Despite our varied efforts including Nona Ellie’s, and both my parents who were back in Auckland, but had videoed in; Blue doesn’t answer our burning question. In fact, the boy acts like we had all somehow imagined that little statement, and was now being his child-like self, which in itself was concerning. I wasn’t kidding when I said the child did things no one his age should be able to do, magic or not.

“Your baby is weird,” Mor mutters from where she’s lounging next to me in the dean’s office where we had all moved to.

Tell me something I didn’t know, “I prefer to call it unique, he’s an enigma, one I’m glad I got.”

“Well, since this is going nowhere, why don’t we all head back to class?” Killian declares standing up as he fixes his eyes on Ax and me daring us to argue.

I move to kiss Blue goodbye and the kid jumps up clinging to me like a little monkey.