20. Bishop and the Young Man (11)

Arms sales have always been political matters, with underlying political meanings like support and aligning with sides. It's normal to take it seriously, but... Three admirals... Are they here to show off the stars on their shoulders or the medals on their chests?

Because of confusion and surprise, Tyr missed a few details.

The threadbare edge of the admirals' trim hats, the worn corners of their uniforms, the dulled color of their medals, and so on. Finally, and least forgivably overlooked, were a pair of eyes at the back of the welcoming party; gloomy and burning.

"This is Yury Ivanovich Makarov, the head of the shipyard."

As Gorchak introduced the old man reverentially, the baron beside him seemed somewhat uncomfortable, looking in another direction.

Li Lin shook the calloused rough hand and, under the gaze of the old man's stubbornness and grief, the boy politely said:

"Nice to meet you."

—If Captain was more respectful, Li Lin didn't mind addressing him correctly.