14. Admiral Gorchak the Fearless (Part 2)

"Set at 5 meters, release!"

With a whistle, a black lump of iron slid down the track into the water. The anchor-detached bottom and spherical part separated, and the black lump with several short tentacles floated up. When it was 5 meters away from the sea surface, it jerked to a halt. The large iron ball pulled by the iron chain was fixed in the icy water, and there were several similar black lumps not far away.

"Alexander Vasilyevich, do these things really work?"

Deputy Captain Stepan Kof muttered in a low voice. As a major in his 50s, like most naval officers, his mind was rigid and sluggish. He had an almost instinctive distrust of new weapons and machinery, especially when these things were purchased from foreign companies at a high price. His sense of patriotism made it hard for him to accept this.