shrugged, indicating that he doesn't have a clue what they're after.

"I'll tell you! We from Team Rocket work towards justice for all Pokemon… and our goal is to save all Pokemons from people like you who treat Pokemon as nothing but food and toys. Eventually, we want all Pokemon to be treated as equals and friends to people!" Jessie expanded her Pokeball and explained with an angry temper. She then summoned her small Ekans onto the battlefield.

"THAT'S RIGHT! And you trying to kill this Cherubi is against our ideals! If you battled Cherubi fairly and made it your friend, we wouldn't have any beef with you. However, we think that you're simply not fit to be a trainer!" Meowth placed the Cherubi down and patted its head as it yelled at Rogue. It also showed its menacing claws.

"So when we meet people like you, we will steal your Pokemon and make sure that you rethink your life!" James once again chipped in on the conversation.

"Fuck! You guys are supposed to be the bad people! How am I the bad one!? If you really got beef with me then let's battle! But instead of you stealing my Pokemon, I'm going to steal yours! Better yet, I'm going to catch that Meowth and fuck that redhead girl!" Rogue's eyes twitched as he pulled out Lopunny's Pokeball.

He was considering not to fight Team Rocket, but it didn't mean that he wouldn't. Considering that they're only using the basic combos of Koffing and Ekans, they should've just started their Team Rocket journey.

They shouldn't be that strong.

"What did you say!?" James, Jessie, and Meowth all fumed when they heard Rogue say such words.

"You heard what I said!" Rogue threw Lopunny onto the battlefield and readied himself for battle.

"Is that a humanoid Lopunny!?!?" Everyone on Team Rocket's team uttered in shock. They have heard rumors of humanoid Pokemons appearing around the world, but they didn't think that they would get to see one.

What's more, the extremely rare humanoid Pokemon is in the hand of a Trainer that goes against their goals!

So before Rogue began attacking, they huddled up together and began talking.

"Hey, I think we should steal that Lopunny for the boss. It's better for Lopunny to be in the hands of our charismatic leader instead of that vile twerp!" Jessie began the team conversation.

"I agree! We might even be promoted to officers!" James chipped in and agreed to set their eyes on Lopunny.

"And Meowth might be able to replace that despicable Persain! Kekeke!" Meowth cackled as he thought about the idea of being the Pokemon of their leader.

"Lopunny, Double Kick on Ekans!" While the three were distracted with their little meeting, Rogue decided to start the attack. He didn't have the patience to wait for them.

While Lopunny jumped towards Ekans, Rogue ran towards Koffing with Honedge and made a vertical strike on the purple ball of gas.

"Ekans, dodge it!"

"That's not fair, twerp! Koffing, use Sludge Bomb!"

Jessie and James reacted quickly when they saw that the twerp wasn't going to wait for them to finish their meeting. However, they were at a slight disadvantage since they didn't start the battle.

Ekans was able to dodge Lopunny's Double Kick since it's agility is extremely fast.

On the other hand, Rogue took the Sludge Bomb head on while closing his eyes. He knew that he might be poisoned, but he's willing to take the risk to kill one of the Pokemons of Team Rocket.



And as calculated, the Sludge Bomb blasted on Rogue's face, but Rogue was able to slice the purple ball of gas into two pieces, straight down the middle.

"FUCK YEAH!" Rogue said as he jumped back. His eyes were still temporarily blinded by the sludge that's on him.

"M-my Koffing!!" James knelt down onto the ground grieving at his now dead Pokemon.

"Ekans, ignore the Lopunny and attack the twerp!" Jessie decided to take the chance to attack Rogue while he was blinded. As long as she took out the trainer, Jessie knew that their chances of winning would increase significantly.

"Meowth will attack too!" Meowth extended his claws and jumped towards Lopunny.

"Lopun!" While not receiving commands from her owner, Lopunny decided to just fight against Meowth however she can.

Although Rogue wasn't able to see anything, his ears were still working just fine. He heard Jessie yelling out her commands, and he also heard a soft hissing sound escaping from between Ekans' fangs as it slithered through the dirt.

"Ssss!" Ekans slithered as fast as it could towards Rogue, intent on giving the boy a bite. But just to be safe, it slithered sideways, trying to not attack the boy in an aggressive non-linear formation.

When it got close enough, Ekans curled its body, before springing itself up and opened its mouth to bite a more lethal area on Rogue's body.

But just as it was still flying in the air, it saw Rogue smiling. It knew that it had fucked up!

"Go, Honedge!" Rogue knew that even though he couldn't see with his own eyes… Honedge still had eyes that have yet to be incapacitated!

Hence, he released Honedge and allowed it to attack the purple snake!

Knowing the intent of its owner, Honedge vibrated as it flew forward, aiming its tip directly into the mouth of Ekans.

Within milliseconds, Honedge's tip flew into the mouth of Ekans. As if it had entered a deep unending cave, Honedge's whole body became encased by the purple snake.

Unlike an unending cave, though, Honedge's tip pierced through the tail of Ekans.

