13. Weakness and Strength (10)

They sat down, clasped their hands together, closed their eyes, and bowed their heads after setting down the food.

Roland did the same.

"May everyone honor the name of God as holy, may God's kingdom come."

The familiar Lord's Prayer, recited by subjects of any nation who believe in the absolute God before meals.

In the birthplace of faith, where belief is most firm, it is unsurprising to hear this.


"May God's will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation."

To Roland, it seemed overly devout, even containing a hint of coldness that was incompatible with himself.

"Deliver us from evil (Sed libera nos a malo)."

As the low chant of prayer concluded, that hint of discord vanished, and surrounded by the warm, affectionate smiles of the Romanov couple, Roland reincorporated into that reassuring and cozy atmosphere.
