7. The Day of the White Rose on the Battlefield (Part Three)

A mad pilgrimage;

A march toward death;

This is the most vivid summary of the Titans' side in the battle for Concord Plaza.

Roaring, bellowing, running, crawling, they savaged the city streets without heed. Even when slashed by swords or hit by bullets, they never stopped moving as long as they still breathed. From a distance, they resembled pilgrims eternally journeying to a holy land or ants swarming towards bait.

An officer who believes in 'troops should form neat battle lines and charge unflinchingly into the hail of bullets' might be moved to tears by this scene, and then grab the platoon commander by the collar and slap him across the face.

'Damn it, what the hell is this? Can't they even charge properly anymore?'

Unfortunately, there were no 'hot-blooded soldiers' to ask this question, and none of the Titans could answer.