Before long, the top half of Honedge's blade came out of Ekan's body while the bottom half remained inside of the body.


As Ekans fell onto the ground, it let out a loud screech. Immediately, its body went limp as the blood seeped out of its wound.

When Jessie saw the snake die, she backed away. She stared at the sight in disbelief because Ekans was the one and only Pokemon she had—and it died just like that, killed by this teenager!

"Looks like I succeeded." Rogue smiled before crouching down to touch and grab the corpse of Ekans. He held it in place, allowing Honedge to cut itself out of Ekan's body.

"Lopuni!!" Lopunny kicked Meowth away after exchanging a few moves and jumped back to stay beside Rogue, awaiting future commands.

Rogue heard his Lopunny coming back to his side, so he used this window of grace to unblind himself.

With Honedge back in his hand, he used his other free hand to scoop up some snake blood from Ekans.

After gathering a handful of snake blood, he slashed it on his closed eyes and mixed it with the sludge. After the viscosity became thin, Rogue cleared the sludge from his face and regained his eyesight.

He was ready to continue this battle, aiming to catch the Meowth. He also wanted to fuck Jessie…

But when he looked at the place where Team Rocket was standing… they were gone! They had taken Koffing's corpse, and they had also taken the Cherubi away.

"Huh?! Already escaped!?" Rogue said in disbelief. It couldn't have been a few seconds from when he crouched down to when he opened his eyes!

Indeed… Team Rocket is rather elusive!

"Lopunny! You think you can chase them?!" Rogue asked, unwilling to let his battle rewards escape.

"Pun!" Lopunny nodded its head, and entered a sprinting position.

She was just about to bolt after Team Rocket, but a shadow suddenly came from the forest's sky.


Up there in the bright blue sky, an enormous Meowth Air Balloon floated higher and higher. The balloon had Meowth's fur color as its main color, and it also had a golden emblem on top of its head just like Meowth.

On the passenger basket on the bottom, Jessie and James stood there with Meowth and Cherubi.

"We'll remember you, twerp! We'll return the grievances of our dead Pokemon some day! We'll also make sure to capture that Humanoid Lopunny of yours!!!" James said saltily while hugging the corpse of his Koffing.

"And don't you even think about capturing Meowth! Meowth might the one capturing you and putting you in a cage in the futureeee!!!" Meowth screamed downwards as they got further and further away from the forest.

"Cherubi~!!!!" Cherubi also screamed down, clearly dissing.

"What the actual fuck??" Rogue said speechlessly as he stared at the disappearing hot air balloon.

He couldn't understand how they got the Hot Air Balloon up and flying so fast! He also couldn't understand how they even hid a Hot Air Balloon in the fucking forest!

Rogue collected the spoils of his victory after Team Rocket fled. James had taken the corpse of his Koffing, but the corpse of Ekans still remained.

Since he still got the corpse of Ekans, Rogue didn't feel that it was too much of a loss. However, he really wanted to get the Meowth so that he could eat it.

"Anyways, let us bring this back to town…" Rogue returned both of his Pokemon back to their Pokeballs and grabbed Ekans by its purple neck.

He wanted to stay here for a longer period of time and capture a few more wild Pokemon, but the sludge on his face was rather irritating. Furthermore, he wanted to spend some time analyzing his first proper battle.

He wanted to ponder about what he could have done differently to have a better chance of a complete victory.

"Rogue, you're back." Nurse Joy scrutinized Rogue before continuing: "Looks like you went through an intensive battle."

"Yes, I'm back." Rogue also squinted his eyes at Nurse Joy because she didn't frown one bit even when she saw him carrying Ekans corpse into the Pokemon Center. He's still in awe sometimes about the moral differences in this world.

"Would you like to use the Pokemon Center's public bath to get cleaned up? I'll even lend you the kitchen to cook up your kill. You can use any of the spices and herbs that you want. You may also use the cooked rice if you'd like. Just make sure you also make something for me, alright? My break is coming up soon." Nurse Joy said sweetly as she pointed towards a door to the back of the Pokemon Center.

"Alright!" Rogue looked at Nurse Joy as if he had seen an angel. He wanted to do some proper cooking, but he had yet to buy the necessary utensils. Thanks to Nurse Joy lending the Pokemon Center Kitchen to him, he'd probably be able to make something proper.

Rogue then began to waltz towards the door that Nurse Joy indicated. He wanted to hurriedly clean up before going into the kitchen to cook.

"Oh, by the way, Rogue. Dawn is taking a rest on the second floor in room 2F. You shouldn't bother her yet and just let her rest." Nurse Joy added.

Rogue nodded and thanked Nurse Joy before dropping the Ekans off in the kitchen.

It took him a whole thirty minutes to clean himself before he returned to the kitchen.

During the whole process of cleaning himself, Rogue pondered about what he should make. He had a lot of knowledge about the different types of foods from his previous world, but the list of recipes in his memories is limited.

"Well, let's just start preparing the Ekans and think about it some more." Not knowing which recipe to settle on, Rogue found an apron and knife and began to gut the Ekans and skin it.

