7. The Day of the White Rose on the Battlefield (Part Nine)

"You mentioned 'hoping for the hero to don the armor they forged with their own hands'—that has come true, hasn't it? Isn't the young lady herself a hero?"

"There are all sorts of heroes."

With his back to his disciple, Lorentz's tone was heavy and awkward.

"For example, in the current capital, those ordinary people who support each other and strive to minimize the disaster zone can also be called 'unsung heroes'. In the aberrant world known as the 'battlefield', where killing more earns more praise, there also exists a thirst for 'heroes'. To the citizens hoping to extinguish the blazing fires and capture the villains, the whelps who stand up for them are indeed tangible and touchable heroes. When the dust settles and the government needs to calm the populace, even an easily acceptable billboard can be called a 'hero'."