16. Fortress VS Fortress (Forty-Eight)

"Is this the place?"

Spider repeatedly looked over the narrow, airtight door, unable to associate the shabby little door, resembling a toilet utility room or an employee lounge, with the core of the Isherlon Battery. Giving up her efforts, the female agent turned and asked:

"Could you have mistaken?"

"Absolutely not."

The person who had been hanging his head all this time lifted it and glanced around with an unkempt face, muttering in a neurotic, low voice:

"This is the place you are looking for. I haven't actually gone inside, but I saw the inside when the maintenance passage was open. There are things like storage lockers or changing lockers, at least thousands of them."

Perhaps it was the man's way of speaking or the fact that he himself possessed some annoying qualities, but the expressions of the commandos on guard twitched simultaneously.

Their reaction was not strange.