“I can come back later, I see you were busy,” Pretty eyes says from the door.


He points to the purple rabbit on my left hand and I’m sure if it was possible my face would be fire engine red by now.

“It’s not what it looks like.”

I get an eyebrow raise, as he walks further in shutting the door behind him.

“No, really, it isn’t mine.”


“Seriously, I found it here.” Yeah, that doesn’t sound sus at all Mahi.

“Relax, no judgement there, you do what you’ve got to do.”

He is now sprawled on my bed still watching me laughter dancing in those beautiful eyes. He’s stretched through the entire length of the thing and I get a chance to really check him out. While he’s not as tall as Khalil or Killian he still has at least an entire foot on me, as do most people to be honest.

With black hair to his waist, he looks like he’d star in a Xianxia drama, especially with how his long glorious hair is tied back, the man is simply a sight to behold.

“You done?” he asks, amused.

“Huh?” I reply dazed, earning a giggle from Blue who just came in.

“Hello, pretty boy, what are you doing here?” He asks sitting up with interest.

“Me?” asks Blue climbing into bed next to the pretty stranger, see what I said about self-preservation?

“Yes, you, you’re the prettiest baby I’ve ever laid my eyes on.”

“You are pretty too; Mama will like you.”

Now I sounded like a shallow bitch.

“Really?” he asks scanning me with those cyan eyes.

“Mama likes pretty people, like from the TV.”

“Does she now? Wait, what? ... Mama?”

“I practically raised him alone, so that’s what he calls me.”

That was the story we decided on; Blue was my younger brother and we were orphans so I had raised him since apparently having a child outside mating was considered taboo, which is funny considering how often fae are depicted as extremely sexual beings.

“Right,” Pretty eyes says.

“Well, I’m Axel Rathe, your soon-to-be bosom friend and your official escort as per the dean’s orders.”

“Rathe... are you, by any chance, connected to the dean?”

“Yeah, he got horny about twenty-three years ago and voilà, a beautiful man right here.”

“What’s horny?” Blue asks.

I turn to Axel with a glare, “Get yourself out of that one, will you?”

“Well, little man, it’s kind of an illness, one that makes people do...” He starts all serious.

“Should have known better than to let you speak.”

“Is there a cure?” Blue continues his curiosity triggered as if I hadn’t interrupted.

“Yeah, there’s a cure, your Mama is holding it.”

At that, I remember I’m still holding on to the stupid toy and I let it drop like it burned.

Faint amusement lingering in the air let me know who left it in my room, stupid magical school and its stupid sense of humour.