3. Impressions of Lutèce (12)

"How come it's you guys?"

Roland posed his question bluntly. This arrangement was beyond unexpected, it had a suspicious stench to it.

"Sorry to interrupt your blissful life of adoration from both sides."

"Tristan..." Kurt Parsifal smiled wryly, pulling at his sharp-tongued companion, and then said: "Our annual leave is almost here, our recent work is basically completed, so our superiors instructed us to take our annual vacation, accompany you to tour Lutèce, and check if you need any help in your daily life."

"How thoughtful."

His face wore a faint smile, but internally he was thinking, "Like hell I'd believe that horrible man."

Kurt Parsifal and Tristan were officers currently serving in the Defence Force. With continuous military spending and crunching budgets, officers—even if on vacation—mostly stayed in Alfheim.

It was possible that they simply wanted to catch up and have fun with an old classmate during their annual leave, but it was more likely a special arrangement.