20. The Die is Cast! (23)

Cruelty, too, comes in different forms.

Cruelty born of necessity;

Innate cruelty;

Cruelty molded by the environment;

Helpless cruelty;

And then there's cruelty that comes straight from the heart—pure and innocent.

"To get my hands on a toy like this, I'm so moved I could cry."

Not feeling the bitterness, unable to feel sorrow—not understanding or even capable of feeling these emotions, let alone empathizing with the pain of others.

"What to play with, how to play with it, I'm both looking forward to it and troubled by it. But what troubles me the most is 'How best to break it' and 'What expression would a proud former princess make when broken.' Just thinking about it fills me with anticipation."

A childlike innocence, a smile devoid of any malice.

In the face of Sloth's performance, Fafnir couldn't even muster the interest to reproach or snark.