We are all lying back trying to catch our breath from the bounty Andrei had appeared with, or at least Blue, Damon, Aarya and I are, the rest are hashing out the details of a dance they’d been working on.
“I can’t believe I’m in THE house! All thanks to you dear princess,” Damon states nudging me.
“I don’t get it, I really don’t, they are all stupid, other than their bloodlines, they have nothing going,” I huff.
“Ouch Drac, only you would say that, for the rest of the school we are BFD,” my brother grumbles from where he’s standing.
“I don’t want to ask but I’ve got to, what’s BFD?” I ask.
“Big Freaking Deal,” Aziz pipes up.
“Freaking?” Aarya asks with a smirk.
With a pointed glare at Blue, Roan answers, “Yeah, freaking, because that kid has me well on my way to getting washboard abs, I can’t remember the last time I had to be on my best behaviour.”
“You are welcome Ro,” Blue pipes up where he’s snuggled on my lap.