13. Weakness and Strength (14)

The Day of Wrath, the time of the end,

Just as foretold by David and Hivera,

All things between heaven and earth turn to ashes.

——From the lyrics of the Requiem "The Day of Wrath"


The boundary between inevitability and chance is actually quite blurred.

What seems inevitable contains elements of chance, and what seems coincidental, when stripped away, reveals the inevitable.

Roland's awakening was the result of a complex interplay of both chance and inevitability.

Due to prolonged exposure to various "fatherly cooking" that could superbly serve as biochemical weapons, Roland's body had developed considerable resistance to poisons and anesthetics; coupled with his body being in recovery, he could not eat much food, and he consumed only a little bread and wine laced with sleeping pills; finally, the most critical and decisive element was the communication spell attempting to be imprinted in his mind.