19. The Burning Istel River (Part 7)_2

Considering the previous attack and defense of the city walls, this view was not without merit. The Republican Defense Forces were a temporarily organized military, lacking in training, composed mostly of farmers who had only fired a few rounds at targets, with shooting skills so poor that even bear cubs could regain confidence. The danger seemed nonexistent in pursuing such a disorganized rabble.

But everything is relative, and a clever commander always creates opportunities to compensate for his troops' deficiencies, to put it more bluntly...

Major Nickelson was leading 50 soldiers in pursuit of fewer than 20 targets. They were squeezed into a narrow alley until they reached a well-prepared barricade at the end of their visibility. A group of angry insurgents were aiming their guns at them. Those rabbit-like cunning targets also stopped at this moment, turning their gun barrels towards the major.
