13. Duchy (Part Two)

Quick, aggressive Duchy language pierced through the noise ahead, a shocking volley of curses that made one's ears ache. Observing the two groups about to engage in fierce bickering, Pasiphael sighed and turned to ask:

"Do troubles like this happen around here often?"

"Pretty much, sometimes there are no kind words involved at all. After all, it isn't really a village whose citizens are known for upholding the law, police calling, and lawyering about."

Mila replied with a bitter smile.

Beasts were not as backward and barbaric as they seemed to be or as legends described. Otherwise, they wouldn't have established a country that has been at odds with the Human Faction for thousands of years. However, the beast factor in the blood of the beasts was too potent which reflected not only in their appearances and physical strength but also in their intense emotional swings.