11. Wind. Two Six (Forty)

"Fixing completed!"

"Lift descending!"

Ground crewmen clad in deep blue jumpsuits echo the commands loudly as the hydraulically operated jack stands separated from the rocket launchers and gently descended. Sitting in his ground support vehicle, the team leader snuck a glance at the Lieutenant behind him. The second hand of the stop-watch ticked away ruthlessly as the young maintenance worker swallowed hard.

"6 minutes and 48 seconds."

The Lieutenant shook his head, his face impassive. The heavy motion nearly gave the maintenance crewman a heart attack that welled up in his throat. Before they could prepare themselves, they were in the eye of a storm.

"Team leader of the third team! What kind of soldiers are you leading? Performing arts soldiers from the cultural work team? Cooks from the catering team? Like a bunch of hapless bears! More than six minutes to prepare for missile launch!? How much time would that cost in a battle? How many brothers would that kill!!…"