We all settle down, Blue snatching up his food before relocating to my lap. I envied how calm he was. I was too jittery to eat.

“OK now, can anyone tell me what’s going on, please?” I ask impatiently.

“What do you remember before we found you outside the company building?” Papa asks.

It’s funny to think how fast my body slows and shuts down. I’m taken back to the time before I found The Dracons and I can’t take it.

“Deep breaths honey,” Mama says, patting me while Nona takes Blue from my lap.

“You are okay, breathe.” Mama coaxes.

“I’m sorry for bringing this up, but we have to, and Mel told me you were doing better,” Papa says looking tortured.

“I’m cold, it’s always dark, I’m always running and hungry. What has it got to do with anything?” I answer his question in a husky voice, trying to calm down.

“We tried tracing your roots but everything comes back nil, in other words, there’s no proof of your existence before you came to us.” Papa continues.

“I can understand that, I was a nobody.”

“But there should have been a trace, at least where you came from or your parents.”

“What led you to Draco Entertainment Mahina?” this comes from Nona.

“For as long as I can remember, I loved the arts. Music, dancing and everything else creative. I used to watch street dancers and listen to music played in the parks and just feel safe and at peace.”

“One time some dancers i had been watching for sometime, were really excited about auditioning at a certain company and curiosity got the best of me. I was also rooting for a guy I had a crush on in the group so i followed them and they led me there.”

“I wandered around the building then climbed the oak at the back and from there I realized I could see the dance studio. It became my hangout spot until the day you spotted me.”

“You gave me a heart attack that day, baby girl. How in fates did you get up there?” Papa asks, shaking his head.

“I learned how to climb things in order to hide, but getting there towing a beach ball inside me was no easy feat.”

“After we took you in, it wasn’t long before Blue was born and after seeing him, we did more research on you.”

I wondered why Papa was speaking vaguely until I realized that Mor and BH were still present and quite taken with the story.

“So, we did some research with your DNA samples but the results were…unique, so we asked for help from Faerie, and Eliane came,” Papa concludes gesturing to Nona Ellie, who takes up the mantle.

“When I came here, I was quite curious as t why they had asked for help and so earnestly too, but once I met you I understood it.”

“It took a while for you to let me in and trust me but it took me even longer to find out what you were because you were clearly not normal or human. I went back to Faerie for more research.”

I remember the time Nona Ellie disappeared, and I was quite hurt that she left without a word.

“When I came back you had shut me out again, but I worked hard to regain your trust and those TV Dramas you love so much helped as well. I’m now proudly obsessed too. It became a bonding factor for us and for that I was happy.”

“It wasn’t until after your twentieth birthday that I noticed what you were peeking through your skin. I was visiting the company and I came to find you. You were dancing alone in the studio. I decided to not interrupt and just watch. When you did a twirl then a jump, I was appropriately impressed, but then you hovered in the air for about fifteen seconds before landing quite gracefully. That’s when our speculations appeared more grounded.

“The second time, I found you singing to Blue and I felt the weight of it in the air. Another time you were out back gardening and the plants you touched shoot rapidly after you left.”

“Then just a moment ago I asked you to go let your mother in and you did, but I didn’t say it verbally. I spoke mentally and you heard though I had to push through your barriers.”

I stare at her dumbfounded, “Are you for real? Maybe it’s left-over Blue magic. There’s no way I am magical and look like this or be dumb enough not to realize it,” I continue.

“Most magical species appear normal until they come of age, which is usually during their twenty-first birthday,” Nona Ellie answers.

“You mean I have another stage of growth? I just barely made it through adolescence! I cannot believe this.”

“We concluded you must be magical, maybe hybrid or tribrid, which is rare, but you were definitely not human,” She continues ignoring my dramatic outburst.

“Why can’t I speak to you guys telepathically,” I ask, turning to my parents.

“We also realized that might all be you. Eliane had to push really hard through your barriers and she’s powerful; because you wouldn’t let her or us in.” Papa explains.


“Making a tel-bond is the last and binding stage of relationships, familial, romantic, or just plain old friendship,” Mor explains.

“You may have accepted us and let us take care of you,” Mama starts.

“But some part of you doesn’t trust us and hasn’t let us in completely, which is why the bond hasn’t clicked,” she finishes.

“We even blackmailed you into addressing us the way you do,” Papa adds with a laugh.

I close my eyes and search inside my head but nothing jumps out at me. Taking a deep breath I relax trying to look for the so-called barriers when I feel a tag that’s a bit faint. Following it, I suddenly feel happy and excited and a tad bit sleepy, the smell of jasmine overwhelms me, it smells like…, “Blue?” I ask out loud.

Blue, who has been silent till now, squeals and claps his hands.

“I can feel him,” I say, turning to Papa, “I ca…,” I tug again and he tugs back.

Come here baby, I send telepathically, and he does, colour me shocked.

“You must have bonded with him from the moment he was born till now, which is normally what happens, but you didn’t know it.”

I close my eyes again to try and look for the rest. This time they’re a lot easier to find now that i know what to look for. I tug at the tethers and hear gasps from around me.

Opening my eyes, I find Mama teary-eyed with Papa and Nona Ellie looking at me proudly.

“Wow, I really I’m magical. Now I can really be your daughter,” I say with a slight tremor.

My mama’s face crumples and she rushes in for a hug.

“Oh no dear, you were already ours the moment you cursed out Raphe for almost scaring the baby out of you, Your words, not mine.”

That brings laughter all around.

“Yeah, yeah, laugh it up folks, you do not know how scary it was.”

Papa had appeared right in front of my face in all his winged glory and I almost fell off the gigantic oak trying to get away from him.

Blue yawns jolting me back to the present and I look down at him, realizing how late it was.

“I have to tuck him in, it’s really late, I also don’t think I can take any more today, so please excuse me,” I say, heading upstairs, my head buzzing.