13. Weakness and Strength (19)

How should one describe the scene before them?





In the dead silence of extinction, the ever-changing spectrum of rainbow light covered the entire Holy City, with a calm yet gentle song weaving the only sound in the World of Silence.

Any adjective seemed fitting for a scene like the day of creation by the gods; devout believers would likely kneel in reverence, intoxicated by the melodic song.

However... none who stood and watched this scene could feel moved.

No matter how beautiful the spectrum, no matter how tender the song, what was infused within was still pure destruction—not even malice, just a simple force to silence the world and obliterate life.

No matter how sweet, death was still death, and it could not possibly involve any sentiments or happiness. Not to mention, the scale of death here was measured in "tens of thousands."

The entire Holy City was now soundless.

The ones singing were not human.