When I sent them to get her, I thought they would finally snap out of it, but she must have altered them more than I had previously assumed. They couldn’t recognize her face at all. They even had their friend believing he was seeing things. At least he could tell the new face was familiar.


I hurl the snow globe at the edge of my desk towards the wall and immediately regret it, stopping it mid-air. It was my last birthday gift from my sons before they started resenting me. I place it back carefully shelving the pain flashing through me at the thought of my sons, and not a moment too soon.

The door opens and the snake, Garian strolls in; I hated the boy, I couldn’t count the number of times I have stalked him, even in his dreams to kill him, only to back out when I smelt and felt her sinister energy around and on him.

He walks in like he owns the place, owns me, a smug smile on his lips, maybe he did, it felt like it most times.