“Ok, got your uniforms ready. Don’t worry, I scanned everything about you so I know what you want and don’t want.”

“Wait, your cycle is coming up, weird.”

“Than a talking room? you don’t say,” I sass.

“I like you.”

“You do that to everyone you like? I don’t want to know what you do to people you despise,” I ask finally voicing my suspicions.

“What? Oh! The warm welcome, that wasn’t me.”

“Sureeee, can you really give me everything, like food, junk to be precise, I need those for the coming days, oh! And drinks too.”

“Sorry little phoenix food and alcohol you’ll get later, but I left you something nice in your room since I like you, OK, done!”

A bright light flashes in the room and I feel something drop at my feet. When I can see again, I look at my feet to see a stunning leather backpack. I grab it to check what’s inside only to realise I was no longer in my sweats.

“What the hell?” I ask glancing up.

“You like? I’m so happy you’ve got curves to pull off that kind outfit, you are officially my new doll.”

Yeah, that wasn’t terrifying at all.

“No one said anything about me wearing a bodysuit, though this does feel nice.”

“You have to put that on, it will help regulate your body temperature with you allergic to mages and all, there are more in your room with the rest of your uniform.”

The black and grey bodysuit kind of like a superhero’s getup. It covered me from neck to ankles and while it looked good, especially with the sneakers Dru had put on me, I was still self-conscious since it fit like a damn glove.

“Can I at least get a hoodie or a trench to go with this? I’m not really comfortable with every aspect of my body outlined like that,” I say and even I feel the tinge of vulnerability I had tried to mask.

It was hard to find appropriate clothes especially with my body type; if I wore fitting clothes, I was being provocative and got gawked at and cat called. But if I wore looser clothes, I looked frumpy and ugly.

While I didn’t want people’s opinions to dictate my lifestyle, I preferred not being leered at so cover ups were necessary.

“You are no fun," she replies but a second later I have an oversized white hoodie on.

“Thank you,” I whisper with relief.

“Anytime Mahina,” Dru whispers back, with something akin to understanding and I almost tear up, but I fight the urge.

“This everything?” I ask indicating the bag.

“Yes, your student and other necessary cards, are all there you are all set.”

“Thank you, Dru, it was really nice to meet you.”

“See you around new girl, you’ve got awesome taste by the way, and a banging bod.”

“That’s just not right Dru,” I say fighting a chuckle.

“Who cares, I wasn’t lying.”

I walk out still smiling to find Mor who is now joined by both the dean and Killian, she gives my outfit an appraisal but says nothing, neither does the dean. Killian looks like he’s about to say something, no doubt scathing so I jump in directing my question to the dean.

“Excuse me sir, but what is your name? I can’t keep calling you the dean.”

“Ah, forgive my manners Mahina, my name is Khalil Rathe. You can call me Khalil, though I like tall mother trucker better.”

At that, I stare at him my jaw unhinged.

“You can read minds? Oh my God.”

“It was irresistible, I must say your head is a wonderful place to be.

My face must show my horror because he hurries to assure me, “Don’t worry there’s training here that can help you learn how to blo...”

“Well, you are full of surprises little one.”

I just smirk at him not letting it show how hard it was to hold the barrier I’d just erected around my head. How did I even do that?

“Due to your circumstances, you won’t be getting a roommate and you’ll be in the black house,” Khalil continues.

At this both Mor and Killian gape at him.

“What is it? What is the black house?” I ask excitedly.

“It’s the VIP dorm, mostly houses the student leaders, exclusive to just those in senior classes. It also houses the professors and instructors, you hit the jackpot,” Mor concludes turning to scan me again, before she does the same with the Khalil.

“Well, Ellie threatened to hide lightning from me, so...” he answers her inaudible question.

“Where is she, by the way, I thought she was waiting for us to get here?” I ask while lunging for Blue who had moved from Killian and was doing stunts in the air threatening to give me heart attacks in the process.

To everyone who complains about raising children, try raising one with wings and no sense of self-preservation, I’ll wait.

“She will meet you later on, for now, settle in, look around the place, you need anything talk to Dru.” Khalil answers as he helps me steady Blue.

With a boop on Blue’s nose, Khalil walks off, more like glides but, semantics.