So, the Bright assholes were behind this.

“Weird of them to interfere against me…Don’t you think?... I mean, what would a ‘plain’ girl like me possibly bring to the table to guarantee sabotage?”

“I... I...” he stammers looking like he’d rather be anywhere but in front of me.

“Don’t be shy, speak your mind, I’m not sensitive.” I coax.

A scoff sounds and I turn to find Ryder there holding up his phone.

The murmur in the crowd grows as they get impatient; waiting for me to get to the stage.

I look in the general direction of the princes accusingly, only to find smug expressions sitting on each of the pretty faces.

Beats me why they would try to sabotage me and in turn their kingdom’s event. I had made it pretty clear that I didn’t care to win.

“If she has no talent throw her out!” A yell from the crowd jolts me from my quizzical sojourn.

“Yeah, she’s wasting our time.” Someone else yells in support. This feeds the crowd and the jeers increase.