It was a week after I had come back, a week since my parents came and papa and Khalil made up, and a week since I embraced my new family.

“Stop sulking, it's not so bad,” my annoying brother shouts from the side lines.

“Focus,” Andrei yells at me and I move my attention back to him.

“I thought you said you dance, is this all you got?” Roan snarks from next to Ax, while Blue played with his hair.

“You try waltzing in six-inch heels motherfucker then come talk to me,” I yell back at my wit's end and I could smack myself when Blue turns face lighting up, “Mama! bad word, Ro down!” He commands making Roan put him on the floor.

It had been Axel’s bright idea, to change the punishment from ice cream rewards to the perpetrator caught cursing near Blue doing twenty crunches.

Given how the past two days had gone, I was well on my way to earning a six-pack.

“Yes, princess drop and give me twenty,” Andrei snarks letting go of me and moving back to create space.