“What did you do, you bitch?” I ask feeling an inferno building inside me, but I tamp it down.
“I…. I…”
“Mahi, you’ve got to calm down, she can’t tell us what she knows if she’s dead.”
I turn to Axel trying hard to control myself since he was right.
I could feel the fire burning inside me demanding to be let out, fuelled by my fear and rage.
It was taking all of me to hold it in.
“Where did they take him?” I ask again.
“I don’t know I swear, I just let them in.” Niamh replies fear seeping into her now.
“You let them in knowing very well the school’s magic left them out for a reason?” demands Nona Ellie sounding every bit the queen she was.
“I just wanted her to learn a lesson, I didn’t know they would take the kid and hurt the pixies.”
A dead calm settled over me then as I studied her, “You are lying Stephanie, you knew they would harm him and the pixies too.”