“So, she’s...” Mor starts but trails off.

“Yes, Mahina is most likely my daughter,” dad says with a sigh.


I realize I’ve yelled these words when they all whirl to where we should have been standing.

“Well, the jig’s up, thanks a lot mate,” Andrei mutters, undoing the veil.

“I’m not even surprised you guys snuck back in. It was weird how you all agreed to leave,” mom says, rubbing a hand over her face.

“Dad is it true? Is she, my sister?”

“All signs point to that fact. I didn’t want to say anything before it was verified, but yes.”

“Oh, please. We both know she’s yours, you felt it the moment she slammed those shields of hers on you, that kind of mental strength isn’t exactly common,” mom says, sounding Okay with the revelation.

“Wow, that’s kind of cool, means I get a little brother too,” I continue shelving the other concerns.

“Nephew, not little brother, Blue is hers, you might as well know everything,” dad drops another bomb.

“What do you mean? She’s not mated, how is that even possible?”

“You forget that she’s very much human right now. Despite a few select traits, it might have been possible,” Mor counters.

“Why would she say he was her brother though?” Rain asks what we were all thinking.

“We actually told her to do that, a single mother, especially an unmated one and from the human world would have sparked too much curiosity not to mention how we are,” says Mor her expression turning furious towards the end

I turn back to my dad to find him staring straight at me intensely, “Are you Okay with this Axel? I didn’t purposefully keep it from you.”

“Nah it’s cool. I’m actually excited. Siblings! I knew we had a weird connection; Andrei even mentioned her signature was almost similar to mine.”

“Right, well you should all get some rest since there’s nothing you can do now,” mom says ushering us out.

We all head back outside minds still reeling.

“Well dude, at least you know why you felt so connected to her,” Aziz says patting my back.

“I can’t believe Blue is hers, wonder how that happened.”

Nobody answers Rain as we all head into our dorm, due to our varying statuses we shared a suite in the black house... something I had also failed to inform Mahina.

The elevator stops on our floor but none of us walks out. I guess we all had the same plans.

I lean back as the elevator climbs to the top floor. Once it stops, we all make a beeline for Mahina’s room. Thank fates, she had added me to her access list.

I go to open the door when I feel something or rather someone else’s signature inside, bursting inside the room with the others on my heels I stop short my jaw dropping.

“What the hell man?” shouts Aziz, bumping into me.

“Oh boy.”

“Oh crap!”


Keon turns those glowing eyes my way from where he was standing holding onto Mahina’s tablet and I swallow hard, fighting not to drop his stare.

“Well, look who’s all grown up,” he purrs with a threatening smile.

I feel my friends stiffen as the glowing beacons stop on each one, even Andrei, and that’s saying something.

At almost the same height as the dean with curly black hair flopping around his face, glowing amber eyes that allegedly turned red when he was mad, a magnificent face and sculpted body to boot; Keon was a scary motherfucker, who also happened to be drop-dead gorgeous. I was man enough to admit that.

Decked out in all black though casual with his legendary sword hanging across his back, the famous Elven warrior rumoured to shift into a dragon scans all of us again, pausing on me for a second longer than I would have liked.

“We didn’t know you were back,” starts Rain breaking the tense silence.

“Uh-huh,” he replies, turning to the bed and flopping onto it carelessly.

I watch stunned as he lifts a pillow from Mahina’s bed and takes a sniff his eyes turning almost red as he tilts his head back.

“Are you here to help find her?” I ask and I wish I hadn’t as those eyes snap back to me. Did they have to glow? Dude was scary enough. Even his smile was scary, beautiful but lethal.

“What do you mean to find?” he growls and my bladder quivers.

“Uh, she’s missing. We are trying to find her.” Roan answers shooting me a glare for remaining silent.

“Who is she?” Keon asks again.

“A new student who arrived yesterday from the earth realm,” answers Andrei tilting his head as he scans Keon intently, “Why do you care?” he asks and I almost sob, Aziz doesn’t even bother masking his whimper.

Roan who had been silent the whole time smacks him on the head. Boy had a death wish speaking to Keon like that, even my dad was terrified of him despite them being practically brothers.

“So that’s why,” Keon mutters under his breath, then he disappears in the next second taking the heavy blanket of powerful magic with him.

“What the hell just happened?” Rain asks his tone betraying how nervous he had been.

“I almost peed my pants, Aziz murmurs.

Same bro, same.