Actors (4)

Outstretched palm reaching for the dazzling starscape, clasping tightly, it seemed as if he had grasped all the unattainable shimmer and glory within his hand.

It was just like a child reaching for a toy.

Coming back to his senses, Lieutenant Reinhardt Gilfeis couldn't help but find his childish behavior amusing, when a voice from behind asked, "Admiring the stars?"

Turning his gaze, a red-haired young man was greeting him with a properly polite smile.


The graceful, blonde youth flashed a somewhat awkward smile, a beauty inherited from his lineage, and with his blushing cheeks, even the girls of his own kin, used to handsome men, would scream in delight at his next move, which would have many a lady with particular tastes daydreaming.

His palm touched the top of his friend's head, moved parallel, then swept high over his own head.