After that process, what remained was a slab of meat that was six inches high and a little over one meter in length. Of course, the insides were empty.

"Urgh, so many bones." Rogue sighed after running his finger through the Ekan's meat. He'd prefer it if the meat didn't have so many bones, but it couldn't help that it did.

Looking at the piece of meat, Rogue placed his finger on his chin and pondered. He didn't want to deal with the bone as he ate, so he was just going to slice off all the edible meat from the vertebrae and rib bone.

Cutting off all the meat from the bone is such a tedious task that Rogue almost raged quit halfway through. After all, he had to cut in between EVERY SINGLE rib bone of the snake!

"This dish better be fucking worth it." Rogue cussed as he threw away the bones of the Ekans. It still had some meat in it, but he'd rather not deal with it. He's only able to get one type of item from it anyway, so he doesn't want to keep eating the same Pokemon for too long.

Rogue already had a rough idea of what he wanted to make, so he scoured the kitchen for the ingredients that he needed.

In summary, the kitchen had some ingredients that he was familiar with. For example… oil, eggs, green onions, salt, black pepper… things like that.

However, this world didn't have some things from the modern world. The chili peppers that he wanted to use had to be replaced with the Touga Berries which had a similar spicy factor.

"Alright! Time to cook!" Rogue commented as he found a rag to tie around his forehead like a certain anime character.

Although not the best cook, he had most of the essentials down.

Before he even began to use heat, Rogue chopped up the green onions and Touga berries, ground the snake meat, beat up the eggs, and seasoned them up…

If anyone is listening to the kitchen at the moment, all they would hear is the symphonic thudding of Rogue's hand movements. Strangely, the frigid sound of kitchen activity was pleasantly rhythmic.

Rogue made sure that everything was Mise En Place – Meaning that everything had to be prepared and organized before cooking even began.

It took him roughly five minutes for him to complete the preparations and move on to the next stage.

The beaten eggs were the first to be cooked. While it was being cooked, Rogue made sure to continuously stir it to make crumbly pieces of scrambled eggs.

That aside, Rogue cooked the ground Ekans meat in a similar fashion. Though, it was coated with oil and cooked until it had a layer of golden crust. The original recipe doesn't call for it to be like this since it's marinated in soy sauce, but Rogue preferred the dish done this way.

Once the golden crust was finished, Rogue threw the diced Touga berries into the golden-crusted Ekan meat.

Instantly, a wave of spice wafted up into Rogue's nose.

"Mmmm… this smells good!"

Rogue couldn't help but grin as he indulged in the tantalizing aroma of the Ekans and Touga berries.

He didn't need to cook the Touga berries for long. Just fifteen seconds or so is enough. If he cooked it any longer, he and even Nurse Joy would suffocate due to the spicy steam that would rise in the air.

Hence, he took the meat off the heat and prepared two bowls: One for himself and the other for Nurse Joy. She did mention that he should also make some for her, so he decided to do so.

Inside the bowl, he placed down a layer of cooked rice from Nurse Joy's rice cooker. The rice inside was still fresh and aromatic, marbling like pearls.

On top of the rice, Rogue placed some scrambled and crumbled eggs on one side and the spicy golden Ekans meat on the other.

Right through the middle of both of them, a layer of green onions was placed.

"Rogue Style – Spicy Soboro Don… complete!" Rogue happily looked down on his creation. Just the Pokemon meat by itself is already tasty… so right now, he's dying to taste it.

"Rogue~ I smell something good." At the kitchen door, a head popped out.

It was Nurse Joy!

She had smelled the dish as she was coming to take a break, so her nose led her to the kitchen.

"Ahaha… good timing. You should come here and eat it with me and let me know what you think." Rogue dryly chucked before bringing the bowls to the dining table.

"Thank you," Nurse Joy said before walking over to the table.

As she observed the dish, she couldn't help but salivate. No matter how many times she'd eaten Pokemons before, she couldn't help but drool when she saw the perfectly cooked Pokemon dish. This dish in particular was one that she hadn't tried before, so she was very excited to see how it tasted.

"Go ahead, try it first," Rogue said while keeping his eyes on Nurse Joy's face. He wanted to see her reaction before eating it himself.

Nurse Joy nodded before picking up a spoon and scooping up a spoonful of rice, egg, green onion, Touga berry, and Ekans meat.

She then shoved the spoon into her delicate mouth and began to chew.

And the result… was her moaning in pleasure. The delicate and succulent meat was perfectly cooked, and the Touga berries added a delightful spicy burst of flavor.

"This is amazing, Rogue!" Nurse Joy said with a delighted face.

"Is it?" Rogue asked before also taking a bite.

As soon as the food touched his tongue, Rogue felt his taste buds dance in joy.

The rice was fluffy and cooked perfectly, the egg was cooked to perfection, and the Touga berry added a burst of flavor that was just delicious.

Rogue was finally able to admit that Nurse Joy was right, this was really good food. It's comparable to the dishes that his mom cooked!