20. Mask (Part 9)_2

"Reckless and irresponsible toward the lives of others, and equally irresponsible toward your own, hiding behind the mask of a 'avenger' to vent your dissatisfaction and unease with the situation—is this not sheer madness?"

"Enough! Go to hell!"

The irate roar coincided with the action; the Beam Axe Sword had appeared above Roland by the time he finished his last word. Almost simultaneously, a bright red steel cylinder rolled in front of Azdahak, and without hesitation, the water elf split the dry-ice fire extinguisher in two, blocking Azdahak's path with a column of freezing water.

"Now, do it!"

A petite figure leaned out from the carriage, the thunderous noise and blinding light consuming the space, as bolts of lightning struck Azdahak with pinpoint accuracy, exploding violently upon impact.

When the intense light subsided, the explosive noise radiated far into the distance, and the acrid smoke spread all around.

"Cough cough... Did you really have control over the output?"